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Season 1

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This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Saga of A Star World (3-Hour Premiere)

Commander Adama: "There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe, with tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians, or the Toltecs, or the Mayans. They may have been the architects of the great pyramids, or the lost civilizations of Lemuria or Atlantis. Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive far, far away, amongst the stars."

Adama: "Mr. President, a wall of unidentified craft is closing in on the fleet."
Baltar: "Possibly a Cylon welcoming committee?"
Adama: "Sir, might I suggest we launch a "welcoming committee" of our own?"

Apollo: "No way those guys can outfight us without a 10-to-1 margin."
Zac: "Apollo, look at your scanner."
Apollo: "No, but 1,000-to-1, that's not fair."

[Exploring the dark surface of a planet.]
Starbuck: "I wonder what this looks like in the daytime?"
Boomer: "Hey, this is the daytime."
Starbuck: "Oooh  -- lovely!"

Boomer: "Just keep it up, old buddy, you're going to get us into real trouble."
Starbuck: "Ten thousand light years from nowhere, our planet shot to pieces, people starving, and I'm going to get us in trouble?"

Boomer: "Every creature in the universe is out to exterminate us, and you want to hire a vocal group?"

Boxey: "Can I fly in your ship, sir?"
Apollo: "Fighter planes are no place for little boys."
Serina: "They're going to have to be if our people are going to survive."

Cassiopeia: "That woman is a member of the Etori sect amongst the Geminese.  They don't believe in physical contact between genders, except when sanctified by the priest during High Worship of the Sun Storm, which comes once only every seven years!"
Starbuck: "No wonder those little buggers are such good card players."

[Admiring Starbuck's space fighter]
Cassiopeia: "It's a perfect machine!  Born to dance amongst the stars!"
Starbuck: "Yeah, it's bumping into them that has me worried."

Cylon Warrior: "Atlantia Death Squadron, Attack!"

Imperious Leader: "Welcome, Baltar.  I have grave news.  A handful of Colonials prevail, but we will soon find them."
Baltar: "What of our bargain?  My colony was to be spared!"
Imperious Leader: "I now alter the bargain."
Baltar: "How can you change one side of a bargain?"
Imperious Leader: "When there is no other side.  You have missed the entire point of the war."
Baltar: "But I have no ambitions against you!"
Imperious Leader: "Could you think me so foolish as to trust a man who would see his own race destroyed?"
Baltar: "Not destroyed, subjugated, under me."
Imperious Leader: "There can be no survivors.  So long as one human remains alive, the Alliance is threatened."
Baltar: "Surely you don't mean me?"
Imperious Leader: "We thank you for your help, Baltar.  Your time is at an end."
Baltar: "No!  You can't!  You still need me!"

Starbuck: "You certainly have a way of cutting through the 'felgercarb'."

[About to go make out with his girlfriend in a fighter launch tube]
Starbuck: Lord, I'll do anything you ask tomorrow... just don't call an alert tonight!

Starbuck: "I had this, uh, wonderful speech all prepared --"
Cassiopeia: "About this being your last night here?  About possibly not seeing another night as beautiful as this one, or another girl as beautiful as I am, ever again?"
Starbuck: "Yeah, well, that speech is a little better than the one I had.  Would you mind if I borrowed it on some future occasion?"

Lost Planet of the Gods (Part 1)

Lost Planet of the Gods (Part 2)

The Lost Warrior

The Long Patrol

Apollo (to Boomer): "You've been hanging around Starbuck too long -- you've forgotten how to take orders."

Apollo (to Boomer): "Wait, don't shoot.  He's human."

Boomer (to Starbuck): "My, my.  Don't you look -- precious" 

Boomer: "Starbuck, you never -look- like a Warrior."

Cassiopea: "Most men don't treat a med technician like this."

Starbuck: "... we're rich!"
Apollo: "I'll put that on your death stone."

Starbuck: "Don't move.  --  I want to remember you just the way you are ... beautiful, against the stars."

Gun On Ice Planet Zero (Part 1)

Gun On Ice Planet Zero (Part 2)

The Magnificent Warriors

The Young Lords

Centurion: "These humanoids are not well constructed, they damage easily."
Starbuck: "At least we don't rust!"

The Living Legend (Part 1)

The Living Legend (Part 2)

Fire In Space

War Of The Gods (Part 1)

War Of The Gods (Part 2)

The Man With Nine Lives

Cassiopea: "Apollo, you know I have more than just a medical interest in Starbuck."

Starbuck: "Thousands of nameless orphans were found wandering in the Thorn Forest and I was one of them."

Starbuck (to Chameleon): "I'm Starbuck and this is my conscience, Apollo."

Starbuck (re: Chameleon): "I'm a little old to be breaking in a father now."

Murder On The Rising Star

Greetings From Earth (2-Hour Special)

Baltar's Escape

Experiment In Terra

Take The Celestria

The Hand of God

Adama (to Baltar): "That's the risk you'll have to take."

Cassiopeia (to Starbuck): "Knowing you, you'll probably find some beautiful female prisoner to rescue!"

Starbuck: "They didn't exactly give me the grand tour.  I know that central core leads to all decks but I don't know how to get to the command center."
Adama: "You know, I think your plan will work."