What Scares You Most...?

Creatures that go "bump in the night" were not always a fasination of mine. Up until about grade seven, when my friend Marc introduced me to Vampire movies, I was scared to death of anything that was considered to be a creature of the night. The first Vampire movie that I watched had such cheesie make-up and effects that I actually found myself laughing through some parts. That kind of ridded my fears of Vampires. (If you ask me though, no matter how cheesie the effects, Dracula climbing down the walls of buildings still freaks me out)

This page will attempt to explain Vampires: Their origins, the different Vampire Clans and Dracula as both a myth and reality.

This page is dedicated to the King Of Harts, the great Owen Hart. As I am a large wrestling fan, and also a big fan of Owen Hart, his death saddens me, just as I am sure it does the rest of his fans. We will all miss the King Of Harts.

Site last updated on September 3, 2006
"Glossary (E,L,&M) Page Updated"

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