



Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in the Spiritual World: to love and give to others.

This site gives a greater understanding of:
Jesus Christ and Christianity
Spiritualism and spiritual gifts
Mediumship, attitudes and aspirations
Predestination and 'incarnating' and viewing these spiritually
Religion in both its liberal and literalistic sense and their effects
Clairvoyance and clairaudience
Psychics and spirituality
Plants, animals and humbler creations
Afterlife or life after death




The following is an extract from an Address called "The Threshold of Reality" given by the celestial messenger "Zodiac" (through the mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes). Zodiac was once a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time that Jesus the Christ walked the earth in the flesh...

"...Yet I would draw you by my love over the threshold of the Physical into something of the glory of Reality. I want you to feel: 'this concerns me', not that it concerns another. I want to show you something of that prepared for you by the great Creator, by your Protector, who has never lost faith in any one of His children. Oh, send that thought round the world. Man may fail himself and fail the God who loves him so well, but God the Father, the Mother, He is certain that in the end His child will be won by love, He is certain that the day will come when Parent and child once more will be linked together in perfect unity, for indeed that is the mighty plan..."



It is appropriate to offer information concerning the knowledge which is available to mankind today given through the gift of Spirit-Communion, which has had and will have a deep and profound effect upon not only Christendom but humanity at large.

The sacred gift of Spirit Communion is as old as the hills

Spirit Communion or Spirit Communication has always existed, and it is given by God for the furtherance of mankind and his spiritual progression. Any major Scripture will have been put together by the collective use of the gifts of Spirit Communion. All visions, prophesies and inspired teachings are through the utilisation of talents which go to make up the often misunderstood spiritual gifts of mediumship. Where the Truth exists there is always the largest amount of misinformation, and with regard to Spirit return this is struck home with force, those chained spirits always seeking to bring others down simply because of their own self-induced captivity (one reason for the pre-enlightenment injunctions forbidding spirit-discourse to be found in a number of the sacred books).

Assumptions based on half-truths

But why does man assume that some of the angels who are shown to appear throughout the Bible, had not once lived in bodies of flesh many, many thousands of years before? Or why does man assume that because the Vedas were given by rishis (seers), that they are not mediums? (Indeed, the whole of the battle in the Gita was received by clairvoyance). Or why disassociate mediumship (Spirit Agency or Spirit Return) from the bestowal upon Muhammad of the wisdom of Islam, which was given by an exalted spiritual being to uplift a fallen and degraded people? Why does man associate all Spirit Return with 'evil' spirits thereby disregarding beneficent spirits or '...ministering spirits sent forth to minister to the heirs of salvation (humanity)'?

The corner-stone that the builders rejected

The gift of Spirit Communion is sacred, and it is best to keep an open mind rather than repudiate this gift from God, for although forgiveness is never withheld, it shall be very difficult to forgive oneself when the physical body is relinquished if one has slandered what is so precious to the Most High. There would be no religion at all if it were not for Spirit Communion.

Indeed, there would be no Bible but for Spirit Communication. The Old Testament shows Moses receiving messages from Spirit: Mosaic law was "received from the hands of angels" (Acts 7: 53); "God gave his laws to angels to give to Moses" (Gal. 3:19). God has always spoken to humankind through spiritual beings: "The message God delivered through angels has always proved true" (Heb. 2:2 NLT); the prophets of old spoke "according to the word of the Lord". The New Testament shows the disciples at Pentecost used by messengers from Spirit: "They spoke with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2, 1-11). The disciples were very mediumistic: Peter and Paul both admitted to receiving visions while in a trance state and John states clearly a whole range of personal mediumistic qualities.

Special Envoys

But concerning the purpose of this particular church - the Greater World Christian Spiritualist Church...As there has always been Spirit Return, information given to mankind from the "heavens" has always been going on. Sometimes certain sets of advanced souls are given particular missions to carry out for the Most High. In that case, there would be a leader or 'captain' and a team or 'host' of empowered co-workers. The Greater World has a "classics" range which preserves a number of scripts given and recorded for humanity's benefit. One beautiful collection of such scripts stands out from all of the others in its individuality and power to enlighten, and yet is not independent of the other collections of scripts, and clearly all are intertwined and interconnected in meaning and purpose.

