Who is Ripley?
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Glad you asked, like you really care. :) Anyways, my name is Mike. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan with my wife Melissa. I'm 21 (she's 18) and we're pretty much newlyweds (Sept 4, 1999) enjoying the newly married life.
I work at an electronic appliance controls company in Holland, Michigan as a warranty technician repairing boards at the component level. I have an AAS in Electronics Engineering Technology, and am currently working on my BAS in Application Development/Systems Analysis.
I got hooked on linux not too long ago when I got tired of working on Windblows networks that kept going down due to windows errors. I looked for an alternative and found one in linux. Since then I have fell in love with this beautiful OS. I have been learning and learning as much as I can, and have recently decided to put my experiences on the internet via this page.
Please look around and let me know what you think, if I help ya, let me know that too. It's always a good feeling to help someone out.
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