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� Nintendo.  No infringement intended.
I had to add a page for the Nieces and Nephews

My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Pok�mon I Choose You!


Ash Ketchum:  "I will be a Pok�mon master."

Gary Oak: "Better late than never, I guess."

Gary Oak: "You snooze, you lose...."

Professor Oak: "The early bird gets the worm, or in this case, the Pok�mon."

Professor Oak: "It's name is Pikachu....  It's also known as electric mouse.  Its usually shy, but can sometimes have an electrifying personality."

Ash: "Pok�mon trainers can take care of them selves."

Dexter: "To capture a Pok�mon, you usually have your own Pok�mon battle with the other."

Dexter: "Wild Pok�mon tend to be jealous of human trained Pok�mon."

Dexter: "There are still Pok�mon yet to be identified."

Pok�mon Emergency!


Officer Jenny:  "Be on the lookout for suspicious looking strangers."

Officer Jenny:  "It's very unusual for someone to carry a Pok�mon around in his arms and not in a Pok�ball."

James: "This picture makes me look terrible."
Jessy: "Then you should be happy the photographer captured the real you."

Meowth: "We're here to capture rare and unusual Pok�mon."

Mrs. Ketchum: "Just be confident.  You can do anything that you set your mind to."

Ash: "Money isn't everything, right?"

Misty: "... a water Pok�mon can't battle on land."

Misty: "Bugs are disgusting and I do not like them."

Ash Catches a Pok�mon


Misty: "Bugs get me all bugged out."

Misty: "I guess it takes a worm to love a worm."

Misty: "Bugs are one of the three most disgusting things in the world."
Ash: "Aside from you, what are the other disgusting things."
Misty: "Very funny.  Carrots!  Peppers!  And bugs!  Everybody has something they don't like, and I don't like bugs."

Ash: "Pok�mon have feelings too, you know."

Misty: "With Pok�mon, you've got to use strategy."

Ash: "If you just try hard enough, things will work out, won't they?

Misty: "The Pok�mon trainer's judgment is more important than anything else."

Jessy: "All's fair in love, war and Pok�mon battles."

Meowth: "In Pok�mon battles, only the Pok�mon can fight each other."

James: "Beaten by a Caterpie."
Jessy: "That really bugs me."

Challenge of the Samurai


Ash: "You have to weaken a Pok�mon before you can capture it."

Misty: "Don't you know you have to let your Pok�mon rest once in a while?"

Showdown in Pewter City


Misty: "To compete in the regional championships, you need to beat gym trainers from different towns and get their badges as proof."

Misty: "Gym leaders are different from your everyday trainer.  They're much, much tougher."

Brock: "A gym match is different from other battles.  This match is for Pok�mon League authorization.  There are special rules.  ...  We will use two Pok�mon each."

Brock: "As gym leader, I have to accept every challenge."

Flint: "Everyone loses sometimes.  You can't let that get you down."

Ash: "The more the merrier."

Clefairy and the Moon Stone


Seymour the Scientist: "They say that man's best friend is a Pok�mon."

Ash (interpreting Pikachu): "The Clefairy collect all of these rocks and do the Macarena."

Jessy: "All's fair in a Pok�mon match...."

Jessy: "Nice guys always ..."
James: "... finish last."

The Water Flowers of Cerulean City


Ash: "We'll never figure out girls."

Officer Jenny: "The criminal always returns to the scene of the crime."

Ash: "Know yourself, know your adversary, and you hold the key to victory."

Ash: "Leave it to a girl to show off her jewelry."

Misty: "... stun spore doesn't work if you wash it off in the water."

Misty: "Water Pok�mon always have the edge in the water."

The Path to the Pok�mon League


Misty (re: Ash): "He's getting a big head."
Brock: "Yeah, but his brain's still the same size."

Ash: "I go for quality, not quantity."

A.J.: "Nobody wants to compete against a cry baby."

Ash: "Flying Pok�mon always have the advantage over ground Pok�mon."

Ash: "Sandshrews are weakened by water."

Ash: "A great trainer should make friends with his Pok�mon."

Jessy: "Choreography killed the cat."

A.J.: "We live by the rule: No pain, no gain."

Jessy: "A real gentleman always carries the bag."

The School of Hard Knocks


Misty: "I love French things.  They're so romantic, aren't they?"

Brock: "I can't cook crepes and I can't boil water if I don't have a fire."

"Fighting is for cavemen."

Misty: "It's a girl?"
Ash: "Oh yeah!  You're right about that."
Brock: "She can violate my rights...."
Misty: "Hey!"

Misty: "A true friend wouldn't walk away from someone who needs their help."

Brock: "Wise Pok�mon trainers never get involved in a cat fight."

Brock: "Rock Pok�mon are weak against water Pok�mon."

Giselle: "Pok�mon are only as strong as the trainer that raises them.  A Pok�mon that's weaker, but better trained, can still win."

Giselle: "A Pok�mon's level of training is just as important a factor as a Pok�mon's type in deciding a match.  A first class Pok�mon trainer can calculate that."

Giselle: "Pikachu tend to be hard to handle."

Giselle: "Bad guys don't play by the rules."

Giselle: "There are some things you just can't learn from school."

Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village

Charmander, the Stray Pok�mon

Here Comes the Squirtle Squad

Mystery at the Lighthouse

Electric Shock Showdown

Battle Aboard the St. Anne

Pok�mon Shipwreck

The Island of Giant Pok�mon

Holiday at Aopulco

Tentacool and Tentacruel

The Ghost of Maiden's Peak

Bye, Bye Butterfree

Abra and the Psychic Showdown

The Tower of Terror

Haunter Versus Kadabra

Primeape Goes Bananas

Pok�mon Scent-sation


Ash: "Perfume's just a waste of money, and it stinks."
Erika: "...  I resent that remark.  ...  Young man, are you accusing me of overcharging my customers for an inferior perfume?"
Ash: "...  No, ma'am, I meant all perfumes are a rip-off.  'cause all they do is turn guys into zombies...."
Erika: "...  'P' for pretty, 'E' for elegant, 'R' for radiant, 'F' for fun, 'U' for urbane, 'M' for mysterious, 'E' for energy, and that spells?"
Misty: "Perfume!"
Ash: "...  I don't need that smelly junk to give me energy.  I'm full of it!  I got tons more energy that I know shat to do with."
Misty: "Why don't you use some of it to keep your mouth shut?"

Ash: "I'm on my way to the Celadon City Gym.  --  What do you mean I can't come in?  I'm trying to become a Pok�mon master."
Gym Girl 1: "I wouldn't let you in if you were the last Pok�mon trainer on Earth.  ...  This gym doesn't let anyone inside that says perfume is a stinky rip-off."
Ash: "Why not?"
Gym Girl 2: "We manufacture that stinky perfume right here in the gym."
Gym Girl 1: "...  So you see, young man -- you're the stinker."

Jessy (after being attacked by Gloom): "It smells terrible.  ..."
James: "It smells like old sneakers mixed with some rotten eggs and dead fish with just a hint of skunk fumes.  ..."
Meowth: "My nose feels like it's on fire."
Jessy: "Meowth, you don't have a nose."
Meowth: "...  My nose!  What happened?  The stink dissolved it off my face.  ...  Oh, yeah.  I almost forgot.  The cartoonist never gave me a nose." 

Gym Girl: "Gym rules: no thieves allowed."

Jessy (to Ash): "... we'll show you how to get in that gym.  ...  Face the facts, boy, you can't get into the Pok�mon League without winning more badges."

[Team Rocket dresses Ash as a girl to get him into the Celadon City Gym]
James: "Great wig."
Jessy: "Not even your own mother would recognize you in this outfit."
Ash: "Think so?"
Meowth: "Talk about dressing for success.  That get-up will get you into the gym easy."
Ash: "Great.  Then I'll show that gem leader who's the boss around here."
Jessy: "Ah, that doesn't wound very ladylike.  ..."
James: "You'll give away your secret.  Go on, try it.  ..."
Ash (with a higher pitched, girlish voice): "I'll show those meanies."

[Jessy and James (both in disguise) pose as Ash-ly's (Ash's) parents to get her (him) into the gym]
Jessy: "We would like to enroll our daughter Ash-ly in your Pok�mon training classes."
James: "Nothing but the best for our little princess.  ..."
Meowth (from under James' disguise addressing Ash in disguise): "Way to scam them, Goldilocks.  ..."
Jessy: "We're so proud to have out little muffin in your gym."

Jessy: "Bye-bye.  ...  Hugs and kisses, Ash-ly.  Mommy and Daddy are leaving you to battle those cute little Pok�mon."
James: "Bye, Sweetie."
Jessy: "See you soon."

Gym Girl: "Remember, a pretty Pok�mon is a strong Pok�mon."

Ash: "Erika, you wouldn't let me in, so I wore this stupid disguise.  I had to sneak into your gym so I could battle you for a badge, and now I want to challenge you.  ..."
Erika: "I accept your challenge.  It's my duty under the League rules.  We'll each use three Pok�mon."

Dexter: "Tangela, a vine Pok�mon.  Its body is wrapped in vines.  The rest of its form is hidden beneath these vines."

Erika: "You battle skills are impressive, Ash, but there's one thing you don't have: empathy with your Pok�mon.  Without it, you'll never become a great Pok�mon trainer like me.  Now I'm going to give you a lesson in empathy."

Narrator: "You can't judge a Pok�mon by its smell." 

Hypno's Naptime


Misty: "My picture's going to be on posters when I'm a big famous star.  ..."
Ash: "Maybe in horror movies."

Nurse Joy: "All the Pok�mon here at the center are behaving very strangely.  ... even Magickar is affected, and it's usually full of life."
Misty: "The magic's disappeared."
Ash: "Looks like it's ready for the deli counter."

Dexter: "Psyduck, a water Pok�mon.  Uses mysterious power to perform various attacks."

Dexter: "Hypno, a hypnosis Pok�mon.  It carries pendulum-like device and performs hypnotic attacks."

Dexter: "Drowzee, said to be a descendant of the dream-eating tapir.  It was the first Pok�mon to use a combination attack like hypnosis and dream-eater."

Brock: "I think a Hypno is the evolved form of a Drowzee...."

Brock: "Hypno's hypnotic powers are usually just used only on other Pok�mon.  Since the wavelenths was changed to affect humans, it's creating a side effect for the Pok�mon."

Brock: "Pok�monitis.  ...  With that new wavelength, the children who were exposed to Hypno's sleep waves think they're Pok�mon now."

James: "Why didn't we do this from the beginning."
Jessy: "We have to fill a half hour."

Brock (to Nurse Joy): "A beautiful woman shouldn't have too much to be sad about."

Dexter: "Psyduck constantly suffers from a headache."
Misty: "You mean this thing always has a headache."
[Misty trips, dropping a Pok�ball that rolls ... toward Psyduck where Psyduck is pulled into it]
Ash: "Good work, Misty.  You've captured Psyduck."
Misty: "Now, I've got the headache."

