

This is a (human) summary of explanations of the Spiritual Christ as given by Christ-messengers from the Spiritual World.



The God Who is Love and the Spiritual Christ

The misconception where Almighty God is assumed to possess the lesser human attributes of human hatred, human jealousy and human anger, should be dismissed at all times. God in His true Essence has been misrepresented. Quite often, the Christian who attributes the lesser human emotions to the God Who is Love, explains such an unethical belief with a reference to the fact that we cannot understand God, and therefore His reasons for (so it is often said) allowing people to be eternally punished (because they failed to accept a theological concept) must be accepted without question. While it is true that only the great Eternal God shall ever be the only One to completely understand Himself in totality, this is but used an excuse to allow an unethical belief seem ethical, and therefore remain unchanged. That belief (that God possesses an aggressive and pitiless character where He desires to heap revenge upon souls who have not accepted their particular theological concept) is a misconception based on a lack of understanding of many things concerning Jesus the Christ and His purpose for manifesting as a Human Being, living as a man, and dying on the Cross.

By looking at a few truths concerning the Christ (given through spirit communication by those who have progressed far into the World of Spirit which is permeated by the Spiritual Christ), the physical mind is, in a measure, freed from the limitations imposed by the Literalists, and is able to reach out to a wider understanding of God's unfailing love towards His children who He created out of Himself in time immemorial.

Saying the "Son of God" is simply another way of saying the "Manifestation of God" (or the physical manifestation of God's own Christ as a human being), or the personification of Love.

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The Spiritual Christ manifested to show how God cares for us

The Christ of God is far greater than any human can fathom, and yet one of the main purposes of His Manifestation as Jesus, was to reveal our God to us, to give us a greater understanding of what He is really like and how He feels towards us, and how unfailing is His love for us. He came to reassure us that He cared in the most loving way possible - by showing that He would abandon all He has to help us, by living as one of us, by feeling as one of us, by being assailed by untold temptation and suffering more than any human would ever have to undergo, and by dying for us. He came to show us how kind our God is towards His fallen children, how tender He is, how compassionate He is. His love made Him depart from His Godhead and be subject to the same spiritual laws as His little ones, living just as one of His children to show many things to us, to let us know that our God can understand exactly what it is like to be a human and to go through the human experience. This was the most accessible and approachable way that has ever been or will ever be on the earth plane, to provide an understanding as to how our God feels about us, and what He will do for us because of His love for us. This is how we can know Who our God really is in the greatest measure that is possible while bound by the limitations of a physical body. And the perfection of this Incarnation was so powerful that not only did He remind us of Who our God is, but by example He laid the way for man to follow to be able to regain what had been thrown away through abuse of the freewill over countless ages (long before the earth plane was brought into use for man's redemption).

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Man binds Christ's Divinity with words

Once again, we come up against the great difficulties which arise when great spiritual truths are bound by the limitations of the spoken and written word of human beings. The God in Christ, or the Divinity of Christ (whether before physical manifestation as the Man Jesus, during His earthly sojourn, or after His physical death upon the Cross) is simply impossible to explain in physical terms. However, an ever-increasing understanding of the Christ's Divinity can be gained when the deep desire to understand more of this wonderful Gift is within the heart of the seeker (and, as far away as it may seem to be at this stage in time, that desire shall come to all at some time in the future).

By reaching out with the heart and spiritual mind in faith and trust, words which claim the Christ to also be the Father God, become very natural and acceptable - words such as those given to Isaiah many years before the birth of Christ can be accepted without too much difficulty: "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6)"

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The Spiritual Christ as the Soul of the Eternal Parent

It would be extremely advantageous to the seeker to begin by thinking of the Spiritual Christ as the Soul of the great Eternal Spirit. Pure and untainted Spirit cannot rightly exist outside of Perfection, but in order to accompany and redeem His child-souls who had fallen from Perfection, so the Great Parent entered His own Creation and bound Himself by His own spiritual laws (a vast network of spiritual laws for the raising up again to Perfection of His fallen children). It was this Spiritual Christ which was made manifest in Jesus.

The Spirit is comprised of not only God's spiritual energies, but also of those beings who have climbed the hill to God in ages long past, and who have released the Spirit within so that there no longer exist any barriers between them and what we call Spirit - the Spirit or Divinity within, having been released. These highly evolved beings are so much of God that they form part of His Spirit. These beings, children of God, have gained a such a high degree of freedom (and therefore omnipresence) due to the shedding of that which blocks the Spirit through a myriad of experiences along the road to God, that the rays of power which emanate from that which is of God (from the Spirit within) can be utilized for God's work in a much more effective way than ever before.

