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Beast Macs


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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

1.  Beast Wars (Part 1)


Megatron: "... we will create alternate forms based on the most powerful, local creatures."

Optimus Primal: "These beast forms are to protect us from the long term effects of the energon out there."

Optimus: "This is one unusual planet, whatever it is."
Rhinox: "Or whenever.  The transwarp drive can go through space and time.  ...  We could be any place, any time."

Dinobot: "This cannot be Earth.  ...  We stole the golden disk for nothing."

Megatron: "There is more to being a leader than simple courage.  ... there's cleverness and cunning as well."

Optimus: "... you wanted exploration, and here we are, on an uncharted planet in an unknown section of space. What more could you want?"
Rattrap: "... call me picky, but a working spacecraft might be nice."
Optimus: "Just no pleasing some people."

Optimus: "That's just prime."

Rattrap: "We're all going to die."

Cheetor: "... if we're talking unnatural life form, then we've got to be talking about just one thing, robots in disguise."

Megatron: "... an enemy which appears to be peaceful, may in fact, be merely biding it's time.  ...  We Predacons have never abandoned our rightful goal of galactic conquest, no.  We have merely been waiting for the right moment to strike."
Cheetor: "You mean, like this?"
Optimus: "Cheetor!"
Megatron: "Ahh!  A treacherous underhanded sneak attack.  Ho, ho, ho!  I like you pussycat, yes."

Megatron: "... now the power gauntlet has been thrown."

Rhinox (re: Dinobot): "This guy's got bearings of chrome steel."

2.  Beast Wars (Part 2)


Dinobot (to Optimus): "I, Dinobot, challenge you for leadership of the Maximals."

Rattrap: "Let chopper-face and the boss monkey duke it.  No fur off of my tail."

Optimus: "I wouldn't send anyone to do anything I wasn't willing to do myself."

Dinobot: "I prefer to defeat my opponents the old-fashioned way -- brutally!"

Optimus: "For a Predacon, Dinobot, you have qualities I could like!"
Dinobot: "And you have proved to be a worthy adversary.  I will have you recycled with full honors!"
Optimus: "Well, that's just prime!"

Dinobot: "Release me, let me fall and save yourself."
Optimus: "Now, where's the honor in that?"

Rattrap: "Oh, for booting up cold, you're not going to believe a Predacon, are you?"

Rattrap: "Once a Pred, always a Pred.  ...  I don't trust Predacons."
Optimus: "We've got enough trouble with Megatron's crew without fighting amongst ourselves."

Optimus (to Rattrap): "That's right, says me! You want to question my orders one more time?"

Megatron: "... if I must die, I shall take you with me."

Optimus: "So, for now, let the battle be here on this strange primitive world.  And let it be called Beast Wars."

3.  The Web


Cheetor (to Scorpinok): "Clicking makes me twitch."

Optimus (to Cheetor): "We're in a war for survival and you treat it like a game."

Rattrap (to Cheetor): "... that is why you mess up, kiddo.  You don't have the sense to be afraid."

Dinobot: "We waste too much time talking.  We must act."
Optimus: "Rushing in head long won't help."

Tarantulus (to Cheetor re: eating Cheetor): "It's the act I enjoy more than the nourishment."

Tarantulus (after Rattrap rescues Cheetor): "I hate that rat."

Rattrap: "Everybody makes mistakes...."

Cheetor: "From now on, this cat is a team player."

Rattrap (to Cheetor): "If I told Optimus about your little play date with Tarantulas, he'd kick my sweet pink butt too!  ...  ... if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I will personally rearrange your spots."

4.  Equal Measures


Optimus: "Looks like one extremely ill wind is blowing our way."

Cheetor: "I can outrun anything the skies can dish."

Optimus: "Defeating them does not mean we have to annihilate them."

Terrorsaur (to Cheetor after having been transported to the Predacon base): "Welcome to the dark side."

Cheetor: "Cheetor!  Maximi -- did that already."

Dinobot (to Terrorsaur after being transported to Maximal base): "Welcome to Enemy Arms, my former comrade.  I hope you'll enjoy your stay."

Dinobot: "... could it be that an accident of technology and nature has actually created a transporter."

Cheetor: "Shredded or sizzled!  What a choice."

Dinobot (to Terrorsaur re: partnership): "In case you had not realized, needle-nose, I am not a team player."

Dinobot: "Somehow, the relay posts, the storm and the energon have all conspired to create a transporter which connects our com room to theirs."

Rattrap: "You may have stepped in it, kid, but you came out smelling like a rose."
Cheetor: "All part of being perfect."

Optimus (to Cheetor): "If you ever pull another stunt like that again, I'll have your tail in a sling!"

Cheetor (re: disobeying orders): "I'll never do it again -- until the next time."

5.  Chain of Command


Megatron: "No energon crystal too small, I always say."

Dinobot (awakening after repair and seeing Maximals): "Maximal torture chamber."
Cheetor: "Whoa.  Hey, power down.  You're on our side now, remember."
Dinobot: "Affirmative."
Rattrap: "And Maximals don't have torture chambers, although, you know, I could get behind that idea."

Rattrap: "Woh died and made you Prime, scale face?"
Dinobot: "Optimus is certainly scrap and I, as the most powerful of the group, shall replace him.  ..."
Rhinox: "We're not Predacons here.  We'll settle the chain of command in traditional Maximal fashion -- by secret ballot."

Rattrap (to Optimus): "... command's a pain in the tail.  Especially with this pack of hyenas.  You can keep it."

6.  Power Surge


Terrorsaur: "It's good to be a Predacon."

Terrorsaur: "I'm invincible."

Cheetor: "Jumping gyros."

Terrorsaur: "... I am assuming command of the Predacons.  ..."
Megatron: "I thought you'd already learned your lesson about challenging me, Terrorsaur."
Terrorsaur: "Today, I'm the teacher if you have the courage."
Megatron: "Very well, I could use some amusement."

Terrorsaur: "Megatron is scrap, yes."

Rattrap: "... let me finish this hand.  I'm in to this stinking 'puter for half a million."

Rhinox: "... if the Energon was unstable, and if there was a big enough concentration of it, it could lift a mountain!"
Optimus: "My thoughts exactly."

Rattrap: "Man, oh, man.  If I wanted to fly, I would've become a bat, not a rat."

Rattrap: "And what if he blasts you into itty-bitty pieces? It's a long way down!"
Optimus: "Sure is."
Rattrap: "I hate a wise-bot...."

Tarantulas: "You can't win, vermin.  I am your superior."
Rattrap: "Stick it in your command module, eight eyes."

Optimus: "My arms feel like refried rubber bands."

Rattrap: "You do know that was crazy."
Optimus: "Well, sometimes crazy works."

7.  Fallen Comrades


Megatron: "The Maximals will surely attempt to dispatch their only flyer to reach the pod first, yes.  Let us insure that he encounters turbulence."

Dinobot: "I am not normally an advocate of caution, Optimus Primal, but in this case, I must register my concern.  Megatron does not always behave as one might expect."
Optimus: "He'll want to reach the pod first, same as us.  Right now, it's a race, pure and simple."

Optimus: "One of my comrades is out there somewhere and every second counts."
Dinobot: "Your emotion chips are overriding your caution circuits."

Dinobot: "Fear not, Optimus.  I shall insure that your funeral is a glorious one, as befits a warrior who died in battle."
Optimus: "Afraid I'll have to miss it, Dinobot.  I'm not scrap yet."
Dinobot: "Are you certain?  It would be a triumphant passage."

Rattrap (to Dinobot): "Hey! You can just kiss my pink hairless...."

Tigatron: "I didn't know who I really was or which side I was on until -- until I saw you risk your lives to save us."

Tigatron: "I am still more tiger than Maximal.  ...  I feel my place is here, in the wilds, with my kind but you may count on my loyalty."

Tigatron: "Let the trails lead where they may.  I will follow."

8.  Double Jeapordy


Dinobot: "Our strategic disadvantage is considerable."
Optimus: "Work with it."

Tarantulas: "Meet Black Arachnia."
Black Arachnia: "Black Arachnia, terrorize."
Tarantulas: "Oh, be still my spinnerets."

Megatron (re: Black Arachnia): "Tarantulas, I detect an ulterior motive behind your Beast form selection...."

Cheetor: "You don't really think Rattrap's backing with the Predacons, do you?"

Rattrap: "Get scrapped, Optimus.  You think I was working for the Preds, ooh, you got a whole 'nother program to run, you oversized buffoon."

Megatron: "Ah, the simple pleasures of code breaking."

Terrorsaur (to Rattrap): "Your marksmanship is unimpressive."

Rattrap: "I got no links with the Maximals anymore.  I'm a free agent."
Terrorsaur: "Well, well, finally a Maximal with logic circuits."

Rattrap (to Terrorsaur): "I'll do whatever you say.  I'll even become a Predacon."

Megatron: "The wise tyrant always insures that his prisons are designed for his personal escape."
[Megatron leaves]
Rattrap: "And the wise Maximal traitor always makes sure he's carrying a handy infiltration kit."

Megatron: "A wise tyrant always allows a fool to take the lead in a crisis."

Waspinator: "Waspinator rules!"

9.  The Probe


Cheetor: "Last one back to the base is Predacon chow."
Rattrap: "No way, furball.  I ain't staring at no hairy cat butt."

