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This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Battlestar Galactica - Glen A. Larson and Robert Thurston

Battlestar Galactica 2 - The Cylon Death Machine - Glen A. Larson and Robert Thurston

Battlestar Galactica 3 - The Tombs of Kobol - Glen A. Larson and Robert Thurston

Battlestar Galactica 4 - The Young Warriors - Glen A. Larson and Robert Thurston

Battlestar Galactica 5 - Galactica Discovers Earth - Glen A. Larson and Michael Resnick

Battlestar Galactica 6 - The Living Legend - Glen A. Larson and Nicholas Yermakov

Battlestar Galactica 7 - War of the Gods - Glen A. Larson and Nicholas Yermakov

Armageddon - Richard Hatch and Christopher Golden


Starbuck: "I'm a warrior, not an idiot."

Apollo: "Why is it you always offer your opinion when nobody asks for it, and clam up when someone does?"
Starbuck: "Just part of my charm.  This way you can't blame me if you make the wrong decision."

Athena: "I suppose part of a rogue's appeal is that he never knows when to keep quiet."

Apollo (thought): "Command meant sending Warriors to face death, in all probability watching them die."

Apollo (thought): "Avoiding intimacy might prevent certain emotional hardships, but without question, it created others."

Adama (as remembered by Apollo): "Love and compassion are not liabilities, but strengths upon which to draw.  A Warrior has nothing to fight for if he does not allow himself to love, and be loved in return."

Gar'Tokk (thought): "... one of the first laws of their founder, Borellus, was 'Cultivate a thing and it will grow.'"

Gar'Tokk (thought): "Freedom was worth any price."

Adama recording: "... it is human nature to incite conflict."

Boomer (thought): "... people were there most vulnerable when they were in emotional turmoil."

Warhawk - Richard Hatch and Christopher Golden