Spiritual Realms and how to become better acquainted with them

This particular writer recommends literature which is kept in trust by the Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association (Conway Street, London) in the "Classics" section, with a particular recommendation for the five volumes of the "Life Beyond The Veil" series given to Rev. Vale Owen by advanced spirits of varying degrees of progression. Also most highly recommended are "Paul and Albert", "Spiritual Realms", "The Ministry of Angels", and, of course, the unique and unparalleled wisdom found in "The Zodiac Messages".

The Christ Mission

It is partly from the above mentioned collection of scripts that further knowledge of the mission of Christ can be gained and understood. The Christ Mission is found and taught in the Bible but the Christ Misson really only becomes much clearer once the multitude of false ideas and erroneous thought built up in the past is shown for what it is to the seeker. It is that collection of scripts which is dealt with primarily here. The principle is the bringing of further illumination to remove the shadows - the introduction of the second element, as it were.

Getting the message across with the "Zodiac Messages"

The following is an extract from an Address called "The Resurrection and the Life Force" given by the celestial messenger "Zodiac" (through the mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes)...

"...Throughout the world there are many who have ideals and seek to strive to attain a measure of what they have in mind. Different kinds of religion are very useful because of the different temperaments. It would not do to have one great religion upon the earth because of the various stages of evolution in which mankind can be found. When you are in the Spirit World, these differences are still noticeable. But because the individual cannot escape from Reality, presented to his consciousness is the knowledge that, to others, Service expresses the only real religion and that Service is independent of creed and doctrine. Man then is brought down to fundamentals, to the law of Service. That is the Religion of the World of Spirit to which you now belong..."


Click for a larger picture of Zodiac
(Spirit-picture of "the 'Unnamed Scribe' of the Bible" drawn from an impression received by a medium)

Towards the first half of this century, the spirit of a man who had lived two thousand years ago made contact with a young sensitive woman and asked if she would permit herself to be the means whereby he could transmit, by total control, around 1,500 addresses about a vast array of subjects concerning spiritual life and Christ. These messages were transmitted regularly between 1924 to 1957. The method used is one of many gifts of the Spirit, and is one of the main ways that the post-Ascension disciples (having retreated to quiet places away from the busy towns) received their knowledge and comfort.

"Test the spirits, whether they are of God"

This is one reason for the warning to "test the spirits to see whether they are of God", and one disciple or another would be the instrument for the benefit of the others. In the case of Miss Winifred Moyes, she was a wheel-chair bound woman, who, when in "trance", was able to walk quite energetically although normally crippled, her body controlled and protected by the celestial Messenger. In the light of this knowledge, the spiritual gift described in the Bible of 'the discerning of spirits', takes on a much clearer and fuller meaning than the one normally ascribed to it by many naming themselves Christians.

"What is the greatest commandment of all?"

It transpired that this humble soul was the soul who occupied the body of the Jew who asked Jesus which was the most important commandment of all. Christ's answer to this question, as many know, was, in short, that man was to truly love his God and to serve his neighbour too (which the 'Unnamed Scribe' had perceived, and knew this to be better than all ritualistic observances put together). As the records show (Mark 12:28-34), Jesus had told this man that he was already not far from the Kingdom of God, and the Christ-Messenger's message today, purposefully sent by Jesus Christ, is, and shall be, a major catalyst in the transformation of this world because of the purity of this celestial messenger.

He spoke things which they did not want to hear so they killed him

When the 'Unnamed Scribe' was in the flesh 2,ooo years ago, he became a follower of Jesus and was martyred because he was supposed to be a teacher of the laws of the Pentateuch (the hundreds of laws passed on by Moses). "Zodiac" has been with Jesus in the World of Spirit ever since, and it is clear to anyone who has made an in-depth study of his messages, that they are destined to renew spirituality throughout the world. This wise teacher has given himself the name 'Zodiac' in order to encourage the individual, Christian or otherwise, to lift their thoughts up to the heavens; his real celestial name would be far beyond any human being on earth to hear, pronounce or understand (all celestial names have a greater significance than do earthly names). His use of the term 'children' is merely one of endearment, for he loves all creatures of God; he has mentioned that such a term is not to imply a distance of spiritual states but is used rather more in the sense of an older brother seeking to guide and protect.

Well prepared to explain God's Truth

Zodiac's wisdom and awareness of God's Truth become evermore apparent as the path of Truth is pursued, and the many centuries of preparation which he had to undertake - before he could be despatched by Christ to come forward with the Christ Mission - have enabled him to gain a deep grasp of the workings of the human mind in order to provide the greatest aid in understanding the Spiritual and spiritual matters.