Rattrap: "Don't cats ever get tired of being stupid?"

Optimus: "When you're outside the base, you pay attention."

Rattrap: "Strip my gears and call me a pole lamp."

Tarantulas: "Isn't life full of surprises?"

Tarantulas: "Don't cats ever get tired of being stupid?"

Optimus: "You're a Maximal now, and we'll see that you're treated as one."
Dinobot: "And what makes you think that I want to be?"

Megatron: "No Predacon will become a Maximal prisoner while I rule."

10.  Gorilla Warfare

Optimus (while berserk): "But if your caution circuits are overriding your courage, then smelt you all!"

11.  A Better Mousetrap


Black Arachnia (to Waspinator and Terrorsaur): "I'm soiled enough just being around you two."

Black Arachnia: "I'm the brains of this group, not the brawn."

Tigatron: "There are few who can sneak up on me like that."
Optimus: "You can learn a lot from Rattrap, if you can stand him."

Optimus: "Looks like Waspinator's been on a sugar binge."

Rhinox (to Dinobot): "What's gumming your gears?"

Dinobot: "Lethal threats demand lethal response."

Rhinox: "Sentinel thinks we're intruders."

Rattrap: "... since I turned this thing on, I'm the one that's got to turn it off.  --  Oh man!  I'm starting to sound like Optimus Pinhead."

Optimus (after losing sight of Waspinator): "Did you see him?"
Tigatron: "No, but I can still smell him.  He's here somewhere."

Tigatron: "I need no help hunting Predacons, and I prefer to prowl alone."

Cheetor: "Gigabummer!  Sentinel's locked us out."

Dinobot (re: Rattrap being trapped inside the Maximal base by Sentinel): "Apparently, you've built a better mousetrap."

Rattrap (re: Sentinel): "This ain't a security grid.  It's a gym, just for spy guys like me."

Rattrap: "Keep it up Sentinel.  You don't have a chance.  I'm a stealth fighter, master marksman and demolition expert."

Dinobot (eulogizing Rattrap): "I won't disgrace his memory with lies!  He was a stinking, omnivorous pestilence!  Still, in some perverse way, I will miss him."

Rhinox (eulogizing Rattrap): "Sure, he smelled bad.  He was a rat.  But he was my best friend."

Rattrap: "Ain't a defense system made that I can't get around."

12.  Victory


[Maximals watching events occurring at the Predacon base via spy camera and commenting on those events.]
Terrorsaur (in Predacon base): "I've had enough.  I refuse to serve such an incompetent leader any longer.  You've wasted our precious energon crystals for the last time, Megatron."
Cheetor: "Whoa!  Bad Karma at the loser lair."
Waspinator (in Predacon base): "Waspinator wants to fight now."
Dinobot: "It appears serious this time."
Megatron (in Predacon base): "You will regret this rebellion, Terrorsaur, yes."
Optimus: "That's dissension all right."
Cheetor: "Cool!  Now aren't you glad we got cable."
Rhinox: "Looks like we hard-wired that spy camera just in time."
Rattrap: "We!  Hey!  It was my fuzzy butt on the line out there."
Optimus: "Shh!  Look."
[Megatron backs away from the other Predacons before the other Predacons start shooting]
Megatron (in Predacon base): "No!  You fools.  You'll hit the energon."
[An explosion blacks out the spy camera and is felt at the Maximal base] 

Rhinox: "I detect no signs of life.  Not a Pred energy signature anywhere."
Dinobot: "Can that be confirmed?"
Rattrap: "Hey!  His sensors don't lie, Dinodip."

Optimus: "... we may have to accept a rather unexpected development friends.  It looks like the Maximals have won the Beast Wars."

Rattrap: "All right!  Let's pillage and plunder."
Optimus: "Only for space drive parts.  It is a Predacon ship and still very dangerous."

Rattrap (re: Dinobot): "Man!  I'm pushing all of his hot buttons and I'm getting nada."

Rattrap: "What are we going to do with Dinobot?  ...  Man, look at him.  He's still a Predacon.  He's only with us because he knew we'd win.  Not because he believed in what we stood for.  He's a soldier.  With the enemy gone, who else is he going to fight?"

Dinobot (hold some legs belonging to Tarantulus given him by Cheetor): "Alas, poor Tarantulus, I knew him Cheetor.  This is the leg that stalked so many victims.  And it should come to this."
Cheetor: "Aw!  Do you need a hug?"

Rattrap: "I can just hear the dames crying for me."
Dinobot: "Perhaps it is the thought of your return that causes their unhappiness."
Rattrap: "Hey, hey, hey!  Chopperface!  Whoo!  An actual comeback.  A little lame, but, hey, I can tell you're feeling better."
Dinobot: "And for good reason.  I shall not see you again."
Rattrap: "Whoa!  Another dig."
Optimus: "What are you saying, Dinobot?  You will not return with us to Cybertron?"
Dinobot: "No!  On Cybertron, I will merely be a Predacon criminal.  But on this planet, I have no equal.  I shall remain to conquer and rule."
Optimus: "I understand.  None the less, let the record show that I advise against this action.  It will eventually lead to your destruction."
Dinobot: "Eventually! Eventually can be a long time, Optimus Primal.  I salute my former Maximal leader and my former comrades.  Good-bye."

Tarantulus: "If Waspinator does not stop cuddling me like a stuffed toy when he sleeps, I'll eat him...."

Megatron: "... thanks to Terrorsaur's inadvertent discovery of our enemies' spy camera, we were able to pull this little deception, yes."

Tigatron: "It feels strange to be inside an artificial structure."

Tigatron: "I cannot sit idle while my comrades battle the enemy.  Tigatron, maximize."

Rattrap: "We're all going to die."
Dinobot: "Wait.  Look.  Down in the sky.  Is it a bird?"
Rhinox: "Maybe a plane?"
Rattrap: "Nah!  It's Optimus."

Rattrap: "Man!  You know, it's your fault that I ain't kicking back on Cybertron right now, you overgrown stinking iguana."
Dinobot: "I've done the planet a favor."
Rattrap: "Hey!  Hey!  You want me to show you just how velociraptors got extinct.  ..."
Dinobot: "Go scurry through a maze mouse." 

13.  Dark Designs


Megatron: "Nowhere to run and no place to hide, yes."

Megatron: "It shouldn't be this easy, no, but mustn't complain."

Rhinox: "There's more than one way to skin a cat, so to speak."

Optimus: "Well done old friend.  Steady nerves and quick thinking."
Rhinox: "Comes with the job description."
Optimus: "No, I'm serious.  If you ever wanted to, you'd make one prime leader."
Rhinox: "Thanks anyway, but I'll leave that sort of thing to you.  I'd rather just tag-along behind and smell the flowers."

Megatron: "The rhinoceros, I do believe I may have understand him, yes.  And I could find use for someone like that."

Megatron: "The transmutor, megacycles in the design, but infinitely, well worth the effort."

Rhinox: "If you're going to finish me any way, then do me a favor.  Shut up and get on with it."

Predacon Rhinox: "Rhinox, terrorize.  Afternoon all.  This a private club or can anybody join?"
Megatron: "Let me be the first to welcome you.  Everyone, meet our new Predacon."

Cheetor: "Better dead than Pred."

Rattrap: "Optimus, you got a few hugs in your system directory?"
Optimus: "No, but I've got a hunch that Megatron's bitten off a little more than he bargained for, yes."

Predacon Rhinox: "Destruction is always good." 

Scorpinok (after Predacon Rhinox asked how long repairs would take, supposedly for Megatron): "Tell him not to get his software in a snarl.  First I have ot figure out what the slagging problem is."

Rhinox: "One false move and you're a new fast food sensation, Pterodactyl Hot-Wings."

Optimus: "If we intervene now, we're facing seven Predacons, including Rhinox."
Rattrap: "And if we wait, we're facing six Preds and a large collection of rhino bits." 

Megatron: "Ah, Rhinox, a pleasure to see you again."
Predacon Rhinox: "Always a treat to see you, too."
Megatron: "Traitor!"
Predacon Rhinox: "Yep. You got a point there."

Predacon Rhinox: "They're playing our song, Megatron.  Time to dance."

Predacon Rhinox: "Reprogramming me was the worst mistake you ever made 'cause now that I'm a Predacon, I'm just a little too crafty for you.  ...  It's called irony, sport.  I take over and you head straight for the recycling bin, yes."
Megatron: "So it would seem.  And even now, Rhinox, you're teaching me a valuable lesson."
Predacon Rhinox: "Yeah, what's that?"
Megatron: "Sometimes Predacons gloat too much."

Cheetor: "Okay, so how about we just punt your butt a couple of hundred yards down field."

Rattrap: "Yo, everybody, out of the pool."

Cheetor: "... what's it actually feel like, being a Pred?"
Rhinox: "Like you're three gigabytes of attitude on a two-gig hard drive.  No wonder they got personality problems."

14.  Double Dinobot


Megatron: "I present to you a perfect clone of Dinobot.  And all I needed was a speck of that traitor's DNA.  ...  ... he'll provide us, shall we say, an unfair advantage by infiltrating the Maximal base and shutting down their defense grid.  Of course, he can't transform, but I doubt it will be necessary."
Scorpinok: "Are you certain this zombie bot can pull it off?"
Dinobot clone: "Not only will I pull it off, I'll chew it up and spit it out."

