The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.


Most of an address given by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac', (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ) on Sunday 7th February, 1926

  1. "Mighty Spirit, Creator of all things, Thou who hast planned this little realm and all those many planes beyond, we come to Thee tonight certain that because Thou art our Father, Thou wilt listen to us, aye, that Thou hast provided even before we have asked.

  2. "Oh Father, grant that the thought of Thy Love and understanding may always hold chief place in our minds, and while we acknowledge Thy power, yet above that, Thy Love may shine forth, and we can feel towards Thee as a child towards its most tender mother.

  3. "Tonight we ask Thee to lead us one step further into the light of understanding; grant that we may close behind us another gate which separates us from the darkness of spiritual ignorance; yet as we progress that we may remember those who still linger in the twilight of misunderstanding. Yes grant that our example may enable them to pass those many obstacles with ne'er a pause, that they may hear us calling them on, and above everything, may see with the eyes of faith the Light of the World not only in front but by the side. Oh Christ, Thou knowest this need - that sometimes it seems to the children of earth that Thou standest afar off, yet we know - because Thou hast taught us - that although ever Thou goest in front yet because Thou art our Companion, so Thou walkest with Thy children through the dark and terrible places of misunderstanding...

  4. "We come together to work for God. I endeavour to teach you more of the Truth and I am also speaking to those, who, drawn in by your love and sympathy, by your desire to help others, who are free of the body and have gathered here to listen.

  5. "Christ's work is to heal, to restore, to give strength to those who have made mistakes. Search your mind how you may, you cannot find work more indicative of the Spirit of Christ than that of retrieving for others that which in their ignorance they have cast away. In our mission amongst those we love so well, even in the spirit world where each one is known, we continue the task laid down before us.

  6. "The mind of man trained by others, brought into line with current opinion of his day, is influenced by a million thought--forms entirely beyond his comprehension. The mind of man is not in a position to judge as to the Real and Unreal. But the individual does not hesitate to say: 'This is good' when blinded by desire, or: 'This is good' when bent on acquiring knowledge of the physical world. It may seem 'good' until they are free from the body.

  7. "In order to understand the rudiments of this vast subject, it is necessary to extricate yourselves from preconceived ideas. In a sense, these stand between you and your God. There are many people who make you pause and think that they are masters of their time, all knowing. Masters of their time maybe, but not masters for themselves.

  8. "The star of ambition drives many a person to seek physical knowledge, physical achievement. But so small is the mind of man, so imprisoned is the spirit within, that he cannot see nor can he hear the outpourings of wisdom that come from Wisdom itself. When the body is no more they will find to their sorrow that their long travels have taken them into a world which has no light. The stars which are the promise of God lie in another direction. The light of their dead star was of the earth alone. When the earth conditions are over, so the journeyman finds to his horror that the light of the spirit has been quenched.

  9. "Many of the clever men of the world have come back to you and talked to you about the way in which they had to relearn the whole subject of Earth and Spirit values. So take heed that you have the opportunity here and now of breaking fresh ground, turning the soil and putting in the seed. This is not only for yourselves but for the many who will follow in God's good time. For the more you study, the more you realise that you have to learn.

  10. "Train the mind to the Christ view. Separate yourselves from the earth aspects, away from the way it regards success and from the way it scorns failure. The thorns on the road of life are symbolical of the crown of thorns worn by the Master. Even as the blind and spiritually ignorant sought to force those thorns into the flesh of the One Who had come to save them, so today there are countless thousands, who, on looking on the failures of others, endeavour to force home the pain which they already bear.

  11. "Release the spirit within, release the God within. Look at life around you with the Christ vision. See the anguish of the human heart but lay balm over the wounds by saying: 'Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.'

  12. "Earth and Spirit values have to be learned by everyone. When the body is no more, realisation comes in a measure that even he who was bound by the world is able to grasp a fragment of the hideous mistake which has been made.

  13. "There are those who so easily criticise, who show contempt. There are those who glory in their intelligence that they have little mercy for the less well equipped; those at the top of the ladder who view with scorn those further down. So few understand that often failure, in God's eyes, is success.

  14. "Those experiences are the jewels, gathered up and blessed by Him, for He is ever mindful of your conditions. These are the possessions you will carry with you wherever you are, to enable you to work for the Master in the Master's way.

  15. "Christ possessed nothing in the physical sense, but the beauty of the Spirit poured out from Him and drew the people to His side. Make a link between yourself and Christ. Raise your consciousness above the tabernacle of the flesh and find there is a beauty, stronger and more radiant which comes from within.

  16. "There is the brightness of the spirit, a holiness of the mind, which can cast aside desire of the garment of flesh. Because of this power within and of the great Spirit Power without, those who have found are blessed by the Father. For the spirit within was always conscious that there was a beauty greater and more dominant than that which those of the world only recognise in their fellow men.

  17. "For the sake of the spirit within you, get down to the fundamental truths and apply them in the here and now. The gifts of the earth and the gifts of the Spirit, the value which man puts on this and that, and the values as represented in the sight of God, these views must be brought into harmony. As the chains are loosened so the joy of freedom will find your soul. You can extricate yourselves from that which has been implanted in the human mind down through the ages. So by the strength of your convictions you are making it easier for others to free themselves as well.

  18. "Earth and Spirit values! As you progress through those multitudes of states beyond the physical plane on which you now function, so your vision of the values of life will change. As purification takes place, as the restoration of God within is made more sure, more complete, you will approach this aspect of the Mind of God with a new humbleness of heart.

  19. "Wisdom and the understanding of Spirit Law is the learning available to all. The great plan which the Father has for His children is slowly unfolded so that faith and trust increase. Realisation of the vast knowledge of God grows and you inquire what shall you do. The mighty wisdom of Christ represents a wondrous whole, of which we have but a fragment.

  20. "Christ is always with you. 'Lo! I am with you always even unto the end.' That end which is the beginning of life which is Life, of the love which is Love and of the service which is Service indeed. All is available to you here on the earth plane.

  21. "Think over this quiet time together. See the beauty of the Spirit which lies beneath the surface, waiting for you to penetrate its loveliness, and make it your own. You have a priceless opportunity in your physical life. With each moment let your heart and mind rise in acknowledgement to your tender, loving Father Creator. Thank Him with your lips for the gift of physical life and above all that you have been chosen to work for Him.

  22. "As horizons spread before you, friends gather to you in their numbers, so your mind will go back to the days of tilling and preparation. It will go back to the times when you relied on faith, obedience, purity of intent, when you gained your teaching from the greatest Master of us all. Remember that no words of spiritual consequence can pass through you without His power, without His gift or protection.

  23. "Because you responded to the call of the Great Spirit, so in God's good time you shall call others and they too will follow until the Light is reached.

  24. "The peace of God is over you all. That peace which is love, which is complete understanding. Hold it fast, hold it fast. Good night."



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Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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