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Beast Machines

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Fires of the Past


Megatron: "History begins today."

Megatron: "My battle drones are models of technological perfection.  --  They possess superior firepower and maneuverability.  And yet, they are continually defeated by a small pack of lowly beasts.  Why?"
Diagnostic Drone: "Free will?  ..."
Megatron: "Grr!  --  Hmm!  Interesting notion.  And desperate times call for desperate measures."

Black Arachnia: "Three mindless probes.  Shouldn't be a problem."
Jetstorm: "Only three things wrong with that little theory:  One -- we're not drones, Two -- we're not mindless and Three -- problem's my middle name.

Jetstorm:  "Jetstorm -- afterburn!"
Thrust: "Thrust -- overdrive!"
Tankorr: "Tankorr -- pulverize!"

Rattrap: "Tankorr, roll over and play dead?"

Rattrap: "... give me a clue what you're looking for....  Is it bigger than a floppy?  Smaller than a mainframe?"
Black Arachnia: "You know these memory lapses we've had since hitting Cybertron?  Well, I've been having flashes.  Just fragments, but I only get them where I'm in robot form."

Black Arachnia: "According to the records, we were shot down by the planet's automated defense system."
Rattrap: "They blew us out of the sky?"
Black Arachnia: "Yes, stranding all six of us."
Rattrap: "Why, those lousy -- six?  Get real, Webs.  If there were six of us, then why don't we remember the other two?"

Jetstorm: "Your situation exactly matches your location -- terminal."

Jetstorm: "Let's barbecue us some beasties!"

Rattrap (re: Vehicons): "... those gas guzzlers can't scan us while we're in beast mode."

Megatron: "Vehicons, cancel the attack."

Black Arachnia (obtaining information from ship database): "Rhinox?  Silverbolt?"

Rattrap: "... just stick to beast mode ... and those Vehicon goons will never find us.  --  
[Hangar doors open and Vehicons are waiting]
Rattrap: "Unless they happen to be standing right in front of us."

Forbidden Fruit


Optimus (to Cheetor): "Don't give in to emotion."

Cheetor: "I'm a cat....  We always land on our feet."

Optimus: "How do you expect to master your new body if you keep turning your back on the Matrix?  The source of our very sparks."
Cheetor: "I hate to disappoint you, Bigbot, but in the heat of the battle, I have to follow my instincts, not blind faith."

Optimus (to Rattrap): "... there are no shortcuts to mastering the technique."

Rattrap: "I got enough on my plate worrying about my own tail."

Cheetor: "A bat!  Where did it come from?"
Black Arachnia: "But that's impossible.  How can it live down here?"
Rattrap: "Even with wings, a rat's a rat....  And we're survivors."

Cheetor: "Who know there were any animals left on Cybertron?"
Black Arachnia: "Wo knew there were animals ever on Cybertron?"

Black Arachnia: "You're a Maximal?"
Nightscream: "No, I'm a figment of your imagination.  Of course I'm a Maximal!"

Rattrap: "There better be cheese at the end of this maze."

Jetstorm (re: Maximals): "I love it when they play hard to get."

Jetstorm: "I'm through working with a bunch of empty-headed, tin plated --"

Optimus: "... I bonded with the Oracle, a device that allowed me to interface with the Matrix."  The Spark that shares it's light with us all."
Nightscream: "I thought the Matrix was just a myth."
Rattrap: "Heh, some myth.  It gave us these technorganic bodies, for all the good mine does me."

Optimus: "You're the first survivor, we've found.  What happened here?"
Nightscreen: "Nobody saw it coming.  A virus suddenly spreading over the whole planet.  Everyone was infected.  Many deactivated.  Most jus disappeared.  Then the drones came.  Just a few at first -- then hundreds -- thousands.  They hunted down any survivors.  I fled underground, deeper and deeper, until I fell into this pit and went -- off-line.  I reactivated looking like this.  Don't ask me how or why, but it's how I've managed to survive."

Optimus: "An organic tree on Cybertron?"

Cheetor: "We don't eat food.  We fuel up on energon.  Period."
Optimus: "Or rather, we use to, until we were reformatted by the Matrix.  Perhaps this food will enrich our new bodies."

Cheetor: "Someone around here has to be responsible."

Jetstorm: "Seek and ye shall find."

Nightscream (after being reformatted by the Matrix via Optimus): "Nice upgrade."

Cheetor: "I destroyed the tree...."
Optimus: "A wise decision.  It's purely organic nature was de-evolving our technorganic bodies.  You were right -- to trust your instincts."

End of the Line


Cheetor: "I am transformed."
Rattrap: "You want to warn me the next time you pull the plug."

Rattrap: "What in the name of gouda?"

Black Arachnia: "Doomsday."

Optimus: "The Oracle led me here.  It is the will of the Matrix."

Rattrap: "Password!  I got your password right here."

Vehicon: "Silverbolt has left the building."

Megatron: "Optimus hasn't the stomach for genocide."

Tankorr/Rhinox: "I will not be denied."

Megatron: "No planet is alive, ... merely infested."

Megatron: "You cannot defeat me."
Optimus: "No, but I can reformat you."