Megatron: "It's Terrorsaur's job to eliminate the real Dinobot.  Yes.  Then I'll send in the clone."

Dinobot: "By the inferno, I am bored.  There's never a Predacon around when you need one."

Terrorsaur (after trapping Dinobot in a cave): "Rust in peace, old comrade."

Optimus: "... there's no reason to fight a battle we can avoid."

Rattrap (being led on a wild goose chase in search of Predacons by Dinobot clone): "So, where's these Predacons?  It's as quiet as an oiled bearing out here."

Rattrap (to Dinobot clone after being told by Dinobot clone that Predacons should be right over the next ridge): "... we'd better transform.  Rattrap, maximize.  --  What are you waiting for, micorbrain?  Settle into the metal."

Rattrap (after Dinobot clone pushed him off a cliff): "I just knew I smelled a rat, and it wasn't even me."

Optimus: "Rattrap's a pain in the circuits, but I'd hate to lose him."

Rattrap: "I was almost deep fried rat."

Rattrap: "... once a Pred, always a Pred."

Rattrap (re: Dinobot's clone alone at base): "That's just prime."

Dinobot: "... what are you waiting for?  Transform so I can finish you with honor."
Dinobot clone: "I -- I can't."
Dinobot: "Of course, you're nothing but a clone.  Well, far be it from me to fight an inferior foe."
Dinobot clone: "Fortunately, I don't share your stupid sense of honor."

Dinobot (pretending to be Dinobot clone): "... your brilliance is an inspiration to me."
Megatron: "... you are a most enchanting creature.  I may just close the rest of my troops."

Megatron: "So, you ungrateful clone.  You're as treacherous as the real Dinobot."
Dinobot: "Correction.  I am the real Dinobot."

Optimus (to Dinobot after reporting the he had eaten the clone, flicked a piece of food from between his teeth onto Optimus and burped): "You're disgusting."

15.  The Spark


Rhinox: "This proto-form is dying."

Cheetor: "A spark."
Rhinox: "Yep!  The very thing which makes us what we are.  Every Cybertron, Maximal or Predacon, has one.  And each is different.  When a spark goes online, there's great joy.  When one's extinguished, the universe weeps."

Cheetor: "... how do you dance with all those skinny legs?"
Black Arachnia (referring to an earlier encounter with Tigatron): "This must be my day for cats."

Air Razor: "Air Razor, maximize."

Cheetor: "Pay no attention to the rodent.  He was born with a major glitch."

Optimus (to Airazor): "You'll get used to everything in time, including them, maybe."

16.  The Trigger (Part 1)


Tigatron: "... though I am close to these rugged lands, they still have their mysteries."

Waspinator: "Waspinator love victims that are punctual."

Rhinox: "It would almost seem that one of the moons is lighter than it sould be.  Not enough mass for its size.  It's as though it were hollow."

Rattrap (to Tigatron): "What's new pussycat?"

Optimus: "Tigatron may have been destroyed."

Megatron: "... a flying island, concealed from view, which contains a powerful weapon.  This could be useful, yes.  Such a tactical advantage could end the Beast Wars once and for all."

Optimus (re: Tigatron): "He'll defend himself, but total destruction goes against everything he believes in."
Dinobot: "He's a fool then."

Tigatron: "It would seem that energy weapons are not welcome in this peaceful land.  So be it.  Beast mode.  Let me be a visitor, not an invader."

Air Razor: "What's this?  Black Arachnia tries to lasso a cloud?  --  More surprisingly, she seem to have succeeded."

Tigatron: "Air Razor has been damaged.  She and I are trapped on a mysterious flying island.  This island is a self-contained ecosystem guarded by powerful weapons of alien design.  Black Arachnia and Scorpinok hav already managed to invade.  If they gain control of the island and its weapons, the Predacons will be able to destroy the Maximal base ... and win the Beast Wars."

17.  The Trigger (Part 2)


Tigatron: "It is as though I have come home.  Though my heart is a Maximal fluid pump, my soul is that of a tiger.  And on this strange flying island, despite its weaponry, I, at last, feel myself at peace.  It must not fall into the clutches of the Predacons."

Black Arachnia (after falling through a trap and saving herself with her own web): "There are times it pays to be a spider."

Rattrap (riding on Optimus' back as Optimus flies toward the flying island): "... I still don't see shy I got to be the one to get carried like a sack of rusty nuts."
Optimus: "Because you're the only one I can fly this whole distance.  Besides, Tigatron's message said the flying island was booby-trapped.  and no one knows traps like Rattrap."
Rattrap: "... the curse of a great reputation.  ...we get beverage cart service on this flight?"
Optimus: "Just make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened."

Optimus (under attack by Waspinator and Terrorsaur): "I can't maneuver with a passenger."
Rattrap: "Well, excuse me.  I'm the one holding on by their little pink toes here.  I can't even transform like this."

Rattrap (after being knocked off of Optimus' back): "Slag heap city!  I'm going to die.  I'm falling, pitiful and helpless."

Terrorsaur (taunting the falling Rattrap): "A scared little mousie.  This is just too good to be true."
Rattrap: "You know, beak-face, you're right."
[Rattrap transforms and blasts Terrorsaur]
Terrorsaur (coming out of a spin): "Beast mode."
[The falling Rattrap lands on Terrorsaur's neck]
Rattrap: "...  Just had to get you close enough to hitch a ride.  ...  Now, fly you featherless freak or I'll toast your tachyons."

Optimus: "You're a real piece of work, Rattrap."
Rattrap (riding on Terrorsaur's back): "Ain't it the truth."

Rattrap: "You mean that whoever built this place went to all the trouble of making traps and then marking them?  And it won't let you use energy weapons?"
Optimus: "What are you getting at, Rattrap?"
Rattrap: "I'm saying that this ain't no paradise, it's a puzzle.  This whole place is designed to attract intelligent species and ... then test them."
Air Razor: "Test them?  Test them for what?"
Rattrap: "I don't know, bird-lady, but I'll tell you this.  Generally speaking, being a guinea pig ain't a long-term career gig, you know what I'm saying.  I say we get off this flying sod farm."
Tigatron: "No!  This is a land of peace.  I will protect it."

Black Arachnia: "This flying island and all it's power will soon be mine to control.  ...  It's mine.  This island's weapons will give me the power to defeat even Megatron.  I will destroy the Maximals and rule the Predacons."

Black Arachnia: "I have the control.  Let there be light."

Rattrap (addressing the alien obelisk): "Listen up, you oversized thumb tack."

Tigatron: "May I be forgiven for what I must do."
[Tigatron blasts the power core of the island causing the island to crash]

Tigatron: "We were given a paradise.  All we had to do was live there in peace.  But we proved unworthy.  And the paradise is no more."
Optimus: "Yeah, it's and old story.  Maybe, someday, we'll learn."

18.  Spider's Game


Black Arachnia (to Tarantulus): "So this is where you've been hiding.  Cozy, in a hideous sort of way.  ...  Cool your gears, tall, dark and gruesome.  I haven't spent all this time finding your lair just to shoot it out with you."

Tigatron (seeing a Maximal stasis pod fall to earth): "A stasis pod.  Another of our Maximal warriors arrives.  ...  I must get to the pod before the Predacons find it."

[Tarantulus and Black Arachnia have already arrived at the stasis pod]
Black Arachnia: "Ooh!  You are a clever one.  No wonder Megatron fears you."
Tarantulus: "Is that why you're helping me betray him?"
Black Arachnia: "Megatron is powerful, but inferior.  I would make a much better leader.  Besides, you're so cute."

Tarantulus: "My intent was to create another of our kind, but the pod's computer has already selected a form.   ...  But, whatever it is, it will be a Predacon."

Waspinator: "Tiger-bot is all alone.  Waspinator will destroy.  ...  Now Waspinator says good-bye to tiger-bot."
[Waspinator is blasted by Air Razor]
Waspinator: "Waspinator remembers bird-bot.  Waspinator will scrap."
Air Razor: "I'm flattered -- but hardly impressed."
[Air Razor shoots off Waspinator's wings]
Waspinator (with head buried in sand and a rodent pulling at his antennae): "Waspinator hate bird-bot."

Black Arachnia (seeing the new Predacon rise from the pod): "...  Another insect.  How depressing."

Inferno (protecting the pod from Tarantulus and Black Arachnia): "Spiders dare invade the colony.  Inferno, terrorize.  ...  Destruction to all who threaten us.  The royalty commands it."

Black Arachnia: "That six legged freak nearly roasted us.  I thought you said he was a Predacon."
Tarantulus: "His beast mode is dominating his logic circuits."
Black Arachnia: "He thinks he's a real insect?"
Tarantulus: "Precisely.  And he sees the pod as his colony.  Anyone who threatens it is his enemy."
Black Arachnia: "My cyber-venom will make him more friendly."
Tarantulus: "No!  I don't want to risk damage to the pod."

Air Razor (to Inferno as he flies to her location): "As Cheetor would say, that flight mode is ultra-gear.  I'm Air Razor, who are you?"
Inferno: "Defender of the colony, and you are an invader."
[Inferno fires on Air Razor]
Air Razor: "You're not Maximal."

Black Arachnia (after firing on Air Razor): "Destruction to the Maximals, the enemies of the colony."
Inferno: "...  Yes, they are enemies, but you're not of the colony."
Black Arachnia: "Actually, I'm a personal friend of the royalty."

Tarantulus (grabbing the pod for return to his lair): "At last, I have the means to escape this dust ball."

Black Arachnia: "You're a Predacon, like me.  It's our destiny to conquer and rule."
Inferno: "No!  Only the royalty rules.  As soldier, I defend -- the colony."

Air Razor (to Tigatron): "Predacons got here first.  They turned the proto-form into one of them."

Air Razor: "You might need backup."
Tigatron: "I hunt better alone."
Air Razor: "... sometimes you can be too alone."

Tigatron (after destroying the pod): "You won't be getting of our secrets from that pod, Predacon."
Black Arachnia (coming up behind Tigatron): "Ane you won't be getting any older, Stripes."

Inferno (re: destruction of pod): "The colony.  Whoever has done this thing will burn.  Inferno, terrorize."
Megatron (witnessing Inferno's transformation and attitude): "Ooh, I like him, yes."

Optimus (after rescuing Tigatron from Inferno and Megatron): "Air Razor suggested you might need a lift."
Tigatron: "That's another of my nine lives I owe her."

Megatron (to Scorpinok re: Inferno's destroyed body): "Gather up that junk pile and bring it to the base."

Tigatron: "I prefer the wild land."

Tarantulus: "Megatron does not see the webs within the webs."

Black Arachnia: "We're two of a kind.  We should stick together."
Tarantulus: "It would make no difference if we did.  This planet is doomed."
Black Arachnia: "So, that's why you wanted the stasis pod.  To build an escape ship.  ...  I can help."
Tarantulus: "Leave my lair."
Black Arachnia: "... at least consider it.  We could be a great team."
[Black Arachnia walks away]
Black Arachnia (whispers): "Lunatic!"
Tarantulus (whispers): "Witch!"

19.  Call of the Wild


Rattrap (to Optimus): "...  Don't get your bananas in a bunch."

Rattrap (re: Cheetor): "Man!  I swear, them polka-dots go clear through to the brain."

Rhinox: "The Predacons took our rectifier coil.  Without it, the base is no longer energon shielded."
Rattrap: "...  You mean we  got to wear these fur coats day and night?"
Optimus: "That could be a problem."

Rattrap (forced to remain in beast mode): "... I hate working with these short little arms and legs."

Rhinox: "We've been in beast mode too long."
Rattrap: "I'm a robot trapped in a rat's body and the rat is taking over."

Megatron: "...  Exactly as my research on Maximal programming postulated.  ...  Their beast forms have taken over.  In their exhaustion, they are sleep prowling.  Which means that tonight, we hunt."

Megatron: "...  If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

Tigatron: "The night is wild and we have much to do."

Waspinator: "Waspinator love it when prey cannot shoot."
Terrorsaur: "Hunting from the air with automatic weapons.  Now that's a sport!"

Air Razor (re: Predacon base): "Lights are on but nobody's home, except the automated defense, of course.  Oh, well.  She stoops to conquer."

Tigatron: "Once, we were merely robots in disguise, but on this planet, we Maximals have become something more.  Maximal programming was designed to block our beast urges -- but that has proven to be an error.  Our beast forms are part of us.  Fighting their nature only made them stronger.  We must accept both beast and robot forms.  Feel your core consciousness.  Find the programming block and delete it.  Bring your beast and robot forms together.  Let them work in harmony.  And let them both make you stronger than you were before."

Rattrap: "Rat!  Robot!  Rat!  Robot!  I'm a robot and a rat.  ...  Yeah.  I like it."

Tigatron: "Remember, do not fight your beast instincts.  Let them help your robot forms, both in battle and in peace.  ...  But for now, let us Maximize ... and slag some butt!"

Cheetor: "...  Beast or bot, we're still the baddest."

20.  Dark Voyage


Dinobot: "I'm better at everything than Rattrap."

Rhinox: "I feel like I got hit by a whole Pred fleet."

Rhinox: "I'm blind."

Rattrap (also blind): "It's darker than the inferno out here."

Rhinox: "You've all got to calm down."
Dinobot: "Calm down?  We can't see!"

Rhinox: "There's more than one way to see...."

Rhinox: "We just follow our noses...."

Rhinox: "Maximals don't abandon their own kind."

Megatron: "Seek and destroy."

Cheetor (after being blown into water by Waspinator): "I've had enough water to last me a stellar lifetime."

Dinobot: "What irony, for a warrior like me to go out blind, wet and helpless."
Rhinox: "... we're not finished yet."
Dinobot: "Spare me your eternal optimism."

Waspinator (seeing that Maximals had survived the attack that dumped them into the water): "Waspinator is sick of stupid Maximals."

Dinobot: "How can we hit what we cannot see?"

Rhinox: "... all in all, I'd say it was a good experience for us.  ...  We never really appreciated what we're capable of in beast form.  Now we know.  --  I'm going to smell some flowers.  --"
Rattrap: "... you got to love the big lug nut."

21.  Possession


Scorpinok: "So, there you are."
Starscream (in Waspinator's body): "Yes, here I am -- at very long last!"
Megatron: "What happened to your voice?"
Starscream: "Allow me to present myself.  Air Commander Starscream of the Decepticon battle fleet.  ..."
Black Arachnia: "But you're ancient history."
Starscream: "Ancient, yes.  History, no."
Scorpinok: "What's he talking about?"
Black Arachnia: "The Decepticons were our ancestors.  For centuries, they warred with the Autobots."
Megatron: "The ancient ancestors of the Maximals."

Megatron: "Now that you're here, Air Commander, what do you want?"
Starscream: "Why to pledge allegiance to the glorious Megatron and fight as your loyal lieutenant."
Megatron: "Well, you'll forgive the glorious Megatron for not melting into a puddle of gratitude."

Optimus: "Taken unawares.  I'm a fool."
Megatron: "At long last, Primal, we agree on something."

Cheetor: "Don't you know that gate crashing is just plain rude.  Next time, try knocking." 

Megatron: "We must pay attention, Dinobot. Otherwise, deary me, look what happens!"

Megatron: "First we conquered.  Now we divide."

Megatron: "... you are rewarded for your loyal service."

Dinobot: "... I have long studied military history.  Starscream was deceitful and scheming, the most notorious traitor of all.

Starscream (to Black Arachnia): "Greed and self-interest, eh, excellent.  I believe I discern a prot�g�."

Optimus: "Starscream, we come to surrender."

Rattrap: "Would you lie down -- and groan, for crying out loud?  You're suppose to be half-dead."
Dinobot: "If you don't shut up, rodent, you shall be my role model."

Rattrap: "If it ain't the dinosaurs up your nose, it's the felines."

Starscream (to Black Arachnia): "Lesson One: Always show compassion.  It's a useful cover for your true motives."

Tigatron: "We had an agreement, Starscream."
Starscream: "And, now, we have another one."

Rattrap: "You, you're nothing but a scheming snake in the grass."
Starscream: "Flattery will get you flattened, vermin."

Optimus: "Betrayed, shackled and caged.  In other words, so far, so good."

Starscream (to Black Arachnia): "Lesson Two: They're always more gullible than you'd hope."
Optimus: "Lesson Three: Disregard lessons one and two."

Optimus: "I have to tell you, Starscream, you're giving space debris a very bad name."

Starscream: "You betrayed me!"
Black Arachnia: "I studied with the master."

Optimus: "Hasta la vista, Starscream."

Waspinator: "Waspinator has a headache in his whole body...."

Megatron: "You're smooth, Black Arachnia.  Very smooth! It does not inspire confidence.  No."

Cheetor: "Twinkle, twinkle, little Starscream."

22.  The Low Road


Rattrap: "Oh, man!  I signed up as an explorer -- an adventurer -- you know, your basic galactic hero.  --  Since when does that include gardening duty?"

Dinobot: "One must always be on the alert for the sneak attacks."

Dinobot: "Unlike you, cheese eater, I do not run from battle."

Cheetor: "... are you sure it was a good idea sending those two out together?"
Optimus: "To be honest, no.  Their squabbling has caused problems before.  They'll either learn to work together or they'll destroy each other.  --  Right now, I don't really care which."

Dinobot: "I detect a scent.  --  Vile corruption, a whiff of festering putrification."
Rattrap: "So, I ate a limburger sandwich for lunch.  I'm a rat.  Give me a break."
Dinobot: "I have been uncomfortably aware of your stench for the past hour, vermin.  This is something else."

Dinobot: "Leave battle to the warriors, mouse."

Tarantulus (to Dinobot and Rattrap): "Playground's closed, minimals."

Cheetor: "Those sinus torpedoes of Rhinox's are draining us dry."

Rattrap (to Dinobot): "Pre-evolved bird-brain!"

Rattrap: "This day just keeps getting better and better."
Dinobot: "Yes.  There is little I enjoy more than hauling an unconscious arachnid through underground tunnels."
Rattrap: "Listen, we need spider-boy here to whip up an anti-virus! And you know this tunnel's got to lead to his lab."
Dinobot: "I know nothing of the sort.  Unlike you, I am not used to crawling through sewers."
Rattrap: "Well, a sewer smells better than your breath, bronto-brain."
Dinobot: "You'll soon get used to it after I bite your worthless head off."

