A Note on This Page...

As I mentioned earlier, Vampires and other creatures of the night have not always interested me. There was a time (and there still are times) when I found creatures like Vampires and Swamp Monsters frightening; as time progressed however, and with the aid of my friend Marc, I was able to overcome most of these fears. I think that Vampires are one of the most interesting creatues that I have ever heard of, (though I would never want to meet up with one in real life) and I have had a passion for learning about them since I was in grade seven.

Until I began this web page, I did not realize how much history is involved in the study of Vampires, and I regret to say that my web page only touches on the basics of the Vampire. I attempted to include as much information as I could about them, but with the amount that is avalible, it was impossible for me to locate and include it all in here in a reasonable amount of time. I would also like it to be known that there is a certain amount of information pertaining to the White Wolf Vampire role playing game on this site. As I mentioned earlier, I am trying to let this site show all asspects of Vampires, and this includes role playing games. I will continue to add to this page when I come across new information on Vampires. I hope that one day this web page will be a great source of information for all the Vampire-lovers out there. Thank you for looking over my page. I sincerly hope that it was worth your time.

By the way, I cannot take credit for all of the information found on this page. Even though I have read and reworded all of the information I cited, I have given credit where it is due. At the end of each page, if I have cited information, I have listed the site(s) where I obtained this information from. I hope that you decide to visit these other sites, for they are all fountains of knowledge where Vampires are concerned.