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Jesus, Spiritual Christ, Holy Spirit, Eternal Parent in Perfection - The Trinity

And so, in short, in a way that touches but the outer garments of Truth, what has been described here in words, is the Trinity of the One God - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - Three but One, One yet Three. It has been necessary to go into this subject of the true Nature of God somewhat deeply to try to explain something of the Christ and the words which are used to portray Who He is. It was necessary that Perfection should be able to redeem and work amongst His fallen children right from the beginning, and the Christ provided the connecting link between Himself and His children - the bridge between them. And yet God and Christ are One.

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The Spiritual Christ and the only begotten Son

To help further understanding of the immense subject of the Spiritual Christ, it is worth taking a look at a common problem caused by a certain phrase in the Bible concerning Jesus being the "only begotten Son". "But Jesus is God's only begotten Son!", some may exclaim, in their sincere desire to "save" the non-Literalist from his or her so-called "misguided" pathway, pronouncing all else as pseudo-religious or Satan's doctrines. Words and the physical mind, once again, present all this confusion.

One aspect to consider concerning the Person of Christ Jesus, is the early-day attitude towards first-born sons. The first born son was the rightful inheritor to the father's fortune and title - he was first. It is this custom which can be born in mind when trying to gain a further understanding of Biblical references to Christ Jesus' being. "Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth" (Psalms 89:27) and similar messages, can be viewed with consideration being given to the earthly notions of inheritance. Yet there is far more to consider when viewing the subject of the Spiritual Christ and Christ Jesus.

It was necessary that God the Father of all, was able to be with His fallen children as they travelled in this condition and that condition, as each involved and then began to evolve. So from the very beginning Perfection was in Creation, thought out by the One from Whom nothing is hidden. And so, the Spiritual Christ has always been with the children of the Father. The only begotten Son, the Spiritual Christ, was and is the connection between that which is all-perfect within the evolving soul and its Great Parent. That the Spiritual Christ should manifest as Jesus the Man as an individual Person means that He was the only begotten Son too - He was that same Christ expressed in human form - Jesus the Man was the physical manifestation of the Christ of God Who is God's Son and Who issued forth from God the Eternal Spirit in the beginning. The outer physical expression of God's only begotten Son - the Spiritual Christ - was Jesus the Christ in the flesh.

However, the Christ is not limited to one appearance in one place at one time, and is even capable of multiple appearances in any world or sphere or condition, and in whatever guise He so wishes to be viewed in. He has been from the beginning, and is everywhere at all times in Presence form, and can make that Presence visible or felt to any one He so chooses. His appearance will always be for a purpose, and sometimes it may be that He is not known by the Name Jesus at all, and may even be regarded as a Divine Incarnation.

God is the Redeemer, and has been the Redeemer from the beginning of Creation. He has not left His children to wander aimlessly in spiritual isolation over the ages, but has been sending His messengers or coming Himself to His fallen children in various conditions and in various ways. Jesus the Christ is the special and unique Son in that Incarnation of the Christ of God, the One Who was to be the King link in the chain; the One to cut that deep, deep step necessary to turn the tide of man's decline once and for all, and send humanity onwards towards that time which is the consummation of all things, when God shall be "all in all" (all things in all beings), and when He shall see the travail of His Soul.

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Spiritual Truth is limited by the Literalists

The fact that the Christ is God's 'only begotten Son' is not in dispute, but the meaning given by many Traditionalists, Conventionalists and Literalists, surely is in dispute. Neither is the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ made manifest, in dispute here. The fact that the Spiritual Christ is God's only begotten Son, is not in dispute. Indeed, it is the Spiritual Christ Who is the Soul of the great Eternal Father-Spirit, that part of the perfect God Who enters and functions in conditions which are imperfect; God begotten by God - His own Son - to accompany and guide His freewilled creations who have fallen from Perfection. In short, the Christ is God. In other words, the Christ is the only begotten Son of God, and Jesus the Man was the Christ 'made manifest' around 2,000 years ago.

The point is that there is much, much more to Christ than we are being told by those who deny the existence of further revelation through the Holy Spirit (by the gift of Spirit Communion). We can know this further revelation of God's Truth when we accept that The Holy Spirit, the Christ Mission, and God's highly evolved spiritual missionaries reveal this Truth to us today through Spirit Return and the Agencies of the Spirit, and not just from the words which have found their way into the Holy Writ. We want to draw nearer to understanding God, man needs to know something more about Who He really is, and to comprehend something more about His Divine Purpose and the great Plan.