Rhinox: "If I'm going to wreck the wallpaper, I might as well do it on Pred turf."

Megatron: "A bargaining chip should remain in play 'til the game is over, yes."
Black Arachnia: "Why do you always talk to yourself?"
Megatron: "I simply have a penchant for intelligent conversation."

Megatron (to Scorpinok, Inferno and Waspinator): "Hold you fire, you fools.  Wait for a target."

Dinobot: "There are times when I would prefer to be a Predacon."

Megatron: "A bargaining chip is always useful."

23.  Law of the Jungle


Inferno (to Tigatron): "The Royalty commands your wreckage, destroyer of my Colony!"

Tigatron: "Snowstalker!  --  Good-bye, Snowstalker.  Let your hunting ground shelter you now."

Cheetor: "It's never easy to bury a friend."

Tigatron: "In my lust for battle, I caused the death of an innocent."
Dinobot: "There are no innocents.  This is war."

Tigatron: "From this moment on, I am no longer part of the Beast Wars."

Waspinator: "Megatron not like failure."

Waspinator: "Waspinator like signals."

Dinobot (to Tigatron): "You have the instincts of a warrior.  You know when danger's approaching."

Dinobot (pointing out a tiger capturing a deer): "That is the law of the jungle.  The hunters and the hunted.  Scrap or be scrapped."
Tigatron: "Animals hunt to survive."
Dinobot: "What do you think was is about?  Maximals, they believe in peace, but Predacons -- you do not really know the Predacons -- we -- they -- live for the glory of conquest."

Tigatron: "Peace will never come until someone agrees not to fight."
Dinobot: "The Predacons will not allow it.  They will destroy you or reprogram you."

Dinobot (to Tigatron): "If you're not with us, then you're against us."

Dinobot (to Optimus and Tigatron): "Sentiment!  The more time I spend with you Maximals, the more I wonder how you've survived so long."

Tigatron: "We don't belong here, Optimus."
Optimus: "But we are here, and as Maximals, we've got a duty to explore and defend this world."

Tigatron (to Inferno): "Back off Predacon.  You will kill no more beasts today.  --  You -- will -- leave the wild alone!"

Tigatron: "Once again, the planet pays the price for our war.  ...  I must still grieve for my friend -- but as long as there are Predacons to harm this world, we Maximals must protect it."

24.  Before the Storm


Megatron: "Go repair yourself. I have much to think about."
Inferno: "Yes, my Queen."
Megatron: "... I wish he wouldn't call me that."

Optimus (to Megatron hologram): "I'd say it was good to see you but my truth circuits would overload."

Optimus: "When Predacons talk truce, it just means they need time to reload their weapons."

Optimus: "I'm a Maximal.  I have to give peace a chance, no matter how unlikely it seems."

Rattrap: "Ain't there a rule that us hero types got to get more dignified transportation?"

Rattrap: "... we're gonna die!"
Air Razor: "Isn't there a rule that heroes have to face destruction with dignity?"
Rattrap: "Hey, what's the fun of dying if you can't enjoy it?"

Rattrap: "I feel naked without my gun."

Terrorsaur (after catching Tigatron sneaking around the Predacon base): "Looks like curiouslity just claimed another cat."

Terrorsaur (to Tigatron): "Don't even twitch your whiskers pussy cat, or I'll fragment your hard drive."

Megatron: "To think that I once would have been satisfied with mere energon! To think that my ambitions once lofted no higher than the conquest of Cybertron!"

Megatron: "When one is serving bait, presentation is everything."

Optimus: "That's just prime."

25.  Other Voices (Part 1)

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Optimus: "Just what we need.  A visit from the landlord."

Megatron (re: Tarantulus and Black Arachnia): "The inevitable treachery, yes.  Properly guided, it should serve me well."

Waspinator: "Waspinator find spider-bot and tear him a new waste disposal unit."

Waspinator: "Not fair!  Waspinator always gets slag assignments."
Megatron: "May I remind Waspinator that the current cease fire applies only in reference to Maximals."

Rattrap: "Strip my circuits and call me a toaster."

Rattrap: "It's amazing how sweet we're all being these days."

Rattrap: "... you fight with a rat, you better fight dirty."

Rattrap: "Robo-noogie!"

Optimus (re: alien construct): "Is there a way in?"
Rattrap: "You see a doorbell anywhere?"

Rattrap: "Holy Swiss cheese, we're in for it now."

Optimus: "Since our arrival on this planet, we haven't exactly been the best of tenants.  The aliens have a right to expect some answers."

Inferno: "Spiders spin their own web of intrigue."

Megatron (re: hearing Optimus scream in pain): "Ah, would I could have that sound to lull me to sleep each night."

Rattrap: "Ours is not to reason why, but to blow this joint before we die!"

Optimus: "Unicron!"
Alien: "We have no physical form you could comprehend.  We chose this figure of authority from your data tracks."
Optimus: "If you've scanned me, you know that we did not come to this planet by choice."
Alien: "Yet, you are here."
Optimus: "We mean no hare, to you or this planet."
Alien: "It is too late.  You and your enemies have already contaminated the project.  The harm has been done.  That which does not become part of the one shall become Void."
Optimus: "No!  Wait!  We can fix whatever damage was done."
Alien: "We are not interested.  The experiment will be sterilized."
Optimus: "You can't do that.  There are living creatures here.  You, with all your power, even you have no right."
Alien: "We have no choice.  There is more danger than you know.  Begin termination sequence."

Rattrap: "Hey, big banana, what gives?"
Optimus: "They called it a termination sequence.  We'd better get out of here."
Rattrap: "You just said my favorite phrase."

Megatron: "Fortunately, there is still another hand to be paralyzed."

26.  Other Voices (Part 2)

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Megatron: "Brilliant!  They're causing a chain reaction which will rip this planet to ribbons and destroy all traces of them, simply to deal with us.  What sheer ruthlessness.  What disregard for sentient life.  I rather like these aliens."

Waspinator: "Waspinator not want to be destroyed.  Waspinator has plans."

Rattrap: "... suicide ain't in my job description."

Optimus: "Sometimes crazy works."

Rattrap: "... in case you don't make it back ... can I have your quarters?"
Optimus: "No."

27.  Aftermath

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Rattrap: "My gear box hanging out, or something?"

Air Razor (to Cheetor and Rattrap): "The quantum surge must have mutated your superstructures."

Rattrap: "Hey!  I'm gorgeous."

Megatron: "... I've had a change -- for the better -- yes."

Waspinator: "Waspinator is glad to see end of alien machines!  And Optimus Primal."
Megatron: "Yes ... I am good, aren't I?"

Rattrap: "... when we woke up, Cheetor and I were these, uh, transmetals."

Rhinox: "I'm in a bad mood."

Rattrap (re: new Transmetal bodies): "This ... is going to take some getting used to."

Black Arachnia: "Tarantulas?  Where are you ...?"
Tarantulas: "... I'm inside your pretty little head, controlling your pretty little thoughts!"

Black Arachnia: "Things have changed around here."
Air Razor: "The more things change, the more they stay the same."

Megatron (re: Cheetor and Rattrap): "New packaging, same product!   Losers!"

Rattrap: "... the Beast Wars just got a whole lot weirder."

28.  Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1)

Inferno: "Fool! Pain is my friend! Allow me to introduce you to it!"

Megatron: "Good-bye Bad Cop, hello Good Cop. Yes!."

Rattrap: "Get yer shiny new butt skyward and scout around."
Cheetor: "You mean fly?"
Rattrap: "Do I mean fly? -- No, I meant take a submarine!"

Rhinox: "Travel well, friends. You are part of this planet, let its heart guide your own."

Silverbolt: "Who are you? For that matter, who am I?"
Quickstrike: "I don't know. but I do know one thing, and that is ... I bet I can thrash your tail!"
Silverbolt: "What?!"
Quickstrike: "You and me! C'mon, fuzz and feathers! We're going to tango! Right here! Right now!"

Silverbolt: "I think my name is... Silverbolt! Yes! Strong, pure, and fast!"
Megatron: "... yes. Of course. Ahem."

Silverbolt: "We've done nothing to him! Surely there must be some misunderstanding."
Quickstrike: "Yeah. Ol' Blender-Butt there misunderstands my need to kick his keister!"

Waspinator: "Oh sure, don't mind Waspinator ... Waspinator just lie here and suffer, drag himself to CR tank....

29.  Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2)

30.  Tangled Web

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Quickstrike: "Destruction is better than construction."

Quickstrike: "Still, Megatron's pretty tough...."
Tarantulas: "I see. You fear him."
Quickstrike: "What? There ain't nothing that walks, flies, crawls or swims that I'm afraid of!"

Quickstrike: "There just ain't no figuring a female...."
Tarantulas: "A fact of life, Fuzor."

Silverbolt: "Be careful, my friend! We don't know what we're getting into!"
Rattrap: "Have we ever?"

Silverbolt: "It's not right to strike a female."

Tarantulus: "It's amazing what one well placed charge will do."

31.  Maximal, No More

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Rattrap: "Nothing like traveling trans-metal first-class...."

Dinobot: "Predacons live to command."

Dinobot: "We're on Predacon ground.  There is always battle here."

Waspinator: "Waspinator not serve.  Waspinator rules."

