About Me...

It's pretty obvious that I really like to talk about Vampires, but there are other interests I have which I would like to share. I'm a huge Science Fiction and Fantasy freak, so it is safe to say that Vampires are right up my ally of interest. Aside from my reading about Vampires, I also really enjoy Fantasy novels such as David Eddings and Terry Brooks. My all time favorite, however, would have to be Raymond E. Feist, author of the Rift War and Serpent War Sagas. They are my absolute favorite. I also LOVE Garfield comics. They ROCK!

Who am I exactly? Well, my name is Patrick, and I am currently a Teaching Assistant at Brock University. I majored in Classics, the study of Greek and Roman history, mythology, art, architecture and the Greek and Latin languages. I also have a great interest in English, particularly Shakespeare and any kind of Poetry. (That reminds me, check out my friend Greg and his page for some great poetry. It is kind of morbid, but you should like it.) I used to be a Varsity Fencer for the University, and now I coach for said team; I am also a member of the Niagra Swordsman Fencing Club.

I was born and grew up in a small city called St. Thomas, which can be found just South of London Ontario, in Canada. I try to be as patriotic as possible, and on that note, I am always willing to learn as much as I can about the French-Canadian population here in Canada. I have always enjoyed learning about their distinct culture and pondering over the consiquences of their possible seperation. (Yeah, I know it sounds dumb, but Canada will suffer at least a little if they decide to seperate, and it never hurts to try to find solutions to any problem) Anyways, the French population really interests me, probably more so than Fantasy novels and Vampires do.

When I am at home, I live with my mom, dad and sister. I have a turtle as well; his name is Mike!! As for my friends, I am not going to name them all, but I will name some of my better friends for you. First is definatly Albert, a German immigrant that came to Canada when I was in grade four. He and I have been very good friends ever since grade six. Then there are Rodolfo, Dave, Ren and Marty. Both Ren and Marty's first names are James, so we have nicknames for them. I met Ren first during grade nine, and he introduced me to Rodolfo, Dave and Marty later on during the first semester. We have all stayed very good friends even up to this day, and when I am home, we will almost always do something together.

I do not think that there is much more that I can tell you about myself right now. It is about 6:20 AM Sunday morning and I am sitting at my computer typing this synopsis for you to read, and I am having a hard time thinking about what I am going to say. Though I could probably go on, it would most likely bore you to tears, so here is where I will stop. Thank you for taking the time to read about me, and have a good night. (Or morning, if you are on the same time as I am. hehe)

For those of you who would care to have a look, here is a picture of me.