Pok�mon Fashion Flash

The Punchy Pok�mon

Sparks Fly for Magnemite

Dig Those Diglett

The Ninja-Pok� Showdown


Misty: "Psyduck, cold water can make a headache even worse.  ...  Sometimes I just look at that Psyduck face and I get a headache."

Dexter: "Venonat: a bug Pok�mon.  Its eyes function as radar, allowing it to see in the dark.  ..."
Ash: "Hey, that's not a run-of-the-mill Pok�mon."

Dexter: "Voltorb.  The identity of this creature is unknown.  It has an extreme personality, uses electric attacks, and, at times, self-destructs."

Aya: "Born in darkness, living in darkness.  Such is the fate of the Ninja.  I am Aya, Ninja warrior."
Misty: "But, don't you think that color is a little bright for a Ninja?"
Aya: "I don't need your fashion report.  ..."
Brock: "I think that electric pink suits you perfectly, and you certainly look lovely."

Koga: "I am Koga, the Pok�mon Master of the Fuchsia Gym."

Jessy: "There are lots of precious, poisonous Pok�mon in that mansion.  ...  Poisonous Pok�mon are positively perfect for perfidious people like us."
James: "What does that mean?"
Jessy: "It means beautiful things can be painful."

Dexter: "Venomoth: an evolved form of Venonat.  Tiny scales on its wings disperse various spores when they are flapped."

Dexter: "Psyduck's attacks are: 1 - tail whip.  ...  Psyduck's attacks: number 2 - scratch...."
Misty: "Oh, what a totally pathetic Pok�mon.  Not it's giving me a headache."

Misty (re: Psyduck): "Even rejected by Team Rocket."
Brock: "It looks like its headache is getting worse."

Dexter: "Psyduck's attacks: number 3 - disable.  ...  Psyduck's attacks: number 4 - confusion.  ..."
Misty: "Psyduck's attacks are pretty good."

Dexter: "When Psyduck's headache becomes sever, it uses amazing power."
Brock: "...  That kind of talent's a real pain."

Brock (re: Misty's unwillingness to trade Psyduck after having tried to do so earlier in the episode): "A woman's heart can be a very fickle thing...."

Dexter: "Golbat: attacking with its sharp fangs, this Pok�mon can drain 300 cubic centimeters of blood per bite."

The Flame Pok�mon-athon


Dexter: "Tauros.  A wild bull Pok�mon.  When whipping itself with its three tails, its tackle is a powerful, destructiv force."

Dexter: "Growlithe.  A puppy Pok�mon of pleasant demeanor and great diligence.  It drives enemies away with barks and bites."

Dexter: "Ponyta.  A fire horse Pok�mon.  It's mane is made of intense flames."

Lara Laramie: "Ponyta will never, ever, harm anybody it really trusts."

Dexter: "Dodrio.  A three headed bird Pok�mon that can run faster than it can fly.  Its three heads represent joy, sorrow and anger."

Lara: "It takes more than just speed to win the race."

Race Announcer: "That's Electrode using its perfectly round body to gain speed and take the lead on the downhill.  ...  Electrode has fallen into a hole.  ...  Electrode's voltage level is too high.  ...  What a shock.  Electrode's most powerful attack, explosion!  It's destroyed everything around.  Electrode's living up to its 'bomb ball' nickname."

Announcer: "Rock Pok�mon can't deal with water."

Dario: "I do what I have to to win."

Announcer: "Ponyta has evolved into Rapidash, the fastest sprinter in the world of Pok�mon.  ...  Here comes Rapidash who has a top speed of over 100 miles per hour."

The Kangaskhan Kid

The Legend of Dratini

The Bridge Bike Gang

Ditto's Mysterious Mansion


Misty (to Ash): "... that guy's dressed just like you."
Brock: "...  Except it's a girl."
Misty (to Brock): "How can you tell?"
Brock: "Men's intuition."

Dexter: "Ditto, a transform Pok�mon.  It is able to rearrange the cells of its body and assume any form.  It's only attack is transform."

Brock: "When it transforms, shouldn't it be able to change completely?"
Duplica: "Yeah, it still can't change its face."
Ash: "But it's the only Pok�mon that can transform like that, right?  Or are there others?"
Duplica: "Nope!  Ditto's one of a kind."
Brock: "A transforming Pok�mon.  Its only attack is to copy other Pok�mon.  That's all it does."
Misty: "Isn't that enough?"
Ash: "Yeah, but, you can't have the fun of teaching it different attacks.  That is kind of boring."
Duplica: "You think that's boring?  Ha!  Well, that's what everyone says who doesn't understand Ditto's real power."

Brock: "It can imitate attacks too?"

Ash (re: Ditto's imitation of Bulbasaur beating Ash's Bulbasaur): "How could the real thing lose?"

Brock: "She can order Ditto to use the strongest attack possible.  According to whatever Pok�mon form it takes."
Misty: "... Duplica must know every attack of every Pok�mon there is."
Brock: "You must have studied a lot, Duplica, to be able to battle in any situation like that."

Ash: "Well, it's just Ditto transform.  You can't forget how important the trainer's ability is, too.  ...  It's not the Pok�mon, but the trainer who decides which attack to use in a battle, right?  And that means if you raise a Ditto, its progress and power are connected directly to your own."

Ash: "Imagine.  The strength of all the Pok�mon in one.  Maybe I'll capture a Ditto for myself some day."

