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Season 3

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.



Love Takes a Holiday


Aphrodite: "I quit!"

Mummy Dearest

anuket.jpg (7462 bytes)  anuket2.jpg (6659 bytes)

Thief: "For the last time, there's no such thing as a curse."

Hercules: "If I were to worry about every threat, I would never leave home."

Hercules: "... mummies give me the creeps."

Hercules: "You're worrying about a dead man when you're denying real live people their freedom."

Princess Anuket: "He is much more powerful as a mummy than he ever was as a pharaoh.  If his crypt is opened, the world is in danger, for the mummy will grow hungry.  ...  It hungers for human life.  If it kills, its victims life force will give it unspeakable power."

Hercules: "Don't you do anything you're told?"
Anuket: "You don't, why should I?"

Hercules: "Look out."
Anuket: "You saved my life."
Hercules: "I hope I did it well enough to meet with your approval."
Anuket: "May we go now."
Hercules: "You're the one on top."

[Hercules breaks a mirror]
Hercules: "That should keep me busy for another seven years."

Hercules: "So, you want to play hide and seek."
Salmoneus: "No, he hates that game."

Hercules: "This is one fast mummy."
Salmoneus: "What happened to the foot dragging classic we all know and love?"

Sorak (to Anuket): "Walk like an Egyptian."

Not Fade Away

Monster Child in the Promised Land


Iolaus: "... if a pretty girl is like a melody, I'm there to sing the song."

Echidna: "When it comes to evil, the mother of all monsters is always in demand."

Iolaus (to quote Curly of The Three Stooges, Iolaus slaps his forehead while saying): "Woo!  Woo!  Woo!  Woo!  Woo!"

Echidna (re: Obstetrius): "I'd forgotten how tiring it is to take care of a baby."

Typhon: "... a few minutes to yourself can be a special treat."

Klepto (to Obstetrius): "You're hungry.  ... breast feeding isn't an option.  Nature didn't give me the proper equipment."

Klepto (re: Obstetrius): "I had to kidnap a baby with leather lungs."

Iolaus: "Herc and I -- we're like a team.  Like thunder and lightning, flesh and bone, Abbottus and Costellocles."

Typhon: "... as soon as I get my hands on that filthy kidnapper -- pow -- rith in the kisser."

Hercules: "Typhon, watch out for that -- tree."

Echidna: "I'm a monster.  Monsters don't have friends."

Bluth: "Don't you ever get tired of trying to spoil things for Hera?"
Hercules: "Every boy needs a hobby."

Typhon: "I want my baby back."

Hercules: "There's not time like the present."

Iolaus: "Busy hands are happy hands."

Hercules: "Every parent's dream -- finding a baby-sitter."

The Green-eyed Monster

Prince Hercules

A Star to Guide Them

The Lady and the Dragon

Long Live the King




"A doe."  "A deer?"  "A female deer?"

When a Man Loves a Woman

Judgement Day

The Lost City

Les Contemptibles

Reign of Terror

The End of the Beginning


Hercules: "Someone has stopped time.  --  Even the gods can't interfere with time."

Hercules: "That's the ... Chronos Stone."

[Autolycus and Hercules are transported back in time after Autolycus attempts to escape from Hercules by using the Chronos Stone.  While in the past, the Chronos Stone is destroyed.  They make plans to steal the Chronos Stone in the past so that they can use it to return to their time.]
Hercules : "... let's just get the stone and go.  We don't want to risk interfering with the timeline."
Autolycus: "...  How can I steal the Chronos Stone now if I'm going to steal it again from the same place later?"
Hercules: "Good question.  It'll work out.  Now remember -- no meddling with the primal forces of nature."
Autolycus: "All this time paradox business gives me a headache."

[Hercules rescues Mardus from falling into a well]
Hercules (to Mardus' mother): "Kids -- you can't take your eyes off of them."

Autolycus: "Well, I'm impressed, Hercules.  That was very heroic.  Only one thing -- what happened to 'no meddling with the primal forces of nature'?"
Hercules: "Okay, I was wrong.  It's hard to go against one's nature, but that's no excuse.  Let's try not to make any more waves than we have to."
Autolycus: "...  You're just a big softie."

Ares (to Hercules): "Time travel is forbidden to full gods, let alone half-breeds."

Ares: "... the blood of a Hind can kill a god.  I'll be taking very good care of my beautiful, vulnerable, new secret weapon."

Hercules: "... when Zeus turns his fury on one, the rest of us has a way of getting caught in the backwash."

Past Autolycus: "The two Autolyci."
Autolycus: "Nothing will stop us."

Hercules (breaking up a fight between the two Autolycus'): "I've heard of being your own worst enemy, but this is ridiculous."

Autolycus: "I know this is a huge shock, Hercules, but at one time, I was actually obnoxious."

Autolycus: "... two of me is just too much of a good thing."

Strife: "... messing with the timeline -- that's nasty business."

Ares: "You'd kill me over that pathetic creature?"
Hercules: "She was my wife!"
Ares: "...  The hind is no more."

[After Hercules and Autolycus use the Chronos Stone from the past to return to the present, they find that Serena is married with a child.]
Autolycus: "You gave Serena her life back.  To bad to do it you had to wipe out everything the two of you would have shared."
Hercules: "Yeah.  --  The best thing that never happened to me."

War Bride

A Rock and a Hard Place