Philosophy before the outer manifestations of the Spirit

The primary purpose of the Greater World Christian Spiritualist Church of Jersey, is to give out the teachings and philosophy which were responsible for the Church being started in the first place: To disseminate the teachings of highly evolved spiritual messengers, to spread the truth about life after death, and to give out the truth about the real love of God for His creation. Some churches may place the demonstration of spiritual gifts on an even level with philosophy, however the Greater World Christian Spiritualist Church of Jersey recognises the importance and sacredness of the philosophy which is the original purpose for the Greater World's inception, and therefore puts the philosophy before the demonstration of spiritual gifts.

The wonders of the World of Spirit

Thus, a Divine Service will be centred around the spiritual philosophy and the teachings of Jesus Christ, rather than the demonstration of the gifts of the Spirit, although there are occasions for demonstrations. The original purpose for the demonstration of aspects of the outer manifestion of the Spirit (with regard to Spirit-Communion) was simply to arrest the attention of the passer-by but this will die away as collective consciousness increases over the generations, and people no longer feel the need to 'hear' their loved ones because faith will make that unnecessary, 'knowing' that loved ones have their own path to follow and it is better to try to reach out to their conception of truth rather than to continually desire contact on earth with them. Furthermore, future development shall allow the individual personal contact themselves when it is necessary rather than when the whim arises. Then Spirit-Communion shall be recognised for the everlasting spiritual treasure it offers.

However, this is not to diminish the importance of the use of spiritual gifts, and people must be prepared to undergo the discipline necessary to use their gifts in the correct way, in order that there can be more and more who are able to testify to the continuity of life and the wonders and glories which a loving Father has prepared for those who love Him and seek to do His Will.

Warning: Great danger in playing with material objects and spirits

Spirit Communication should never be treated as entertainment, and material phenomena are unnecessary and should be avoided at all times. Spirit Communion is as divorced from material phenomema (sliding glasses, cards etc.), as receiving the Eucharist is as divorced from worshipping the golden cow. Only the correct development of the individual's gift (or gifts) produces protection and safe contact with the 'Unseen', and this does not include the use of material phenomena; it is the spirit within which communes with the Being without. One Greater World minister has said that 90% of all cases of obsession which he has been asked to deal with, have come about from people idly using material phenomena eg. letters and a planchette or glass; in other words, what has been given for the raising up and comforting of humankind is used instead as a form of entertainment for the mind - a party trick, a stage show, a cabaret. The level of spirituality and morality of earth-bound spirits attracted by such unprepared people is the reason for their contracting trouble. Low material vibrations attract low spiritual vibrations. It is distressing, and it is utter ignorance and sheer folly that some parents buy their children 'Ouiga boards' to play with.

Consider deeply the motive for seeking the denizens of another world

It is strange that the church will usually fill up when a demonstration of clairvoyance is advertised, but ironically most of the people who come rarely ever return when there is a Divine Service with philosophy only, which is far more important for the individual's ultimate happiness. Some people come when 'clairvoyance' is advertised perhaps as an alternative to their usual activity (certainly the wrong attitude), or perhaps some may come hoping to receive a message from a loved one (a more preferrable reason and yet still not the best or correct motive for coming); and yet when there is no clairvoyance and the Service is given to the spiritual philosophy only, then the majority of those people do not come back to learn about their own life and what they can do to improve their own spiritual development, and how best to prepare for their happiness and future work when they eventually pass into the Hereafter (and such preparation is the most important thing of all). Hearing messages about future material events or messages which simply flatter is not the reason that God has given Spirit Communion to man. Indeed, many souls who come back have not themselves progressed very much in spiritual terms and may merely seek to contact their loved ones on earth without realising they need to safeguard their souls with the correct message - Spirit Communion is given not simply to comfort God's fallen children, but to teach them how to advance their souls. These facts may not be welcomed or understood by many who contact the Disincarnate (and may be despised by degree according to the measure that worldy gain is sought by the one who uses free Divine gifts for earthly purposes). But nevertheless they are facts, and must be explained to those with a desire to know the truth of the matter. We will keep the church open as intended - which is for the giving of the knowledge of the Christ Mission - because the future demand for such spiritual knowledge will grow in time.

