Disclaimer: Most of the pictures and information on this page are over two years old.
numero uno, this is my husband jay and he is this really awesome guy that i met at sergeant spencer's party. he's a marine, and he is really nice even though he is a boy. his name is really jason, but i call him jay because i'm cool like that. sometimes i call him.. well we won't get into that. well when we met he was really drunk on moonshine, beer, and who knows what else, and we talked all night because the party was pretty boring. we started going out the wednesday after that, and a month later, we went to disneyland, and realized i loved him. jay is from arizona and colorado originally, and he has cool shoes, so i decided he was cool enough to spend the rest of my life with. we got married in may 2000, and it has been a wonderful past eleven months. i finally scanned some wedding pictures in. we had a little ceremony with the chaplain who married us, our two witnesses (who are now getting a divorce - isn't that a bad sign?) and two of our friends, and us at lover's point, a little park in pacific grove, california. it was a beautiful day and a beautiful ceremony, even though it was kinda cold. we only knew each other for four and a half months when we got married, but it's worked out just fine, and i think we're going to have a nice long life together. i also have to say that the honeymoon sex is still amazing (sorry you probably didn't need to know that)**
well this is sarah and emily sarah and emily are both in texas now. sarah studied russian with me, but she's gone to goodfellow, and emily studied spanish, so she's busting drug dealers now, and apparently sarah will be joining emily in san antonio soon. anyway, we had lots of good times together but i'm not actually going to tell you about them because you're not cool enough**
damn this chicka rules. this is sharky aka sarah and i met her a long time ago in vp and she's a real sweetie (but i think that's supposed to be a secret). she knows all there is to know about gory horror flicks and she is soo pretty. i still have her birthday present (lol). maybe if i ever got to talk to her, i could figure out a way to get it to her. miss you sharky. sharky makes kickass gestures "hey fuck you palmer!!"- she's from canada, too, but i love her anyway because her cat loves my cat? **
this is chad. well let's see. what can i say about chad? he's great, even though he is canadian. he comes from this neat little town in ontario called gravehole, but now he lives somewhere in toronto. well i met him near the first of the year, like 57 years ago (maybe three?) he had about two seconds to get somewhere and it was like 348 miles away, so i bitched at him and told him not to speed. well he's really smart, and extremely sarcastic. in other words, i am sooo glad i'm not on his bad side. notice the bottom shirt in the first peekture. it's an olp shirt because our lady peace kicks arse. oh and he says oot and aboot because he's canadian remember? well someday when i rule america and he rules canada, it'll be cool. twice. three times even. ohh yeah and don't ever forget the coasters! woooo damnit chad i miss you.. email me already**
this guy here is john and he is soo weird, but he's really cool, especially on the phone. i really miss talking to him, but i think i scared him off with my obsessive behavior (see next page lol) he's a comedian/popular guy/big man on campus? heh it's probably because he has plaid boxers though. anyway he can be serious sometimes if he wants to be. he actually has some interesting opinions. i guess it's because he's old err because he's in a backwater town in missouri. i want to be just like john!! (lol) dan knows what's up. well john rules maaaaaan **
this is dammie and his real name is mike but i like to give people nicknames if you can't tell. i can't remember how i met him but luckily i did. he's from connecticut, and he is a really cool guy. i love him very much even if he is antisocial. i don't really know what dammie is all about yet, or if i ever will really understand him, but i'm really glad i got to know him **
this is brian he's my bo and he drinks too much, but he's still great. and no, he doesn't sound like a gay prison inmate. he's really sweet and funny and cute, can't ya tell? i kinda knew him from when i first came to vp but he didn't really talk to me much. once he came in as a mug when he was at school (lord_mug or something like that heh). he's from a little town in northern cali. when i came to monterey, we were supposed to meet and eat gummie bears and hang out at the aquarium, but he ran off to be with coey, and i haven't heard from either of them since =(i miss him **
it's coey!!! yay!coey is my very first hero. i like coey not only because brian does but because she's really swell. she was a cheerleader, but i still think she's the best. she has really pretty hair, and she's very smart. she's the goddess of smart. i miss her too**
this is mikey he is a cutie and he's my little brudder. he's the jester of vp, and he's made some really kick-ass gestures, too. i even made a page dedicated to him and tony once. check it out here well he's from maryland and someday we'll have that big house with fishies (lol) ! me and mikey love ! i think.. anyway we like pictures at the mall! i miss you brudder**
ohh it's a picture of chris aka kazz and he's this neat hacker-type guy that i met during my "anya" phase. he's cute, too, but i had to cut his slut ho ex-girlfriend out of this picture. he's from tennessee, and he has a really cool accent. i met him a long time ago in night, and he finally decided he needed to come to ml because it ruled at the time. anyway the derminar always fucked with my computer**
yayayay it's kalli aka sherri aka my nirvanababy. heh kalli is definitely the bestest gurl that i know. she's so sweet, especially to paranoid high chickas. she is so beautiful even when she's eating cookies. she used to live near houston, but i heard she ran off to san diego to be with ray? i haven't heard from her in forever.. i miss you sherri!! she likes nirvana and john lennon and i think she's really hip and i worshipped her for a long time. actually i still do. well, sherri, never forget that bobcats are evil! (still laughing at that- i know, it's an old joke) **
here comes riley. i talked to him for a period of time, but i haven't talked to him in a very long time. he seems to be one of those people that got a real life. i got some cool letters from him that i still keep. he was a lot cooler in real life than on vp. he was from o-high-o. i miss rilemey, too**
this is manders and she's a sweetie. she's my best girlfriend ever. me and manders had some times together. with accidents and uncertainties. anyway, she's really neat and beautiful. she's going to be famous someday because she'll be a centerfold or an actress, and i'll protect her from those rotten boys. i miss remanders**
this is robojay and he's great. we have some children (jayma and jeremy "our smackbabies" lol) well robojay was one of my very first vp friends even though i thought he was a chick at first. that was just because he was so nice, and he makes awesome avatars, and graphics, and gestures. he just moved recently, and i hope everything is going well for him**
this is my slave aka spike, jack starr, virus, but i heard his real name is andy. he's from st, louis. he's pretty neat, and he was my very first slave. he's pretty damn funny to talk to when he's drunk. he likes some kick-ass music, too**
this is sergio and he really likes those kick-ass bands like misfits and danzig. he's from guadulajara jalisco mexico. (i think i spelled that right) he's pretty damn cool, sweet, and funny. i can't forget sergio **
this is sk8drpunk chris and he's from i da hoe. he's pretty swell and so are his friends don and fallon and tyler and larry. i don't know if they're still all friends, but they were hella cool to meet. we all got really fucked up together on pot and idaho brand vodka (btw that is the nastiest shit ever manufactured) i think chris looks like liev schrieber, you know the guy from scream. i will never forget that night. it was soo fucked up, and i had tons of fun. of course the next day sucked**
this is that gurl that i don't like much, but i think she's really pretty so i decided to put her on here. btw her name is charlotte, and she's from england. you know how brits can be. (note to char: if you happened to notice, the comment above wasn't meant to be an insult to british people. it was meant to annoy you) it's pretty fun having someone who hates you. but i'm not carrying on any hatred towards you. you're just a very worthy opponent to argue with**