The Zodiac Messages




Life after the earth life is affected by being in a body of flesh in this world. Christ gives the purest universal teaching for the soul to be more spiritual when in Spirit: to love and give to others.


An address by the celestial messenger 'Zodiac' (the unnamed scribe of the Bible and a teacher in the Temple of Jerusalem at the time of Christ), through the mediumship Miss Winifred Moyes in the earlier part of the twentieth century

  1. "FATHER of all Love, we Thy little children ask Thee tonight to reveal unto us a little more of Thy wondrous thought in regard to humanity. We ask Thee to instruct us how to proceed - how best to release the Spirit which is within. Teach us how to grow; teach us how to think of the things which, in Thy sight, are good; teach us how to express ourselves to others.

  2. "O most Understanding Mind, lead us on out of the twilight of comprehension, into the full sunshine of revelation. And as we climb, let it be our prayer, let it be our most earnest desire that we should bring others into the Light. Yes, grant that the consciousness may come that this gift, which Thou hast bestowed so freely, is but a trust - a trust to be used to help, to encourage, to enable those who are going through their physical experience.

  3. "In Thy most perfect way, Thou wilt make all things plain; Thou wilt level the rough places, and clear the undergrowth which still remains in the minds of those who wish to love Thee. And we pray Thee tonight that we may be responsive, mentally and spiritually, to the guiding Voice, that most loving direction - the direction which Thou hast laid down for all to follow who wish to grow nearer to Thee in likeness, both in thought and in action.

  4. "Father, bless us all. Bind us still more closely to the things of the Spirit, and grant that the Silence, the Holy Silence, may gather us in. We ask it in Thy Name, knowing that Thou waitest, ever to bestow Thy good gifts. Amen.

  5. "WELL, my children, tonight we have much to do together, and I want you all to give out as much strength and power as you can. You will see in the days to come that this evening typifies constructive work, and, therefore, in the measure that we can use it for God's most holy purpose so the blessing will rest on you, the little children who contributed to that which the Father had already provided.

  6. "This evening we are in tune in many ways. I would like some of you to go back on the events of this little day, and you will see that harmony and peace held and maintained their place. This was the preparation - the necessary preparation - so that your minds might be in suitable condition to listen to the Voice of the Spirit, to take in, in some measure, what God has directed me, and others, to impart.

  7. "Well, dear children, in the first place, I have a little to say in regard to those spiritual laws to which I and your loved ones have referred in a general sense. I cannot tell you much tonight because you are scarcely experienced enough, but unless I put in the first few bricks then you will have nothing on which to support the bigger and more beautiful construction, which is only waiting your readiness to be your own.

  8. "In the first place, dear children, as you have suspected, these laws - which are intangible and indescribable, for the most part - these spiritual laws have an importance which cannot be over-estimated.

  9. "As a crude illustration of their working I would refer you to what is called the 'wireless.' Yes, to the physical mind the wireless is inexplicable, except by results. You see my point? Certain rules are followed, certain equipment is used and 'result' is obtained; but no one can tell you why, or how such simple mechanism can produce such gigantic results. The thing itself eludes entirely the physical mind of the most highly-trained.

  10. "This is indicative, to a degree, of those same spiritual laws which govern your life and mine, your world and all the bright and glorious Realms in which holiness and happiness reigns.

  11. "My children, I want you to consider this: That if you send a thought to another - whether they be on the earth, or whether they have laid the physical covering aside - that thought, unimpeded, reaches their Spirit with a rapidity impossible to put into words.

  12. "Again: you have been told that in regard to prayer, the Listening-God hears not only as the words arise, but even as the thought is being gathered together in the mind.

  13. "There are many such illustrations of spiritual laws - of those multitude of spiritual laws, which are worked out in rather a beautiful way in the flowers, in the growing things, in the power which nature shows on every side.