Electric Soldier Porygon

Jynx and Christmas

Pikachu's Good-Bye

The Battling Eevee Brothers

Wake up Snorlax

Showdown at Dark City

March of the Exeggutor Squad

The Problem with Paras

The Song of Jigglypuff

Attack of the Prehistoric Pok�mon

A Chansey Operation


Dr. Proctor: "This is a hospital for people.  Why don't you take your Pok�mon to Joy at the Pok�mon Center?"  

Proctor: "I'm sorry, but I'm a specialist in human medicine."  

Proctor: "This is the kind of thing they just never warn you about in medical school."

Brock: "Well, he may have had a soft spot for misty, but he sure seemed pretty hard on you, Ash."  
Misty: "Well, he's not the only one who has a soft spot for pretty girls, is he?"  
Brock: "Uh, well, I, uh -"  

Proctor: "I knew I should have been a lawyer."  

Joy: "We need your hospital to help care for some of these patients temporarily.  ..."  
Proctor: "OK.  Bring them down this way.  By the way, Nurse Joy, would you be interested in going out for pizza Saturday night?"  
Joy: "You can talk to me about pizza after our work is done."  
Proctor: "Well, can't blame a guy for trying."  
Brock: "I don't like this guy.  He sounds like me!"  
Misty: "That is disturbing."  

Proctor (re: hospital full of Pok�mon ): "They never told us about this in med school."

Proctor: "We've got to keep the patient under control!"  
Ash: "OK!  Bulbasaur, hold Cubone down with vine whip now!  ..."  
Proctor: "You can't be so violent with patients.  This one's just a youngster.  Please, be a little gentler."  

Jessy: "Who are you?"  
Proctor: "I'm Dr. Proctor.  How about a pizza with me after I finish treating these pokemon?"  
Jessy: "I bet you're quite a doctor."
Proctor: "Well, yes, I am."  
Jessy: "We'll talk more over the pepperoni, but right now, you've just got to help my Arbok."  

Ash: "Don't trust them, Doctor.  Those two are from Team Rocket."  
Jessy: "So what?  Arbok is injured."  
James: "We're bad, not insensitive."  

Jessy: "I wanted you to cure it, not kill it!"  
Proctor: "It's just sleeping."  

Ash: "Why help them?  They're from Team Rocket."  
Proctor: "To a doctor, a patient is a patient.  There's no such thing as good guys or bad guys.  ...  A doctor's job is to heal, not to judge."  

Meowth: "What happened to my charm?  Somebody help me find my charm!  I'll pay any price!"  

Proctor (re: Dodrio's three necks tied in a knot): "That's a knotty problem.  ...  'Dodrio.  A triplebird Pok�mon .  Its three heads represent joy, sorrow, and anger.'"  
Ash: "Uh, all three heads look pretty angry to me."  

Jessy: "Well, James, so much for charity work.  Now it's time for Team Rocket to take over."

Jessy: "We're through with the goody-goody act.  From now on, we're bad old Team Rocket."  

Misty: "The doctor treated your Pok�mon , too.  Is that how you act when somebody does you a favor?"  
Jessy: "Exactly how."  
James: "And that's because -"  
Jessy and James: "We're Team Rotten!"  
Brock: "They got that right."

Proctor: "You see, Miss Team Rocket, before you start playing rough, you better take a look at my ammunition."
[Proctor opens his jacket showing off his scalpels and syringes]  
Jessy: "Uh, quite an arsenal."  
James: "We shouldn't mess with him."  
Meowth: "No way!"  
Proctor: "Now, who wants to be my next patient?"  

Proctor: "All of you could become outstanding doctors.  Why don't you stay here and train in my hospital with me?  ..."  
Ash: "I have to follow my dream of becoming a Pok�mon Master."  
Brock: "Yeah, and my dream of becoming a Pok�mon Breeder."  
Misty: "I really think I might like being a doctor someday, but first I have a lot more to learn about water Pok�mon ."  
Proctor: "Hmm.  I'm sure you'll become whatever you want."  

Narrator: "Ash and his friends know that helping others is its own reward."

Holy Matrimony!


Jessy (to James): "It doesn't matter what you remember.  Just take the cash."

Brock (re: James): "He should be free to decide who he does or doesn't want to marry."

James' father: "A man who can't settle down is like a bumblebee without a nose.  He'll never sniff the daffodils of life."

James' mother (to Jezebel): "As James' wife, it'll be your duty to change him from a worthless do-nothing into a respected gentleman."

Dexter: "Vileplume - the flower Pok�mon.  Using the largest flower petals in the world, it spreads large clouds of pollen that cause allergic reactions."

Brock (re: Jezebel): "... like they say -- even a rose has its thorns."
Misty: "She's more like a cactus."

James: "Ever since I was a kid, I hated how upper class society had rules for absolutely everything."

Meowth: "Who'd of thought being rich could be such a bummer?"

Jessy: "We may not make a lot of money, but we sure have got our freedom."

So Near, Yet So Farfetch'D

Who Gets to Keep Togepi?


Professor Oak: "They say, 'No news is good news', but I do wish you'd let me know hot things are going now and then."

James: "We have a proud tradition of failure to uphold."
Jessy: "Then you fail!"
Meowth: "And we'll win!"
[Jessy and Meowth whisper amongst themselves.]
James: "... I can break tradition."

Jessy and James (dressed as dancing egg sales girls): "We kick up our legs so you will buy our eggs."

Dexter: "Togepi: An egg Pok�mon.  Specific information about this Pok�mon is still unavailable."

Ash (re: Togepi): "Of course it's cute.  All newborns are cute."

Ash: "... which one of us gets to keep Togepi?"
Brock: "I think I should.  I'm the one who incubated the egg."
Ash: "But I was the one who found it in the first place.  I just let you watch it for a while."
Brock: "I mothered it."
Misty: "... I think I should be the one to keep Togepi because it likes me best."

Ash: "I found it, so it's mine."

Ash: "The only way to decide this is with a Pok�mon battle.  ...  We'll have a tournament, and whoever wins gets to keep Togepi."

Meowth: "I forgot!  I don't have any Pok�mon to battle with.  ...  Oh, yeah!  I forgot!  I am a Pok�mon.  I can battle for myself."

Meowth: "Go, Meowth.  ...  Meowth, give 'em your scratch attack.  OK, here goes."
Ash: "Being your own trainer must be tough."

Brock: "Your scratch attack can't do anything against Onyx's hard stone body."

Meowth: "... Meowth's scratch and bit attacks aren't any good against giant rock Pok�mon."

Meowth: "Meowth refuses to lose.  ...  Onyx is weak against water.  ...  Meowth never says die.  The absolute-victory-drench-with-water attack.  ...  Fury swipes attack!"
Brock: "... throwing water is cheating."
Meowth: "I am merely a parent fighting for its child."

Ash: "Bulbasaur, go lick Psyduck's head."
Misty: "No, Bulbasaur.  You'll never lick Psyduck if you lick it."
Ash: "Good, now use the tickle attack."
Brock: "Ash and Bulbasaur win."

James: "The heroes always get the breaks."

Dexter: "Togepi is imprinted with the image of the first thing it sees after it hatches thinking this is its mother."

Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden


Brock: "Rhyhorn's takedown move is like being hit by a tank."

Misty: "When Bulbasaur evolves, it'll turn into Ivysaur...."

Nurse Joy: "They say that at a certain time of the year, Bulbasaur gather together from all over the world for the festival where they evolve.  No one knows why they choose that time.  It's different every year, but it seems to have something to do with the alignment of the planets and the phases of the moon."

Misty: "Where do the Bulbasaur go to evolve?"
Nurse Joy: "Have you ever heard of the Mysterious Garden?"
Brock: "The Mysterious Garden?  Cool name."
Nurse Joy: "Yes.  But since no human being has ever seen the Garden clearly, most people think it's nothing but an illusion."
Misty: "...  The Mysterious Garden must be someplace out there."
Ash: "The Mysterious Garden.  I want to see that."

James: "I have allergies."
Jessy: "And I'm allergic to your whining."
Meowth: "You both give me a rash."

Dexter: "Venusaur, the final form of the Bulbasaur evolution.  This seed Pok�mon soaks up the sun's rays as a source of energy."
Brock: "... that kind of behavior makes it sound like a plant."

Dexter: "The seed Pok�mon, Ivysaur.  Bulbasaur's evolved form.  The bulb on its back absorbs nourishment and bloom into a large flower."

Brock: "For a long time, people have disagreed whether Bulbasaur is an animal type Pok�mon or a plant type.  If either plants or animals disappeared from the planet, life wouldn't go on."
Misty: "They need each other to live and grow."
Brock: "...  Maybe the Bulbasaur are a sign that all life on Earth is connected."

Ash: "Bulbasaur has a right to decide when it's ready to evolve."

Jessy: "You've go to choose your own path."

Dexter: "Solarbeam, Bulbasaur's strongest attack.  Light is collected and formed into a powerful beam with intensive force."
Ash: "Like a super-strong sunbeam."

Ash: "The Mysterious Garden."
Misty: "After the Evolution Festival, it must disappear."

Battle in the Festival

The Purr-fect Hero


Ash, Brock and Misty: "It's Kid's Day."

Brock (to Misty): "... you've already had your Princess Festival.  Kid's Day should be a boy's holiday only -- for men."
Ash: "Real men."
Brock: "Real tough men."
Misty (after hitting both Ash and Brock): "I'm just as tough as you two."

Meowth: "A pathetic childhood can create a pathetic person."

Little Kiddle Preschool educator (to children): "... you have to be gentle.  You can't treat Pok�mon like toys."

Brock: "It seems like playing with children helps the Pok�mon relax."

Timmy: "I know Pok�mon can't talk."
Ash: "I wouldn't be too sure about that...."

Jessy: "Weezing makes a nice volleyball."

James: "Team Rocket may be rotten cheaters, but we're not in the business of destroying children's dreams.  At least, not yet."
Jessy: "And Team Rocket may be liars, but one lie can make one of us a hero in the eyes of one little boy on Kid's Day."

Jessy: "We've retired from the world of magic."
James: "But we still have some tricks up our sleeve."

Case of the K-9 Capers


[Team Rocket sprays a gas which causes voices to rise]
Meowth: "What happened to my voice?  I sound like the Chipmunks."

James: "Shall we move on to phase two?  ...  A little changing music."
[A changing curtain rises up and around Team Rocket]
James: "... pass me that, will you?  ...  No, that's mine.  ...  Oh, hand me those pumps."
[The changing curtain drops revealing both Jessy and James dressed as Officer Jenny]

Jessy: "This synthesizer will make me sound just like Officer Jenny."

Jessy: "This should be interesting...."
[Jessy quick changes to being dressed as Ash and uses the synthesizer to sound like Ash]

Brock: "Ash and Pikachu recognize what's in each other's heart so Pikachu can't be fooled by somebody using a false voice."
[After the attempt to fool Pikachu fails, Jessy quick changes back to Officer Jenny costume]

Jessy (sounding like Officer Jenny to Growlithe licking Officer Jenny): "What are you doing Growlithe?  Don't lick her, attack her."