Having gone on increasing in the knowledge of God

But this point should be borne in mind: why would a disciple of Jesus Christ come back and spend nearly forty years giving different addresses each week, if they were to be forgotten and dismissed as 'having been and gone' and 'old hat'?

Truth, by its nature, is consistent, and the Truth which unfolds in each and every one of these enlightened messages is consistent, and performs many little miracles, generally unseen, which go to make up a mighty whole.

The more knowledge one makes ones own, the more knowledge there is to know

It should always be remembered that simply because a soul has crossed through the Veil, this does not mean that that soul becomes omniscient, and indeed many centuries and millenniums must pass before spiritual knowledge in its higher sense becomes unfolded to that soul.

Moreover, time spent in the Spiritual World should not be taken as a complete requisite for the accumulation of the highest knowledge. Indeed, centuries can pass and there may have been little advancement although sometimes the soul might think otherwise. There are also spirits who know that they have a long way to go and certain elements of truth can still be passed on from such spirits which are of great benefit to man in the flesh, and yet much of that knowledge may only be true if taken symbolically rather than literally.

The purpose of the Greater World Christian Spiritualist Church of Jersey

The purpose of the Greater World Christian Spiritualist Church in Jersey is to spread knowledge of: the existence of life after death; the gifts of Spirit-return and Spirit-Communion; the teachings of highly evolved spiritual agents such as the celestial messenger 'Zodiac'; the true message and reasons for the Manifestation of Christ Jesus; and most importantly, the unlimited and unbounded love which God has for all of His creations - whether they recognise that love or not.

Many Spiritualist churches consider the first of the above mentioned purposes as the main purpose of Spiritualism, but the Greater World philosophy shows us how spiritual teachings of the Christ Mission are of a higher purpose than spreading knowledge of life after death.

There are varying levels of Truth, and it is a fact that due to the nature of the make-up of the physical mind, not every one can think the same way or believe the same thing. However, we pray that the individual may choose to follow the Way laid down by Christ as revealed through the Greater World for humanity to follow - the Christ Way - the way of service to others without the desire for earthly reward, the way of understanding, the way of sanity, the way of transforming the lesser into the greater; the way of giving and not taking; the way of compassion; the way of forgiving; the way of self-denial of the things which still reflect the earth in their lower sense by keeping the heart and mind fixed on Divine values and the Light of the Cross which was reared on a dark hill as a guiding Light to all men; the way of lasting spiritual joy in place of transient material falsehoods; the way of self-government gained by harmonising with Spiritual Law; the way of turning the eyes from the darkness of the earth towards the beauty, the brightness and the peace of the heavenly Realms of Light. The Christ Way is the path which leads to a happiness and inward joy which is beyond words to describe.

The Christ Way is something real and tangible for the individual to grasp with courage for both his or her spiritual development, and the furtherance of humanity as a whole in the highest sense. Indeed, those who genuinely seek the Master Christ shall find that the Door which opens all doors is the Door of the Christ Himself: His Way and not the way formulated by the mind of man; for having found the true Nature of the Christ, the individual sees so clearly how, out of His unbounded love, He works through many methods to bring the children of God onto a safer path spiritually. The Way that Jesus the Christ laid down for man to follow is a stark contrast to the 'values' associated with the lesser, baser self - or the desires which are still 'earthly' and aimed solely at attempting to satisfy the lesser self - selfishness. The Way that Christ trod was not one of self-indulgence, of vanity, of the accumulation of unnecessary personal riches, or of the pursuit of excessive material pleasure at any stage, but rather the opposite.

Thus, by choosing the leadership of Jesus Christ, one chooses to try to follow in His footsteps without holding anything back; and, should the burdens sometimes appear too heavy and failure seem to present itself, then with renewed determination and faith one reajusts the thoughts and sets the sight upon the Great Example, when one becomes recharged by the One Who is forever fighting for His children; then one is able to pick up the burdens to try yet again. Thus, in accordance with spiritual law, one becomes able to see beyond the tests, troubles and trials of this short life on earth and into the everlasting Light beyond, with its unending future - the inevitability of everlasting life in joy, fulfilment and love.