  14. "You must remember that when God created - and I am speaking of creation long before this little world of yours was concerned - that when God's thoughts were manifested in form - even before that time these marvellous, detailed spiritual laws had been set into being. They were the first thoughts, they were the preparation for the Life - life unlimited and unending - the Life which was to follow.

  15. "It is a little difficult to make this clear. You are bound by finite thinking; you are bound by that indication of time which is connected with the inhabitation of your little earth, and it is difficult to take you outside its borders in imagination.

  16. "Yet, dear children, I want you to do your best and I want you to consider, among other things, the body with which you have equipped yourself. The power of the limbs, the wonderful mechanism, in a physical sense, of the blood and nerves, bone and muscle; and the harmony - yes, in spite of conditions of civilisation - the extraordinary harmony between all the organs, and how they, sometimes against enormous odds, work out on to the side of health and strength and beauty.

  17. "You see, dear children, I have always given the body its rightful place; yet I have never allowed it to over-step that position and to approach upon the domain of the Spirit within.

  18. "In illustration of this I want you to consider the relative importance of the strength of the body and the power of the Spirit, which it seems to guard even as a prisoner whose freedom has been forfeited.

  19. "In the hands there is much power, much that causes amazement when looked at from the physical point of view. You had it described that the most marvellous piece of machinery, the greatest invention of man is as nothing compared to the perfect mechanism of the hand and what it can do. Yet, dear children, I should be misleading you if I did not take you on from the thought of the powers of the body to those greater, stronger, far more wonderful powers of the Spirit. In comparison again - only enlarged to an extent you cannot understand - is the difference between the power of the physical hand and the power which lies in that hand when the body has been cast aside.

  20. "And this brings in again another spiritual law which has far-reaching results. You will remember that there have been some who have passed through your lives who have possessed what you regard as marvellous healing power in the physical fingers and the electricity they are able to throw out.

  21. "Well, dear children, this lies within the reach of all. Many there are - and again I think of the mothers - many there are who have soothing, who have peace and healing in their touch.

  22. "Christ, of course, illustrated the power of healing in its highest form: but I have told you before that being sons and daughters of the Most High you are asked, you are entreated by that which is Love itself to develop those same powers - the powers which Christ showed for all time could be transmitted through the physical covering if the heart and mind were pure. Yes, that is the key, that is the solution of the power: purity of heart and mind and the wish to serve.

  23. "I want to instil into your minds, if I can, that within, entombed in some, imprisoned in many, fettered in varying degrees in others, there is power, there is that marvellous controlling force - a gift direct from God - which is your own possession, to be used when you are ready to be true to your trust.

  24. "You see, dear children, where I am trying to lead you in thought. The physical, to you, presents enormous barriers; the body is like a high and impenetrable wall which lies between you and the garden of your desire - which is to be able to do and to think through the Spirit, in its sweet and precious liberty of action.

  25. "Yet, dear children, I want you to try and grasp that the body can be triumphed over, that although it may blunt those finer perceptions and feelings - the more sensitive side - yet in spite of this, in spite of that sense of restriction, if you have the courage, the faith and the patience, you can bring out those hidden powers of the Spirit for use among those with whom you come into contact.

  26. "Children, I know quite well that the outward demonstration of these gifts, in the way of impressing others, presents no temptation to you at all; but over and over again comes that deep longing to help, to lift up, to be able, really, to do something that is concrete - something which, in your own sight will show you that you are getting a little nearer to the things which are of God.

  27. "I take you back to the illustration of the wireless. You may say that, in searching through your mind, you find nothing there to warrant the assumption that you possess this power. But although you cannot explain from whence it comes or how it is able to act, yet I can promise you that if only you will set your mind to the vibrations of holiness and of love you shall find, in a way you cannot grasp now, that the gift is there, that you can be used even as a channel to pour out power direct from the Spirit, that you can - by simple thinking, simple living, keeping as close as possible to the injunction of Love Divine - you can, even as Christ said 'follow' Him, not only through the dark valley of sorrow but up on to the heights, where He is able, through you, to send down a visible manifestation of that power of healing which is of the Spirit.

  28. "Children, there is so much to be said in regard to those laws which God instituted for the benefit of His children; but tonight I want to turn your attention to another aspect, which is in regard to the strangers who have gathered here and, in speaking, have brought in the names of many more who had not before passed through your physical minds.

  29. "Yes, you have queried not only the reason but sometimes the advisability of such strangers demonstrating their presence in this way. It has seemed to you, perhaps, the introduction of names well known on earth savours a little of that deference to fame and popularity which is so common a characteristic amongst the majority.

  30. "Well, dear children, I can understand these thoughts; I can understand that what you would shrink from doing in your daily life naturally rouses a little doubt in regard to those uninvited guests at these evenings. Yet, dear children, when you come here it will all seem so plain and clear. It is the operation again of a spiritual law which, ignoring entirely the physical aspect of things, links up whom it will - links up those who are likely to be of use in the work which God has entrusted to those who will undertake it.

  31. "I want you to clear out of your mind such thoughts because they hamper those who wish to speak. You have been told that in the Spirit distinctions or differences of any kind - all those many man-created barriers - that those cease to exist. The one thing which separates is spiritual aspiration, and that divides only to the extent of the depth of the sleep of the Spirit within.

  32. "I put it that way, dear children, because I want you to realise that those who wish to rise - wish to work out the past - have every help it is possible to conceive; and the nearer we get to the Father so we see, so we understand, and so we long to succour.

  33. "By that same spiritual law, by that wish to climb, by that wish to know the Truth, your lives are weaved and interweaved again with many who are quite outside your range of thought. So, dear children, attune your thinking to this view, which is the view I am instructed to impress upon you: that common aim, unity of purpose, and the desire to serve, bridges all gaps. And, more than this, there are those drawn into these vibrations who, as yet, have been able to make but little progress, but, even so, are striving to work out the past.

  34. "So you see you get both sides of the picture; and it will comfort you to remember that not only are you linked to those who have done better than you have been able to do but also, by the same spiritual law - so entirely of love - you are bound by sympathy, by the wish to help, to those who are finding the struggle back into purity, into health of soul a difficult problem indeed.

  35. "On another occasion I will try and show you how you, and nature in all its forms, are, as it were, interlocked with the celestial beings who have been working for God since away back in that dim and distant past which you find it impossible to think about. I should like to explain that as all that has been, and is, is of the Father, so you and the messengers of Light, you and those disciples who were used to reveal Truth to the world - you and Divinity Itself - are linked, are interlocked in a way impossible to be broken or severed.

  36. "Yes, dear children, it is a little complicated just now, but as we go on so, fragment by fragment, you will get a little nearer to a conception of things as they are.

  37. "It all comes down to this - so simple and yet, in some cases, so difficult to put into practice: that by thinking of Christ, by holding on to the thought of His companionship you are setting into operation, in the most perfect way imaginable, not only the working but the life-giving power of those spiritual laws which, at this time, seem obscure indeed.

  38. "Everything created by the Perfect Mind is simplicity itself; and Christ, during His sojourn on earth, showed, in an indisputable way, how it was possible to make the communion between man and God complete - perfect in every sense there could be.

  39. "And if you would remind me that, even so, it led Him to the Cross, then, my children, I would say at once that only through the death of the body can the glorious resurrection - that resurrection which is of so stupendous a nature - come to you or to any of the children of the earth - those children who at one time or another, will realise the quest of the Spirit within.

  40. "And now, my children, I will leave you for a little while. Remember that this is an evening of work in a spiritual sense and, by sympathy and love, help those who wish to speak to you - those who wish to contribute something towards this gigantic test of revealing Truth to a half-listening world - the Truth which one day will have to be faced by all, faced and made their own possession in order that the Spirit may come into its own ..."




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Other highly recommended reading...

“Life Beyond The Veil”
“Paul and Albert”
“Spiritual Realms”
“The Ministry of Angels”


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