[Confusing operation of the synthesizers after the Growlithe turn on Team Rocket]
Jessy (sounding like Officer Jenny): "Attack them!  They're the enemy."
James (sounding like Officer Jenny): "Do as we tell you you dimwit dogs."
Jessy (sounding like James): "Not us.  Get them."
James (sounding like Jessy): "Hey, that's my voice."
Jessy (sounding like Meowth): "I told you, don't get us, get them."

Meowth: "They sould've known I'm just a scaredy-cat."

Ash: "Pikachu doesn't have to train with the K-9 squad to be the perfect Pok�mon.  ...  I like Pikachu just the way it is."
Officer Jenny: "You two recognize what's in each other's heart and that's what counts."

Brock (using synthesizer to sound like Officer Jenny): "I'd like Brock to know what's in my heart.  ...  Brock's so good-looking ... and he's so talented.  I just love him so much.  Brock is the coolest."
Misty: "You are ... pathetic."

Pok�mon Paparazzi

The Ultimate Test


Ash: "Skill.  I win matches with skill."
Misty: "How much skill does it take to win a match against Team Rocket."

Ash: "...  I have skill and luck."
Misty: "A little modesty wouldn't hurt."

Jessy (filling out test application): "Age -- 17.  Profession -- Diva."

James (explaining why he is taking the test): "I want to live my dream instead of my -- my reality."

Jessy (explaining why she is taking the test): "I simply wanted to add another talent to my very impressive and extensive r�sum�.  ... I'm already an accomplished hostess, florist, costume designer, wine expert, beautician, style consultant."

Instructor: "... a Pok�mon Master must understand all aspects of their Pok�mon's life in order to achieve oneness with their Pok�mon."

Ash: "Pok�mon isn't about tests, it's about battles."

James: "I've been destroyed by Pikachu's attacks so many times, I know them all by heart."
Jessy: "That's kind of pathetic when you think about it."

Instructor: "... electricity doesn't work on rock Pok�mon."

Jessy (re: James): "He failed again."
Meowth: "Don't think of it as failing, think of it as not succeeding."

Instructor: "Sizing up your opponent before an attack is a fundamental rule."

The Breeding Center Secret

Heat Battle in Gren Gym

Volcanic Panic


Meowth: "... where am I going to get gloves with three fingers?"

Meowth: " ... you know where we are?"
James: "Between a rock ..."
Jessy: "and a hot place."

Blaine: "Only a fire type Pok�mon can withstand the heat from that lava."

Brock: "Rock Pok�mon can take heat."

Beach Blank-Out Blastoise


Dexter: "Wartortle, the turtle Pok�mon.  The evolved form of Squirtle.  Its large furry tail is a symbol of its age and wisdom."

Dexter: "Blastoise, the shellfish Pok�mon.  The evolved form of Wartortle, Blastoise's strength lies in its power rather than its speed.  Its shell is like armor and attacks from the hydro-cannon on its back are virtually unstoppable."

Brock (re: Blastoise): "It's either asleep or it's practicing its withdraw attack."

Ash: "I heart this sound coming from Blastoise and fell asleep....  ...  Some kind of weird music that sounded kind of familiar."

Brock: "This island is the kingdom for turtle Pok�mon, who live under the rule of Blastoise, the turtle Pok�mon king."

James (to Meowth): "Pok�mon aren't for Pok�mon."

Brock: "Blastoise is the bomb."

Brock: "... Jigglypuff's a real 'Pok-asso'."
Misty: "I don't think this is funny.  I look like a cartoon character!  ..."
Ash: "A cartoon character?  Like that could ever happen."

Battle in the Water

Clefairy Tales


Narrator: "... even the most determined Pok�mon trainer can't resist an ice cream break."

Brock (re: Clefairy): "They may be small, but they're tricky."

Officer Jenny: "... we've all got to keep our cool here."

Ash: "... who are you?"
Oswald: "Someone who uncovers the truth.  Because the powers that be don't want you to know about Earth's visitors from outer space.  For the truth, look to the skies and to me:  Oswald."
Ash: "How do these guys find us?"

Oswald: "All these strange robberies point directly to visitors from another planet."
Group: "You mean aliens?"
Oswald: "That's right.  Extra-terrestrials."
Misty: "That's silly.  Everybody knows that UFOs don't really exist."

Team Rocket (disguised as aliens): "Nomekop, nomekop.
[Pok�mon backwards]

Jessy: "Our scheme to capture Pikachu was out of this world."
James: "It puts a whole new twist on alien abduction."

James (re: Pikachu in glass enclosure): "It's a light bulb-asaur!"

Meowth: "They fell for it hook, line and saucer."

Oswald: "According to my scanner, Clefairy is an alien.  ...  Amazing.  This Jigglypuff is also an alien."
Misty: "That scanner is even spacier than you are."
Oswald: "...  It's indicating that you're also an alien."
Misty (discarding the scanner): "...  If anybody's an alien, it's you!"

Jessy: "I hate people who have to be the center of attention."
James: "Especially when they take everybody's attention away from us."

Meowth (in Clefairy tunnel with Clefairy-built rocket): "This is like being at Cape Canasta."

Ash (to Clefairies): "That Pikachu's not just a Pok�mon.  It's my friend."

Misty: "It's Jigglypuff's song."
Ash: "A song I always get tired of."