Megatron: "Let our fates fall where they may."

Endgame Part 1: The Downward Spiral

Megatron: "I need a stronger body, but there's no time to design an entirely new one.  I require a template!" 

Optimus: "I can't release the Sparks until Megatron is defeated and we reformat Cybertron."

Black Arachnia (re: fighting Megatron): "Well, what are we supposed to use against him?  Our sunny dispositions?"

Nightscream: "How can we win when Megatron has like a zillion drones?" 

Optimus: "Any luck?"
Cheetor: "Yeah.  But not the good kind!" 

Megatron: "Don't you ever get tired of losing?"

Rattrap: "We got no power, no where, no how!" 

Endgame Part 2: When Legends Fall

Megatron: "The end is near, Optimus Primal, yes."

Silverbolt (to Black Arachnia): "No matter what happens, we will be together -- forever."

Rattrap and Botanica are also having a (relative) fuel pump-to-fuel pump: "Rattrap... I want to thank you for saving my life." "Eh... de nada. I'd, uh, like to think you'd have done the same for me." With that, the two awkwardly return to work.

Optimus: "Oracle of Cybertron.  I call upon you one final time.  Grant me the wisdom to overcome Megatron, and establish true balance on Cybertron."
Oracle: "You already have the wisdom, along with the strength of your convictions."

Optimus (to Maximals): "The fate of Cybertron rests with us.  Here, today.  Some of you have fought beside me since the beginning of the Beast Wars.  Some of you I've just come to know.  I can't think of anyone I'd rather stand beside now." 

Diagnostic Drone (to Megatron): "Your new body is complete"

Endgame Part 3: The Seeds of the Future

Megatron (in the form of Optimal Optimus): "So, Optimus Primal, it all comes down to you and me.  Or should I say, you and you." 

Optimus: "You're not getting these Sparks!" 
Megatron: "They're mine already.  And when I, at last, take yours, my collection will be complete."

Megatron: "Today Cybertron's Sparks; tomorrow, the entire Matrix!  I, alone, will rule all Transformers past, present, and future!" 
Optimus: "Not while I'm still standing, Megatron." 
Megatron: "My sentiments exactly!"

Megatron: "Your meddling no longer amuses,"
Optimus: "I don't need to amuse you, Megatron."  

Megatron: "I have to find some way to entertain myself, while my drones repair my equipment," 

Optimus: "For the sake of Cybertron, for the sake of the Matrix, I will never surrender!" 
Megatron: "Bravado in the face of death!  How droll."

Optimus (in response to Megatron's appendages flying out of a fireball): "Say farewell to arms, Megatron!" 

Megatron (to Optimus) "... the seeds of your future lie in ruins.  While the seeds of my future -- have just been releaseed!"

Optimus: "This is wrong, Megatron.  We are all but fragments of the Matrix, which releases each of us in order to struggle, and grow and evolve.  So when we return to it, it may grow, and evolve.  Thus do we serve the Matrix -- not just by battling, but also by acquiring knowledge, wisdom, and experiencing love."
Megatron: "Knowledge?  Wisdom?  Love?  Am I supposed to occupy my mind with trivialities in the face of ultimate power?"
Optimus: "Is that the only ideal you serve, Megatron?  Megalomania?"
Megatron: "And what do you serve, Optimus Primal?  The law of the jungle?  Survival of the fittest?  Ha!  Are those your lofty ideals?"
Cheetor: "This isn't over yet."

BlackArachnia: "Hold on to your convictions."
Rattrap: "Dont' forget what the Oracle said!"
Cheetor: "The seeds of the future lie buried in the past!"

Optimus: "Forget it Megatron.  I will not allow you to destroy Cybertron!"
Megatron: "Destroy it?  I'm re-creating it, in my own image!"

Megatron: "What are you doing?"
Optimus: "Planting the seeds of the future.  We must seek the balance, Megatron -- not only between the technological and the organic, but the balance between eternal enemies.  Between you... and I!"

Optimus: "The great transformation awaits, Megatron.  Prepare to be -- reformatted."

Black Arachnia: "What happened?  What is this place?"
Cheetor: "Believe it or not, this is Cybertron!  Or what used to be Cybertron,"
Rattrap: "I don't get it.  I felt Megatron reaching into my Spark, and then -- poof."
Optimus vision: "No.  There was another voice, remember?"
Rattrap: "Optimus!  What about Botanica?"
Botanica: "Somebody call my name?"
Rattrap: "Sprouts!  --  So I'm a tree-hugger, deal with it!"
Botanica: "It's beautiful!  But it could use a little something."

Silverbolt: "The menace is past. At last, we can truly be together, dark venom of my heart."
Black Arachnia: "Oh, of all the corny --"

Waspinator: "Waspinator want glory!  Waspinator want power!  And what Waspinator get?  Waspinator never get what Waspinator want!"

Rattrap: "It just doesn't feel like victory without the boss monkey,"
Cheetor:  "He's with us, Rattrap.  As long as Cybertron is alive, Optimus lives on.  In our hearts, and our memories.  As will Megatron who also played a vital role in the grand scheme.  The vision from the Oracle has finally come to pass!  Optimus finally achieved his mission."