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Novels by William Shatner

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

The Ashes of Eden - William Shatner & Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens

The Return - William Shatner & Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens

Avenger - William Shatner & Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens

Spock (thought): "...logic seldom applied to politics."

M'Benga: "I'm a doctor, not a soldier."

Kirk (thought): "...when faced with an apparently complex problem, it was sometimes better to make a quick decision, rather than remain immobile while trying to determine the correct one."

Picard: "Absolute certainty requires time....   That is a luxury we and the Federation no longer have."

Kirk: "Time is the ultimate nonrenewable resource, and we are rapidly running out of it."

Holographic Doctor: "I'm a doctor, not a computer."

Holographic McCoy:  "I'm a doctor, not an interior designer."

McCoy: "I'm a doctor, not a sideshow."

Spectre - William Shatner & Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens


T'Val (re: Kirk): "Logic dictates that because he lives today, he did not die ....  It is more accurate to think of Kirk experiencing a momentary interruption in normal biological processes."

T'Val: "Logic always works."

Kirk (thought): "Two great truths of the universe were that the future could never be foreseen, the past never escaped."

Kirk: "Because we depend too much on machines, ... we've given up too much of our independence, too much of our connection to the worlds around us.  We've cut off ourselves from the experiences that make us human, from the knowledge that we are part of nature."

Data: "... your observation of my sensor readings will not cause them to proceed more rapidly."

Riker: "We can't fight the Borg every day."

Picard (thought): "A captain was only as good as his crew ...."

Picard (thought): "A mystery was almost as good as action."

Captain Morgan Bateson: "As the great Vulcan philosopher Surak once said, 'Those who do not understand history are condemned to repeat it.'"

Spock: "One man cannot summon the future."
Kirk: "But one man can change the present."

Mirror Spock (quoting Kirk): "In every revolution, there is one man with a vision."

Picard: "Any oppressed people will fight for freedom."

Mirror Spock: "Mere assumption does not make it so."

Kirk (thought): "... the one true, inarguable purpose of life was to live.  Any other purpose was a matter for philosophers."

Kirk (thought): "Perhaps perfection was not as bad as he had once thought.  At least, in moderation."

Kirk (thought): "... the longer one of Spock's answers was, the more likely it was that he was hiding the truth."

Scott: "... life is never as black or white as the lawmakers think it's going to be."

McCoy: "I'm not a doctor anymore, I'm a medical experiment."

Spock: "The Hawthorne effect, ... a twentieth-century insight in Earth sociology.  Inconsequential, though regular modifications in the workplace lead to employees feeling that their management is concerned about their well-being.  Consequently, they exhibit greater job satisfaction, and thus function with greater productivity."

Kirk: "Time spent in entertainment can be a respite from ongoing struggles, not just a reward for having completed them."

Kirk: "Diplomacy is born of patience."

EMH: "I'm a doctor, not a quantum mechanic."

Picard (thought): "A starship captain always faced the consequences of his actions."

Kirk: "You can't do it all yourself."

Kirk: "You can't be a captain of an empty starship."

Mirror Picard: "Such concern with the preciseness of words.  Are you all lawyers in your universe?"

Kirk (thought): "What good was a hand without another to hold?  What good was a heart, without love to quicken its beat?"

Kirk (thought): "Death for life.  The real currency of the twenty-fourth century."

Dark Victory - William Shatner & Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens


Doctor M'Benga: "I'm a doctor, not a navigator."

M'Benga: "People always want to believe in something bigger than themselves.  Since the beginning of space travel, one of the most enduring myths of humanity has been that somewhere out among the stars will be an omnipotent race of aliens who will answer all of our questions, solve all our problems, and take away all our fears."

M'Benga: "I'm a scientist, I need proof."

M'Benga (quoting Carl Sagan): "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

Klingon Wedding Benediction: "You may now have your way with each other."

Garak (re: conspirators): "Refusing to believe they exist only gives them more power."

Garak: "... the more unlikely a coincidence, the more likely it is no coincidence."

McCoy: "... medicine is more than chemistry and engineering.  But sometimes, even I have to trust in the technology."

Kirk (thought): "... there must be a balance to all things."

Kirk: "Sometimes I speak before I realize what I'm saying."

EMH: "... I know that beauty is something that can have a powerful emotional effect on people."

Spock: "... we are stronger together than apart."

Picard: "Orders are not something one can pick and choose from...."
Riker: "I've always thought that's one of the reasons we're out here, instead of some fleet of automated ships....  So we can pick and choose.  Rules are rules and orders are orders, but out here where there's so much that's new ... we do have to be flexible."
Picard: "There's a difference between flexibility and insubordination."

Kirk (thought): "There was a difference between bravery and stupidity, and he had crossed that line often enough in his life to know one from the other by now."

Garak: "Words are so precious that it is a shame to waste them on the mundane."

Kirk (quoting Mirror Spock from mirror universe in Mirror, Mirror episode): "Terror must be maintained or the empire is doomed.  It is the logic of history."

Kirk (quoting what he told Mirror Spock in Mirror, Mirror episode): "Conquest is easy.  Control is not."

Picard: "If I have learned anything from my study of archaeology, it is that history has an ebb and a flow all its own.  And that sometimes, it is not the individual who makes a difference, it is a ... a wave of circumstance that sweeps individuals along.  That's why there are patterns in the historical records, the same stories playing out again and again."
Kirk: "What does that say about free will?"

Kirk (thought): "... how could there be courage without knowledge of fear?  Or victory, without knowledge of defeat?  The very knowledge of death is what gave life meaning.  ...  Someday all things would succumb to the dark victory of time...."

Preserver - William Shatner & Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens