This page is undergoing a complete makeover.
It will still, however, hold all of the same information.
I hope you enjoy the new page.

The Library

The Library has a collection of my writing
as well as the writings of others.  There is a little
poetry which was donated and then some
papers that I've written for school.
 The Master Bedroom

I've discovered that every time someone new comes to
this sight they always tend to go in here first. It's a room
about me and the things I like.

The Music Room

This will be a place for the musicals that I love.
There will also be a bit about my favorite movies.

The Tomb

This is the vampire room.  There's all kinds of
stuff in here.  Sounds, pics, and a few links.

The Gallery

This is the gallery a room to which you can
go and see pictures of all my beautiful friends.

The Fairy Garden

This room is home to the fairies and angels of 
the Castle Bryles.

Email me with your comments and or questions!

Last Updated on May 20th, 2000 by Lesley.

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