Megatron: "Damage me and you'll be scrap in a nano-click.  --"
Dinobot: "As might you be if your loyal troops open fire.  But that would be a waste of two good Predacons."
Megatron: "Predacon?  I thought you were a Maximal now.  --"
Dinobot: "Times have changed."

Megatron: "Treachery keeps the wits sharp."
Dinobot: "Indeed -- and yours are razor sharp."

Dinobot: "Computer -- voice code Dinobot.  Change activation code."
Computer (female voice re: Dinobot changing to Predacon): "Activation code change complete."
Dinobot: "From this moment on, I am Maximal no more."

Megatron: "Simple rules.  Survivor wins."

Quickstrike: "Nobody bites my tail and gets away with it."

Megatron: "Inferno, aid Quickstrike."
Inferno: "Yes, my queen."
Dinobot (to Megatron): "I was not aware you had given yourself a new title."
Megatron: "The ant has some faulty programming, ... but his loyalty is without question."

Dinobot: "Your ambition has made you insane, Megatron.  You will destroy both Maximal and Predacon and all who came before."

Silverbolt: "I was a Predacon once.  You gave me a chance."

Computer (male voice re: Dinobot changing back to Maximal): "Activation code change complete."

Rattrap: "Maximal taxi on the way home.  You need a ride?"
Dinobot: "So, I am to be punished after all."

32.  Other Visits (Part 1)

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Black Arachnia: "Being loyal to Megatron sure is boring."

Tigatron: "Wherever we go, my spark will find yours."
Air Razor: "And mine yours."

Waspinator: "Waspinator pinned like iron butterfly."

Inferno: "I don't rock and roll.  I burn."

Megatron (to Tarantulas): "So, you act out of hate.  That's an emotion I can trust."

33.  Other Visits (Part 2)

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Rattrap (sarcastically): "... I forgot how much fun energon surges are."

Megatron: "A show of massive force, direct and to the point.  I do like these aliens."

Optimus (re: aliens): "Their power is beyond what you can imagine.  You can't control it."
Megatron: "I am the power."

Rattrap: "...  Looks like we lost this one, big time."
Optimus: "We lose when we quit, and I'm not ready to quit."
Rattrap: "I hat it when he talks like that."

Megatron: "I am done hiding.  Megatron, terrorize.  --  ... my theory proved true.  The quantum surge which changed our bodies has rendered us invisible to the aliens."
Tarantulus: "More accurately, we are one with them now."

Optimus: "We could try knocking."
Rattrap: "Yeah.  Like Megs is going to invite us in for oil and cookies."

Optimus (re: being attacked by Predacons): "Let's mingle."

Megatron: "Waspinator.  Inferno.  I have a most important job for you."
Waspinator: "Ooh!  Finally, Waspinator get important job."

Silverbolt (using Maximal base scanners to locate alien vessel): "I would have more luck finding that alien horror with my nose."

Rhinox (after having been damaged by the alien vessel): "I'm getting sick of waking up in the slagging R chamber."
Dinobot: "Better that than the scrap heap."

[Waspinator and Inferno transporting trans-warp cells]
Waspinator: "Waspinator not think this job so important."
Inferno: "Every job for the royalty is a gift."
Waspinator: "Ant-bot is major suck-up."

Tarantulus (working with Maximals to stop Megatron): "Your comrades fight well."
Rattrap: "Well, you Preds give us plenty of practice."

Rattrap (re: destruction of alien vessel): "...  When these alien gizmos blow, they really blow."

34.  Bad Spark

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Megatron: "Spiders spin their webs ..., but I spin them larger."

Black Arachnia (to Silverbolt): "Come on!  Fight back!  How far will you carry this silly chivalry?  'Cause this dark damsel is not impressed."

Black Arachnia: "Megatron is a slag sucking saurian."

Silverbolt: "Though threatening you own comrade is, no doubt, business as usual in the Predacon guide to villiany, it is simply unacceptable behavior in my book."

Silverbolt: "Are you damaged?"
Black Arachnia: "Just enough to make me interesting."

Black Arachnia: "I consider myself a creature of darkness, but this place is making my skin crawl."

Black Arachnia: "Are you damaged?" 
Silverbolt: "Just enough to make me interesting."

Dinobot: "Victors do no spurn opportunity."

Megatron: "Time, now, for my surgical strike."

Protoform X / Rampage (to Silverbolt): "Is that fear you're feeling Maximal?  Mmmm, yes!  My spark feeds on terror.  Let it grow.  Let it consume your circuitry.  Feel it!  Yes, feel it!  Feel the fear!"

Protoform X / Rampage: "Your persistence is futile.  I rise again."
Silverbolt: "In that case, let us give you further to fall."

35.  Code of Hero


Optimus: "We'd better start increasing the base defenses."

Dinobot: "The base remains infested with vermin, I see."
Rattrap: "Yeah!  Funny!  You know, not much changes around here, except maybe the occasional allegiances."

Rattrap: "Guess we live and learn."

Dinobot: "Destiny has one great test in store for us all.  Has mine already come and have I failed it?  A deed once done cannot be undone.  But, perhaps, it may yet be mitigated."

Dinobot (to Tarantulus): "Sickening spider!  Your base was betrayed by the stench of your perversions."

Dinobot: "When reality alters, the future alters with it.  With that golden disk, Megatron's power is limitless."

Megatron: "... according to this disk, the human race is destined to emerge from this valley.  Mmm, humans!  Thanks to their interference, the Autobots defeated the Decepticons, and thus, it is the Maximals which rule us.  But no longer, no.  Destiny is about to undergo an improvement."

Tarantulus (blasting Dinobot): "Shouldn't' take your eyes off a spider.  They tend to be venomous."
Dinobot: "But they still squash."
[Dinobot blasts a rock above Tarantulus which falls on Tarantulus]

Megatron (to gathered Predacons): "Destroy this valley and everything in it.  The human race will never have existed."

Dinobot: "The question that once haunted my being's been answered.  The future is not fixed.  My choices are my own.  And yet, how ironic, for I now find I have no choice at all.  Let the battle be joined."

Rattrap: "... no matter how soon we get there, it's going to be way too late."
Rhinox: "Do you always have to see the bright side?"
Rattrap: "Dino-butt against six Preds.  There won't be enough left of him to make a toaster."

Megatron (re: Dinobot after he's disabled Inferno, Black Arachnia, Waspinator and Rampage): "One lonely turn-coat battling on against almost impossible odds.  I'm almost touched.  Fortunately, such moments pass quickly."

Quickstrike (to Dinobot): "Don't bother getting up.  I'll just kick you while you're down."

Quickstrike: "So, what's a warrior without weapons?"
Dinobot: "A warrior still."
[Dinobot beats Quickstrike]

Megatron (to Dinobot): "Where are we now?  I have the golden disk.  I have the power to change the future.  And the only remaining obstacle in my path to unimaginable glory is yourself.  Exhausted, damaged beyond recovery, defeated."

Megatron: "Oh, really, Dinobot.  A stick against a trans-metal?  I think not.  ...  Oh, please!  Face it, Dinobot.  You're old technology.  Obsolete.  What can you possibly do?"
Dinobot: "Improvise."
[Dinobot knocks the golden disk from Megatron using a rock on a stick and used the last of his energy weapons to destroy the disk]

Optimus: "Well fought, my friend.  You saved the valley.  You saved the lives of those who live here and of those who are still to come."
Dinobot: "Then, there is nothing to regret."
Rattrap: "Like I said, you're just a blasting, slag-spouting saurian, but it's nice to know where you stand."
Dinobot: "Upwind of you, for preference, vermin.  --  Tell my tale to those who ask.  Tell it truly, my evil deeds along with the good, and let me be judged accordingly.  Arrest is silence."

Optimus: "He lived a warrior, and died a hero.  Let his spark join the Matrix, the greatest of Cybertron."

36.  Transmutate

37.  The Agenda (Part 1)

Rhinox: "We're going home."

38.  The Agenda (Part 2)

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Silverbolt (re: Black Arachnia): "Sir, I believe that I can bring her around."
Optimus: "Oh, don't be an idiot.  She may have been made from Maximal parts but she is Predacon to the core."
Silverbolt: "As was I, once."
Optimus: "You didn't know better.  Silverbolt, you are one of the noblest individuals I have ever met.  That is your strength.  It is also your weakness."

Covert Agent Ravage: "I served under the original Megatron.  You have his name but not his army."

Ravage: "Permit me to introduce Lieutenant Tarantulus of the Predacon Secret Police."

Cheetor (after being beat by Silverbolt): "I'm a cat.  I ought to know better than to trust a dog."

Optimus: "The sooner we get Megatron off this planet, the better."

Black Arachnia: "Get a clue you canine creton.  I'm a Predacon.  I'm evil."

Silverbolt: "I know how you're feeling.  You don't know whether to kiss me or kill me."
Black Arachnia: "I'm a black widow spider, you idiot.  I can do both."

Black Arachnia: "Oh, no.  You're not saving my life again.  Even after I shot you?"
Silverbolt: "It's my duty ma'am, as a Maximal and as a heroic character."
Black Arachnia: "You know I like them big and stupid, but you're really pushing it."

Ravage: "Decepticons forever." 

39.  The Agenda (Part 3)

40.  Optimal Situation

41.  Deep Metal

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Optimus: "We have to hold the line as long as we can."

