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� Nintendo.  No infringement intended.
I had to add a page for the Nieces and Nephews

My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

#1 I Choose You! - Adapted by Tracey West

#2 Island of the Giant Pok�mon - Adapted by Tracey West

#3 Attack of the Prehistoric Pok�mon - Adapted by Tracey West

#4 Night in the Haunted Tower - Adapted by Tracey West

#5 Team Rocket Blasts Off! - Adapted by Tracey West

#6 Charizard, Go! - Adapted by Tracey West

#7 Splashdown in Cerulean City - Adapted by Tracey West

#8 Return of the Squirtle Squad - Adapted by Tracey West

#9 Journey to the Orange Islands - Adapted by Tracey West

#10 Secret of the Pink Pok�mon - Adapted by Tracey West

#11 The Four-Star Challenge - Adapted by Howard Dewin

Pok�mon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back  - Adapted by Tracey West

Pikachu's Vacation - Adapted by Tracey West

Pok�mon: The Movie 2000 - Adapted by Tracey West

Pikachu's Rescue Adventure - Adapted by Tracey West