Information Page...

This is the information page. Here I will post both questions that are e-mailed to me and the answers to those questions if I can find the correct information. If you have any questions, or would like to respond to one of the e-mails found here, please e-mail and tell me so I can post the information for everyone to read.


I recently received an e-mail asking me for information about two of Vlad Tepes descendants. Their names are Shatar and Dehesia. Any information about these two would be greatly appriciated.


I am in need of a few histories of some clans for my page still. They include Toreador, Ventrue, Malkavian, Lasombra, Tzimisce and Ravnos. If ANYONE has ANY information on these clans, please e-mail it to me. Remember to leave your name and URL if you have a web page so that I can reference you at the end of the page. Thank you.


I would like to add a poetry page to the site. If anyone has any poetry which they have written, or if there is a specific poem you would like to see on the page, please e-mail the poetry to me. I would like to stick to poetry that would go with the page, ie. Dark poetry.