Optimus: "I'm not sure what I know any more....  None of us are quite who we were when we began this war.  And neither is our universe."

Depth Charge: "Slag the High Council."

Computer: "Energy signature of Protoform X detected."
Depth Charge: "Yes.  Lock on and follow."

Inferno: "I will attack the Fuzor and the traitor to out colony, drawing Optimus out.  When he joins the battle, target him with all your firepower.  Understood?"
Rampage: "Hmmm!  Hardly a difficult concept, is it?"

Waspinator: "Ingerno blow up, Waspinator must salvage.  Waspinator blow up, nobody salvage.  Oh, why universe hate Waspinator?"

Depth Charge: "Felling all right, pussy cat?"
Cheetor: "Who, the spotted heck, are you?"

Cheetor (after com-link and jets failed): "I hate water."

Rampage: "Your pain is lovely, but where is your terror.  It would make this so much more amusing.  ..."
Depth Charge: "You want amusing, creep.  ..."
Rampage: "You're trickier than before.  I like that."

Rampage (to Depth Charge): "Ignore the pain.  It's only going to get worse."

Rampage: "I'm flattered you chased me so far.  --  But then it was you who caged me the last time, wasn't it?  --"
Depth Charge: "This time, I won't bother with a cage, creep."

Rampage (to Depth Charge): "I'll filet you for that."

Quickstrike (to Depth Charge re: Rampage): "That crab may be ugly, but he's a Predacon."

Rattrap (re: Depth Charge): "Who is this herring any way?"

Cheetor: "I'm Cheetor.  Thanks for pulling me out of the water."
Depth Charge: "Go chase a mouse."

Depth Charge (to Optimus re: Protoform X): "I was searching the galaxy for your mistake."

Rattrap (re: Depth Charge going after Rampage): "The Preds will change his mind, or make him into fish sticks."

Optimus (to Depth Charge): "We're in a war to save our own future."

Optimus: "Stop looking for revenge and do something to help."
Depth Charge: "It's not revenge I'm looking for.  It's justice."

Depth Charge (to Optimus re: Rampage being part of Predacons): "When you screw-up, you do it big time."

42.  Changing of the Guard

43.  Cutting Edge

44.  Feral Scream (Part 1)

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Optimus: "We don't trade one life for another."

Cheetor: "No matter what some people may think, this cat can handle a situation."

Megatron: "The clone cells, Waspinator.  Infuse them into their new host."
Waspinator: "Yes, Megatron."
Megatron: "Install the trans-metal driver."
Waspinator: "Yes, master."
Megatron: "And now I bequeath you half a spark, the very core of a nightmare."
[the protoform grabs the spark]
Megatron: "Ah, hungry for life, yes."

Megatron: "Welcom, yes, welcome Trans-metal II Dinobot; to a new body, a new mind, a new allegiance to Predacons."
Waspinator: "Waspinator not like new lizard-bot."
Depth Charge: "I agree with the bug, but, then, I'm not crazy about any of you."

Cheetor: "Is that Dinobot?"
Depth Charge: "Some kind of clone, trans-metalized with that alien unit."
Cheetor: "Now, there's some technology in the wrong hands."

Optimus: "Where's Cheetor?"
Depth Charge: "Cat was tough.  He went out fighting."

Megatron: "The other equipment has been salvaged but you took the alien transmetal unit.  Where is it?"
Depth Charge: "Gone.  Ain't that a kick in the lug nuts."
Quickstrike: "Heh, snotty little flounder, ain't he.  Let me gut him for you, boss."
Rampage: "No, he's mine.  I shall feast upon his still pulsating spark."


Dinobot is reborn from clone cells in a trans-metal II format

45.  Feral Scream (Part 2)

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Cheetor: "What am I?  What's happening to me?"

Black Arachnia: "I'm full of surprises."

Optimus (to Depthcharge): "... you will talk, or I will rip out your core processor and extract the information personally...."

Cheetor: "Don't you trust me?"
Optimus: "Normally, yes, but at the moment, I think you're hiding something."
Cheetor: "I'm not hiding -- anything.  Why is everyone giving me such a hard time?"
Optimus: "Because we care."

Rattrap: "Pussycat used up his first life.  Now he's on his second."

Optimus: "The transition's been rough.  His beast mode is still feral."

Cheetor: "You looking at something?"
Rattrap: "Oh joy, cyber-puberty."


Cheetor's conversion into a trans-metal II is completed.

46.  Proving Grounds

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Black Arachnia: "Oh!  Is my inside as gorgeous as my outside?"
Rattrap: "...  Don't flatter yourself eight-legs.  I've seen better circuits than yours on maintenance bots."
Black Arachnia: "One more remark like that and it'll be rat-on-a-stick for lunch."
Cheetor (re: Black Arachnia): "Now those are what I call lines."
Black Arachnia: "...  Someone get him a kitty treat before he drools all over your computer."

Black Arachnia: "What's the matter?  Don't you trust me?"
Rattrap: "...  About as far as an anvil can jump."
[Black Arachnia grabs Rattrap around the neck]
Rattrap (in a choked voice): "Of course, I mean that in the best possible way."

Black Arachnia (to Cheetor): "... I'm sick of your stupid crush."

Rattrap: "Predacons -- who needs them?"

Black Arachnia: "Nobody's unzipping this girl's core."

Dinobot: "The game begins, as I knew it would."

Black Arachnia: "Silverbolt is every bad girl's dream but his Maximal pals would rather slag than let me be what I am.  So, I guess this gig's over."

Black Arachnia (to Dinobot): "I'm beginning to like you, skull-face.  Let's play."

Black Arachnia: "Calling me a coward is one thing but nobody calls me a Maximal."

Rattrap (to Silverbolt re: Black Arachnia): "Wise up bird-dog.  A Pred is a Pred."
Silverbolt: "...  She would not betray us."
Rattrap: "...  And I hate cheese."
Silverbolt: "You trusted the old Dinobot."
Rattrap: "And regretted it -- more than once."

Rattrap (re: allowing Silverbolt to go after Black Arachnia without reporting such to Optimus): "I must have a glitch."

Black Arachnia (to Dinobot): "Game over, fangs."

Black Arachnia (re: Silverbolt): "...  Why are the cute one's always tube heads?"

Black Arachnia (to Silverbolt re: leaving the Maximals): "It's time for me to go.  It's been a surge."

Black Arachnia (re: removal of shell program): "You mean, I had a choice?"
Optimus: "That is the Maximal way."

Black Arachnia: "I like myself just the way I am." 

  47.  Go With the Flow


Cheetor (to early humans Una and Jack): "... here's a tip.  When you're battling bots, hack at the hinges."

Rattrap (to Cheetor re: early humans): "Give it up, will you Blondie?  These kids are primitive.  They're way out of their league."

Rattrap: "Educational stuff!  Me, I'd rather watch things explode."

Cheetor: "This bot tries for positive programming."
Rattrap (re: attack by Inferno and Waspinator): "Time to change channels Friskie.  These Preds are demanding some entertainment."

Waspinator (on communicator to Megatron re: capture of Una): "Waspinator to Megatron.  Waspinator has female fleshy bot, but there is problem."
Megatron: "She had better not be injured."
Waspinator: "No!  She injuring Waspinator."
Megatron: "Ah, situation normal then.  Yes.  Well, make sure she arrives safely.  Megatron out."
Waspinator: "Waspinator want to renegotiate contract."

Waspinator (just prior to falling apart): "Waspinator deliver fleshy bot safe and sound."

Rattrap (riding atop Depth Charge and seeing glowing mountain top where Predacons are building a disruptor ray): "What the slagging binary bucket is that?"

Depth Charge (to Rattrap after being hit by the disruptor ray): "I don't have a glide mode, mouse."

Rattrap (after crash landing due to being hit by disruptor ray): "I ain't dead."
Depth Charge: "This day is just full of disappointments."

Depth Charge (to a butterfly that lands on his crashed super-structure): "What are you looking at?"

Megatron: "My disruptor ray is complete.  Triumph is before me."
Rattrap: "And the rat is behind you."

Rattrap (to Depth Charge after prying his super-structure from the ground and pushing it into the water): "Let's haul some keel."
Depth Charge: "Still can't move."
Rattrap: "Well, then, just make like a boat and float, you big mackerel."

Depth Charge: "You couldn't steer a garbage scowl."
Rattrap: "Yeah, like a floating flounder's any better."

Rattrap (to Una): "You'd better bail sister.  The ray won't hurt you but our exploding bodies might."

Rattrap (to Una re: threat of Depth Charge): "Say, Una.  Cheetor ever show you my recipe for fried flounder?"

48.  Crossing The Rubicon

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Black Arachnia: "Transmetals have more power.  I wanted it."

Optimus (to Black Arachnia): "Maximal or Predacon, you're one of us."

Black Arachnia: "Trust isn't easy for a Predacon."

Black Arachnia (to Silverbolt): "You enjoy this hero stuff.  Me, I'm a bad girl at heart."

Black Arachnia: "Even if I'm good, I'm still bad."

Black Arachnia: "Transmetal power.  Better get use to it."


Black Arachnia becomes a Transmetal and a Maximal.

49.  Master Blaster

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Megatron: "Sometimes, deception is the better part of valor."

Rattrap: "Always collecting scrap.  I must be a pack rat."