Man has a right to know what is his Divine inheritance - from where he came and to where he is headed. He deserves much more than the many limited views given by the man-made doctrines which have caused a stranglehold upon the Spirit over the generations and which exist today. We shall not get very near to true revelation if we are literal about every word we read in the Bible, and we shall certainly not enter into the truths available to humanity today if we deny the workings of the Holy Spirit through the holy celestial messengers sent to bring God's Truth to man long since the last Biblical manuscript was penned.

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The highest attributes of the Spiritual Christ found in Jesus

The Spiritual Christ is indeed the Soul of God the Almighty Spirit. The Great Eternal Spirit cannot devolve or evolve because the "vibrations" of the Spirit must always exist in Perfection because they are Perfection. Yet in the Christ Manifestation of Jesus of Nazareth we see the highest aspects of the Christ: unconditional forgiveness, unlimited compassion, an endless desire to serve, complete selflessness, and the embodiment of Sacrifice, to name but a few of His perfect attributes. There is no manifestation of the Christ which could be of a higher degree than that realized and demonstrated by Jesus the Christ. But this does not mean that the Christ limits Himself to one attempt at redeeming His children, whether here or in other conditions, physical or otherwise.

The idea that the Spiritual Christ of God could not manifest on this earth plane in other forms (whether as God Incarnate-professed, or simply as an Avatar for some particular reason) is limiting All-Power, and quite small-minded. Furthermore, should the Creator of all Life wish to use any method He deems useful to redeem and bring closer to Himself His fallen children, then man is not in the position to say that He - God - cannot do this (in spite of man clinging to literal and earthly-minded interpretations of sacred scriptures whether they are the Holy Bible or some other ancient sacred text such as those of Vedic wisdom). If God Almighty, the Farseeing One, wishes to appear for a while in any sphere or condition, material or spiritual, for the purpose of guiding and uplifting His own children who are His own creation, then He shall do it, because He is Love and Love stops at nothing to express Itself. Yet, within each of the Holy and sacred scriptures mentioned, it will be found that the compassion and love which are Divine, is so far-reaching that Spirit is underlying all and is uniting all, even though the earthly language seems to restrict the Truth which in essence is not earthly but Spiritual. Until man sees this, there shall be unrest and disunity.

One other important fact may find place here. It is concerning devotion. Devotion is translated into action when it is truly manifested, and it is therefore extremely desirable to develop in a spiritual sense. The advantage to being able to know Christ as God, and at the same time to now Christ Jesus as a Friend, is the greatest advantage a human may have for the evolution of the soul. Some can see that Jesus died out of love for His creation, yet this is only a universal outlook. To be able to see Christ as a personal Friend from the beginning of the creation of the Divine spark within oneself, is another matter. To see Christ as having died for oneself personally, on an intimate level, as a Friend for a friend - that brings about a very deep devotion, as indeed it should. For to have a Friend die for oneself out of love, that is so meaningful on a personal level. Unfortunately, many do not enter into their devotion far enough to encounter such a sweet advantage.

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The Spiritual Christ shall never be known in His entirety

The manifestation of the Spiritual Christ as Jesus, is all too often mistaken as being the whole Christ alone and nothing else, c.-à-d. that Jesus the Man on earth is erroneously attributed as being the Christ in totality. But the Man (and the ascending Jesus) were "forms" of the Spiritual Christ who is omnipresent and in contact with all of Creation. After all, He created Creation. With regard to the earthly appearances of Jesus in the Bible, it should be remembered that He is recorded as being able to change form at will (Mark 16:12), and that He was able to appear and disappear at will (Luke 24:31). There are other reported incidents of His spiritual power and His ability to appear in recognizable forms, and these are but a small indication of the power of the Christ to operate in any way He so chooses. This principle is unchangeable, thus where the children of God are, there the Redeeming Christ is; where there is need of guidance and direction back to Perfection, so there walks the Christ, be it on this little planet, on other physical worlds, or in the multitude of spheres of existence in which the children of God are undertaking their experiences. There shall be the Christ in the form He thinks necessary for the raising up of His children - but always the purest principles shall be shown - sacrifice, self-discipline, unconditional compassion and Love Divine; the highest, purest and most perfect life shown to His children so that they may see the Way, the Truth and the Life.

There is no part of His immense and unthinkable Creation where He will not appear when it is necessary and when the time is right. But, having said that, there shall never be anything which can surpass perfection, and in Jesus the Christ is to be found that perfection which forever unfolds itself in realization after realization of His unbounded love. Love stops at nothing in order to express Itself, and only finds joy in giving and giving again. But, all said, even those who have traversed the awful purity of the Highlands of Heaven, always, when instructing those who will listen on earth, have shown that they are quite reserved and reverent when it comes to defining the Christ, for they have learned that there is always something about Him which they have yet to know - and so it shall always be.

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