The Battle of the Badge


Ash: "I already have seven badges.  I just need one more to get in the Pok�mon League."

Gary's cheerleaders: "Gary!  Gary!  He's the best!  Gary!  Gary!  Beats the rest!"

Gary: "... I already have ten badges."

James: "... I haven't spotted Pikachu...."
Meowth: "... I bet the Boss'd love a spotted Pikachu!"

Gary: "I choose Nidoking!"
Giovanni: "... I choose Golem!  ..."
Soldier A: "Nidoking is the winner."

Dexter: "Kingler, the pincer Pok�mon.  The evolved form Krabby.  Its crushing claws make it a powerful opponent."

Gary: "Arcanine, I choose you.  ..."
Soldier A: "Arcanine is the warrior."

Giovanni: "Maybe I could have just one more battle to test out my most powerful Pok�mon.  ..."
Gary: "What Pok�mon is that?"
Dexter: "Pok�mon unknown.  No available data."

Gary: "I'm not afraid of anything."

Giovanni: "This is the ultimate Pok�mon.  It can never be defeated."

Gary: "It's here!  ...  A Pok�mon that we've never seen....  ...  There's something different about this one.  This Pok�mon's not just powerful, it's evil."
Ash: "Evil?  There can't be an evil Pok�mon."

Gary's cheerleader: "I can't believe Gary lost."
[All of Gary's cheerleaders cry]
Misty: "Why are you making such a big deal about one lost battle?  ...  If I cried like that everytime Ash lost a battle, I'd be waterlogged."

Gary: "One thing's for sure -- no one will ever beat that Pok�mon."

Ash: "I won't give up.  I've come too far to just quit now.  I trust my Pok�mon."

Misty: "You can't use new Pok�mon now.  It's against the rules."
Jessy: "I make the rules for this gym."

Gary's cheerleaders: "He's a winner.  He's our Ash.  Let's all have a victory bash.  He's the victor.  He's our man.  No one wins like Ketchum can!"
Gary: "...  I hate to admit it but that kid's a pretty good trainer.  But still, nobody's ever going to be able to beat the Pok�mon that I say."

Jessy: "...  I'm a cheater."

Ash: "I finally got my Earth Badge!"

Ash: "... all I want to look at are my eight badges.  ... now I can finally get into the Pok�mon League.  I'm on my way to be a Pok�mon Master."

It's Mr. Mime Time


Dexter: "Mr. Mime, the barrier Pok�mon.  It uses pantimime to make actual walls appear.  Because it is rarely discovered, information about this Pok�mon is extremely limited."

Stella: "Can I count on you?"
Brock: "They don't call me 'Brock the Rock' for nothing!  ..."
Misty: "They must be talking about the rocks in his head."

Brock: "I don't have to catch a Mr. Mime if I can make one."

Giovanni (to Team Rocket): "I want rare Pok�mon, not your pathetic excuses.  ...  (to Mewtwo)  They can search the entire universe -- but they'll never find a Pok�mon as rare as you."

Ash: "I'm not going to dress like a clown."

Misty: "Stella's not as sweet as she looks...."

Ash: "I'm not a Mr. Mime!  I just play one on TV."

Jessy: "This tank is made of rubber."
Meowth: "You can rock us but you can't shock us."

Narrator: "There's no place like home."

Dueling With the Rival

The Evolution Solution


Professor Oak: "When the Shellder clamps on to a Slowpoke's tail, it becomes a Slowbro."

Professor Westwood V: "I want to discover why Shellder attaches to Slowpoke.  I just don't understand why they evolve into Slowbro."

Westwood V: "The Pok�mon Symposium, the world's most respected group of Pok�ologists."

Westwood V: "... Slowpoke is one of the few Pok�mon that fishes."

Westwood V: "Before it clamps on, Shellder has a hinged shell.  But after it evolved, Shellder has a spiral shell."

Brock: "Psyduck only uses its most powerful attacks when it gets its most powerful headaches."

Westwood V: "Shellder clamps on to Slowbro's tail which helps Slowbro balance when it stands on two feet.  This way, Slowbro's front legs are free, so it can use attacks like the mega-punch.  And because its clamped onto Slowbro's tail, Shellder may now travel on land."

Ash: "Learning all about different Pok�mon is part of my training...."

The Pi-kahuna


Officer Jenny: "... Humungadunga is coming.  It's a gigantic wave that only hits the island once every twenty years."

James: "Steal one, get one free."

Victor: "Puka can feel the waves in its body."

Jessy: "A twerp on the land is worth two Pikachu!"

James: "I have heard that Gyarados travel to shallow water once a year in order to lay their eggs.  ... During egg-laying season, Gyarados don't like company."

Officer Jenny: "A tidal wave is approaching shore.  Evacuate the beach and head for higher ground immediately."

Narrator: "... it's never too late for some dreams to come true."

Make Room for Gloom


Brock: "That girl's more beautiful than any flower I've ever seen."
Ash: "What are you talking about Brock?  I don't see any beautiful girl."
Misty: "Just turn around." (giggle)
Ash: "Misty, please.  Only one of us can hallucinate at a time."

Misty (reading sign): "Pok�nip, it says its smell affects Pok�mon like catnip affects cats."

Jessy: "We can't let a challenger go without a battle."

Brock: "Rejected by the one girl I love.  I'll never find another one like her again."
Ash: "Don't worry Brock.  You'll find plenty of other girls to reject you."

Ash: "There's always tomorrow."