Megatron: "Six little Maximals.  I've almost collected the whole set."

Black Arachnia: "You'll live to regret this, crab legs."
Rampage: "I regret everything, my sweet."

Black Arachnia: "Only thing worse than a salesman is a pushy Predacon."

Megatron: "Treachery requires no mistakes."

Megatron: "Megatron does not yield.  He conquers."

Megatron: "... beware the dragon's wrath."


Megatron combines his spark with the spark of the Decepticon Megatron and becomes a dragon in beast form.

50.  Other Victories

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Waspinator: "Waspinator likes defense.  A little more defense and maybe Waspinator not get blown up all the time."

Tigerhawk: "Violence will not be tolerated."

Megatron: "Megatrons do not surrender.  We conquer."

Tigerhawk: "Interference will not be tolerated."

Tigerhawk: "Things have changed."


Aliens took the superstructures of Tigatron and Air Razor and combined them into Tigerhawk.  The aliens inhabited the Tigerhawk superstructure and returned to the planet to stop Megatron.  Tarantulas drove the aliens out of Tigerhawk but Tarantulas was destroyed in the process.  The sparks of Tigatron and Air Razor then inhabit the superstructure of Tigerhawk.

51.  Nemesis (Part 1)

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Optimus: "And a mighty warrior came down from the sky, and a rainbow was upon his head, and his feet as pillars of fire.  And the great dragon was cast out onto the earth and his followers were cast out with him."
Rattrap: "What -- what in the seven spiral galaxies are you jabbering about?"
Rhinox: "The Covenant of Primus.  Data track 7.613.  Only two exist.  One was aboard the Ark."
Rattrap: "Oh, please.  Sure.  Okay.  Dragon-breath lost his base and we added Thunder-butt there to the team.  But you don't got to claim it's ordained."

Megatron: "We are, at this moment, at a tactical disadvantage."
Rampage: "And whose fault is that?  You led us to defeat."

Inferno: "The royalty will triumph.  All we need is a new colony, and I shall find it."
Waspinator: "Ant-bot not find own thorax with both hands and a road map."

Waspinator: "Waspinator feel much damage coming on."

Black Arachnia: "Shut up and obey your commander Bone-brain."
Silverbolt: "Yes, dear."

Inferno (planning to take cave settlement from early humans): "The royalty demands a new colony and we shall take it, by force."

Waspinator: "Dragon-bot command you sub-commander Kiss-butt.  Dragon-bot not command Waspinator.  Not any more.  Waspinator sick of bing evil, sick of being Predacon.  Waspinator especially sick of getting blown to scrap all the time.  So, Waspinator quit, as of now.  Which means Ant-bot and Two-heads can just pucker their mandibles and plant bug wet juicy one right here on Waspinator's big fat stripy ..."
[Waspinator is blasted by Inferno and Quickstrike]

Optimus: "They're under water, which means you're our only hope.  ...  You have to stop Megatron at any cost."
Depth Charge: "Consider it done."

Megatron: "That is the most powerful Decepticon warship in Transformer history.  The ship that shot down the Ark itself.  The Nemesis."

Optimus: "Prepare base defenses for a full assault."
Rattrap: "What, I thought we had this all sewed up?"
Optimus: "Megs just ripped it wide open.  ..."
Rattrap: "Oh, man!  Is it just me or did he just kind of say we're all going to die?"

Optimus: "Nemesis is the flag ship of the ancient Decepticon space fleet.  It shot down the Ark before crashing itself.  Apparently Tarantulus found it and now Megatron may have it."
Tigerhawk: "And if he does?"
Optimus: "The Primus help the universe."

Megatron: "Excellent!  Even after his demise, the spider's treachery remains my best asset.  Observe, a refurbished whip with a transwarp cell, a Predacon control console and best of all, a Covenant of Primus.  It was from these tracks that I took my name.  And how fitting, since space and time are now mine to command."

Megatron: "And as it were a great mountain raging with fire arose from the sea."

Optimus: "Depth Charge has done it.  It's all over.  ...  But I'm afraid that Depth Charge has paid the ultimate price."

Optimus: "By the Code of Primus -- the Nemesis."

52.  Nemesis (Part 2)


Megatron: "I am alpha and omega.  The beginning and the end."

Optimus: "Optimus to Rhinox.  We have a code one alert.  Deploy Operation: Eternity."

Megatron: "I am that which is, which was and is yet to come.  And you will know my name is Megatron.  ... I lay my vengeance upon you."
Dinobot: "You have already read the Covenant of Primus?"
Megatron: "Just the good parts."

Megatron: "... I'll say one thing for my namesake.  He liked his artillery big and plentiful.  Now, where was I?  Ah, yes, mindless destruction.  Good for the spark, I always say."

Dinobot: "My own spark has changed.  It feels, at last, complete."
Megatron: "Yes, the destruction of Rampage, no doubt."

Tigerhawk (to Optimus): "Go to your fellow Maximals.  Prepare them.  If Megatron destroys the Ark and its occupants, history, as we know it, will unravel."

Rattrap: "Operation: Eternity?  What the heck is that?  And how come I never heard of it?"

Rattrap: "Pop-bot calls up with his gears in a grind, and suddenly I'v got to pack up my Pred parts collection?  ... you know how many pieces of Waspinator I've got?"
Rhinox: "Rattrap, we may have to move the Ark."

Computer: "Unit Tigerhawk terminated."

Megatron: "I suppose, given my imminent godhood, these primitives should really be beneath my attention.  Still, no score is too small to settle, I always say."
Dinobot: "You would turn the full fury of this mighty warship on a lone anthropoid?  Tell me, Megatron, where's the honor in that?"
Megatron: "You dare use the 'H' word to me?"
Dinobot: "... I apologize.  I merely felt our power should be conserved for the larger battle."
Megatron: "Duly noted -- and ignored."
[Megatron begins destroying the primitives caves, destroying Inferno and Quickstrike in the process]

Megatron (using a tractor beam to make an opening in the mountain over the Ark): "And the stone of their protection shall rise upward for ever and ever, as they who live and war as beasts confront their final cycle."

Optimus: "This has to stop at any cost."
[Optimus said something similar to Depth Charge in Nemesis, Part 1, just before Depth Charge destroyed Rampage and destroyed himself in the process]

Megatron: "Soon, it will all be over.  Any Maximal still alive will perish along with their ancestors.  And the new, glorious era of Predacon rule will have begun."

Rhinox: "Black Arachnia, is that capacitor circuit ready?"
Black Arachnia: "I need a conduit cable to finish the connection.  Aha!"
[Black Arachnia takes Rattrap's tail sword]
Rattrap: "Hey, you emasculating fem-bot."
[Black Arachnia clips the end off the tail sword]
Silverbolt (painfully): "Ohhh!"
[Black Arachnia uses the remainder of the tail as the conduit cable for the connection]
Black Arachnia: "Main thrusters now connected to Teletron 1."
Rattrap: "That's Teletran."
Black Arachnia: "Whatever!"

[Optimus stopped the rock crushers long enough to climb aboard Nemesis and face off with Megatron]
Megatron: "Oh, well!  Come on!  Let's have it!  The usual 'destiny and honor' speech."
Optimus: "Speech this!"
[Optimus hits Megatron in the face with his fist.  Megatron hits Optimus in the face with his fist.  Optimus spits out a tooth."

Megatron: "And there came a hero who said hurt not the earth, not the sea, not the trees, nor the very fabric of time.  But the hero would not prevail."
Optimus: "Finish the quote Megatron.  Nor would he surrender."

Rattrap (After the connection to Teletran 1 fails): "No power.  No weapons.  We're all going to die."
Rhinox (usually the optimist in the group): "Yep."

Megatron: "Victory is at hand."
Dinobot: "A coward's victory.  The Ark is defenseless.  Not much sport in this."
[Dinobot, being a warrior of honor, uses the Nemesis sensors to guide the Maximals to a hidden Autobot shuttle aboard the Ark]

Megatron: "While they are helpless, destroy them."

Megatron: "I am alpha and omega, Optimal Optimus.  Now and for ever, until the end of time."

Megatron: "What possible reason do you have to disobey me?  I am your master.  I am your creator.  --"
Dinobot: "And I have my honor."
[The Maximals fly the Autobot shuttle through the bridge of the Nemesis, catching Megatron on the front of the shuttle.  Optimus flies out behind the shuttle.  Dinobot gives his life, going down with the Nemesis.]

Optimus: "It's done.  All is as it should be.  At last -- the Beast Wars are over, for now."

Optimus: "In the spark of an enemy, there will be salvation.  And in the darkest hour, there will be a light."
Rattrap: "Yeah, from a very unexpected source, old Chopper-face's clone.  Who would have thunk it?"
Optimus: "And let us never forget those other brave bots whose sacrifice safeguarded past, present and future."
Rattrap: "And you know what the best thing is?  We don't have to see Megs butt-ugly mug again till we get back to Cybertron."
[The scene cuts to Megatron, strapped to the outside of the shuttle]

[Scene cuts to primitives using parts of Inferno and Quickstrike as drums, reminiscent of the end of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.  The scene continues on to a raised platform where Waspinator is sitting and relaxing]
Waspinator: "Waspinator happy at last."




Official Web Page for Fox Kids including Beast Wars and Beast Machines.

The Beast Wars series became Beast Machines after Season 3.