The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.



Taken from an address given by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac', (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), through the mediumship of Miss Winifred Moyes at the Zodiac Circle on Sunday, 26th December, 1926.

  1. "We are called as the children of God to follow in the Master's steps; and, little ones, although the sacred narrative is prized by you all, yet I should be false to Love if I did not state in tones emphatic that scarce a thread of the golden fabric of Christ's Love has been preserved.

  2. "You see, dear children, it was as this: Those who loved the Master so well, they - in quiet places, far removed from the busy crowd - they gathered around Him and He poured out His love upon them, and much was said which they considered too personal, too intimate to be put into writing. Cannot you understand? Is there one who has not had those sacred moments when nothing would induce them to speak of that which meant so much? There in the heart and mind, far away from curious eyes, the treasure lies, yes, the treasure lies, but the world is poorer by the very fact that it is locked away; the world today, and always, is poorer because those who so loved the Master held to themselves His most precious gift of Love, held to themselves those many expressive actions. They belonged to them, yet with larger sight there is not one who, if they could, would not give out even those most intimate passages between them and the One Who loved them best.

  3. "My children, you cannot understand the Love of God; we cannot understand the Love of our Creator, but we could have done more to convey to others that unlimited gift which He bestowed. And so I entreat you, and I entreat all the teachers and the preachers to bear in mind when they read the Sacred Record that the followers of the Master held back, because they were so precious, those acts, those sayings of His which showed the personal Love of the Divine for the individual.

  4. "That is the point! God's Love as a whole is accepted by many, but God's Love for them individually escapes their consciousness altogether; and those who went on before shoulder the blame, those who worked with Him, watched Him and adored Him, these thirst, and they have thirsted, to give out of that precious fountain of Life which, in their blindness, they held back. For oh! my little ones, the only thing which can save the world is love; the only thing which can heal the wounds of heart and mind is love amongst mankind for mankind; and because of the lack of love in the lives and in the minds of the individual, so the great Source of Love is, as it were, ruled beyond their reach; so that warmth, that understanding, that compassion and that protecting care seems, as was said, like a beautiful story which it was sweet to dwell upon, but alas! had no more tangibility than that.

  5. "This, dear children, has been built up over the ages. You cannot say that one generation is less responsible than another. The Love of God has been so concealed from man that many doubt its existence at all; and because they know not the Love of God, so those seeds of love in their own heart and mind - there, it is true - receive no nourishment; and beneath the ground of sadness, beneath the ground of indifference, beneath the ground hardened by the coldness of others, so the seeds remain and their beauty is lost!…"




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Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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