Pok�mon the Movie

Go West Young Meowth


Meowzy (to Meowth, translated by Meowth): "... what are you?  You're not rich.  You're not even human.  You're just a street Meowth.  You'll never be human, so just forget about me.  --"
Meowth: "If I wanted her, I had to make my self human."

Meowth: "To win Meowzy's love, I had to be human, and humans walk on two legs, not four.  So I learned to walk like a person, a weird person, but a person."

Meowth: "Talking was hard, but I wouldn't give up."

Meowth (singing): "Under the evening sky with the moon high up above, I learned to speak human 'cause this cat's got puppy love.  I'll stand on two legs, hold my head up high, and she'll want me, wait and see.  I'll write poetry and recite it myself for Meowzy."

Meowzy (to Meowth, translated by Meowth): "What's so human about you?  Look at yourself.  You may stand on two legs and talk like a human, but you're still just a dirty street Meowth with no money.  You're worse than before, now you're a freak."
Meowth: "I was crushed.  She thinks I'm a freak."

Jessy: "We may be mean and nasty but we never turn our backs on a teammate in trouble."
James: "As long as we're not exposed to any actual physical danger.  ..."
Jessy: "We can't let anything bad happen to our little buddy."
James: "Because we're more than teammates, we're friends."
Meowth: "It's so nice to have real friends."

Cleavon Schpielbunk: "We all must sacrifice for art."

The Secrets of Pok�mon Training

The Ancient Puzzle of Pok�mopolis 


Ash: "... this statue looks like a Psyduck."
Misty: "I remember reading about a hidden city where the people built temples to honor Pok�mon."
Brock: "If they built a temple to honor Psyduck, they weren't hidden, they were lost!"
Ash: "What was the name of the city?"
Misty: "I think it was called Pok�mopolis, and it got destroyed in a giant storm and then totally disappeared.  ..."
Brock: "The people who lived there believed Pok�mon were symbols of nature's power."

Professor Dunlap: "By age six, Eve was already an expert in ancient Pok�mopolitan civilization.  Her research revolutionized the field.  She got her PhD. at eight.  ..."
Misty: "When I was eight, I was still afraid of doctors."
Doctor Eve: "Please, it's no big deal.  And it's not like I had perfect grades or anything.  I got an 'A minus' once."

Eve (after Brock quickly offers to help an attractive girl solve her ancient mystery): "Brock must love mysteries."
Ash: "He loves something."

Jessy (expecting to find a treasure): "... with all that money, you wont have to do the decent thing."

James: "If the treasure's large enough, I can make myself the boss.  The big enchilada!"
Jessy: "The top tamale!"
James: "The king quesadilla!"
Meowth: "It's such a shame they're so power hungry."
Jessy: "The grand guacamole!"
James: "The number one nacho!"

Dexter: "Gengar, a shadow Pok�mon.  The evolved form of Haunter.  Details about this Pok�mon are unknown."

Dexter: "Alakazam, a psy-Pok�mon.  This Pok�mon uses psychic attacks to overcome its opponents."

Brock: "Archeologists are supposed to solve mysteries."

Guardia's Friendship

Moltres! Declaring to the Pok�mon League!

Pok�mon League: Opening Game in the Water Field

Battle with the Flames in Iceland

Formidable Rival in Grass Field

New Rival

Dueling with Hiroshi!

End of the Pok�mon League

Another Departure

A Scare in the Air


Ash: "... I guess you can't lose them all."

Meowth (sung to the tune of 'On Top of Old Smokey'): "My name is Meowth.  I'm covered with fur.  That's why I get hair balls."

Misty: "Ash, you can't use shock attacks in a blimp.  You're going to make this whole thing explode."

Pok�mon and Pok�ball in the South

The Lost Lapras


Tracey (re: "Tangelo Island): "Big schools of Lapras pass by the island this time every year."

Tracey: "... you learn a lot from being a Pok�mon watcher.  ..."
Nurse Joy: "Pok�mon watchers travel the world.  They go looking for all kinds of Pok�mon so they can observe and study their characteristics and abilities.  They even search for new, undiscovered Pok�mon."

Tracey: "The Orange Crew is what everybody here calls this group of gym leaders from the islands of the Orange Archipelago.  ...  Trainers can't compete in the Orange League until they battle everybody in the Orange Crew."
Ash: "...  I didn't know there was a Pok�mon league in the Orange Islands."
Tracey: "Tangelo Island's the place where everybody starts out training.  Then the trainers have to go around and beat every gym leader in the Orange Crew before they can get to battle in the Orange League."

Ash: "I have to challenge the Orange Crew and compete in the Orange League."

Tracey: "...  You just got yourself a new traveling buddy.  ...  See, if I stick with you, I'll finally get the chance to meet my hero, Professor Oak!"
Misty: "Hey, you just can't invite yourself!"

Ash: "I'm going to sing it a lullaby.  ...  Singing lullabies helps little kids calm down, so maybe it'll work on Lapras too."

Orange League! Natuskan Gym!

Mystery of the Disappearing Pok�mon

Crystal Onix

Pink Pok�mon

Secret of Fossil Atts

Dance! Pok�mon Showboat

Adieu, Psyduck! Hello, Golduck?

Nurse Sailing Raging Waves

Navel Island! Battle on Snow Mountain

Snorlax Panic!

Phantom Ship Phantom Pok�mon

Meowth's Island

Scyther Be Soldier

Pok�mon in Southern Islands

Lorelei of the Elite Four, Ice Duel!

Nidoran's Love Story

Magnemite in Vast Plains