NB: The Greater World Christian Spiritualist Church of Jersey is affiliated to The Greater World Christian Spiritualist Association whose headquarters are in London. It is the policy of the Association that it does not necessarily agree with information given by any of its affiliated members. For this reason, and to avoid imposing a limited human outlook on the pure truths which are given by the celestial messenger Zodiac, any work given directly by Zodiac has been linked with either "an address by Zodiac" or "an extract from an address by Zodiac". All of the Zodiac Messages and excerpts were given through the mediumship of Winifred Moyes.







world Spiritual phenomena in the Bible world Big bang theory world Christ is God world Life after death world Spiritual experience does not require the Bible world Sainthood does not come overnight world Literalism can cause blasphemy world Religious intolerance is dangerous world Science and religion can meet and agree world Secular bigotry world There are no innocents in Hell world Old Testament law was repealed by Christ world Mother and Father God world Prayer and suffering explained world Reincarnation and why people think they were born before world Religious errors contents (thesis) world Religious errors page 1 world Religious errors page 2 world Religious errors page 3 world Religious errors page 4 world Religious errors page 5 world Religious errors page 6 world Rev. Chambers speaks to a spirit world Rev. Frothingham speaks about his experience of spiritual phenomena world Rev. Horsley speaks about Christian Spiritualism world Scientists who have been convinced of life after death world Trance mediumship and total control world Vedas and other scriptures world Zodiac the Christ messenger and the medium world Life Beyond the Veil (books) world Ministry of Angels (book) world Paul and Albert (book) world Spiritual Realms (book) world







Instead of having to connect to the Internet to read the wonderfully revealing Zodiac Messages on this site, it is possible to have them on your computer. A setup file installs the Messages in a folder of your choice, and can be given as a gift simply by clicking HERE. Then a message can be read at anytime giving immense inspiration, guidance, reassurance and spiritual renewal.


world Uses of adversity world Ancient power of healing world New Existence world Animals world Auras world Auras of great souls world Battlefront of the soul world Battle between instinct and reason world Bethlehem and spiritualism world Bodies celestial and terrestrial world Borders of consciousness world Brotherhood of man world Builders of this world's destiny world Can man rise after the third day world Chain of many links world Chain of redemption world Charity world Children world Christ and Christians world Christ mission world Christ the judged world Clairaudience and spirit voices world Cleansing of lepers world Cleansing of the platter world Coming of the Messiah world Comrades of the Cross world Consequences world Continuing city world Cooperating with spiritual beings world Courage for Christ world Crucifixion world Diadem of power world Divine justice world Door of spirit communion world Earth and spirit values world Earthly power world Era of revelation world Eternal quest world Evolution of the soul world Failure world False pictures world Finding God in Christ world Forgiveness world Freewill world Friends of God worldGethsemane world Ghosts and the earth world world Gift of creating world Gift of the Holy Spirit world Great gift of service world God in the cities world Great crusade world Greater World of Spirit world Great Instructor world Great surrender world Harvest in the spirit world world Harvest and the homing instinct world Health of the soul body world Heredity world Hidden beauty in life world Holy order of parenthood world Holy war world How the shadows use the physical mind world God's humbler creations world Individuality world Individuality survives physical death world Influences world Our divine inheritance world Invalidism after physical death world Isolation world Kingdom of God world Kinship with all creation world Life after death world Life, health and happiness world Life of a flower, tree world Life's work of the aura world Light of the world world Lord's prayer world Love, human and divine world Love's immortal fires world Man's auric powers world Marriage world Master builders world Material warfare and what it reveals world Mediumship and its effect upon religion world Memory here and hereafter world Message and the messenger world Mystery of the Holy Spirit world Mystery of sacrifice world New Age world Operations of unseen hands world Other gods world Out of chaos world Perfection world Physicians in the spirit world world Plantlife world Power world Power to cast out devils world Predestinations world Preparation of God's instruments world Processes of spiritual growth world Purpose of the earth life world Science and real life world Redemption world Reincarnation and evolution world Religion of the Cross world Resurrection and life force world Road to vision world Sacred temples world Science and religion world Second coming world Shattered aura of the earth world Sleeping Christ within world Small beginnings world Soldiers of the King world Spirit consciousness world Spirit power world Spiritual success world Spiritual history world Spiritual laws world Sublime mysteries world Suicide world Sunset of human life world Telepathy world Temple of the Holy spirit world Thought world Threshold of reality world Tools of man world Valiant heart world Vivisection world Wages of effort world Warrior spirit world What is man world What is truth world What mediumship has done for the world world What pioneers lose and find world Where is the spirit world? world Will to create world Work world Working out our own salvation world


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