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Numbered Novels

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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

The big advantage of a book is it's very easy to rewind.  Close it and you're right back at the beginning. - Jerry Seinfeld, SeinLanguage (Bantam)

#1 Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Gene Roddenberry

#2 The Entropy Effect - Vonda N. McIntyre

#3 The Klingon Gambit - Robert E. Vardeman

#4 The Covenant of the Crown - Howard Weinstein

#5 The Prometheus Design - Sondra Marshak & Myrna Culbreath

#6 The Abode of Life - Lee Correy

#7 Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - Vonda N. McIntyre

#8 Black Fire - Sonni Cooper

#9 Triangle - Sondra Marshak & Myrna Culbreath

#10 Web of the Romulans - M. S. Murdock

#11 Yesterday's Son - A. C. Crispin

#12 Mutiny on the Enterprise - Robert E. Vardeman

#13 The Wounded Sky - Diane Duane

#14 The Trellisane Conftontation - David Dvorkin

#15 Corona - Greg Bear

#16 The Final Reflection - John M. Ford

#17 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - Vonda N. McIntyre

#18 My Enemy, My Ally - Diane Duane

#19 The Tears of the Singers - Melinda Snodgrass

#20 The Vulcan Academy Murders - Jean Lorrah

#21 Uhura's Song - Janet Kagan

#22 Shadow Lord - Laurence Yep

#23 Ishmael - Barbara Hambly

#24 Killing Time - Delia Van Hise

#25 Dwellers in the Crucible - Margaret Wander Bonanno

#26 Pawns and Symbols - Majiliss Larson

#27 Mindshadow - J. M. Dillard

#28 Crisis on Centaurus - Brad Ferguson

#29 Dreadnought! - Diane Carey

#30 Demons - J. M. Dillard

#31 Battlestations! - Diane Carey

#32 Chain of Attack, Gene DeWeese

#33 Deep Domain - Howard Weinstein

#34 Dreams of the Raven - Carmen Carter

#35 The Romulan Way - Diane Duane & Peter Morwood

#36 How Much for Just the Planet? - John M. Ford

#37 Bloodthirst - J. M. Dillard

#38 The IDIC Epidemic - Jean Lorrah

#39 Time for Yesterday - A. C. Crispin

#40 Timetrap - David Dvorkin

#41 The Three-Minute Universe - Barbara Paul

#42 Memory Prime - Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens

#43 The Final Nexus - Gene DeWeese

#44 Vulcan's Glory - D. C. Fontana

#45 Double, Double - Michael Jan Friedman

#46 The Cry of the Onlies - Judy Klass

#47 The Kobayashi Maru - Julia Ecklar

#48 Rules of Engagement - Peter Morwood

#49 The Pandora Principle - Carolyn Clowes

#50 Doctor's Orders - Diane Duane

#51 Enemy Unseen - V. E. Mitchell

#52 Home Is the Hunter - Dana Kramer Rolls

#53 Ghost- Walker - Barbara Hambly

#54 A Flag Full of Stars - Brad Ferguson

#55 Renegade - Gene DeWeese

#56 Legacy - Michael Jan Friedman

#57 The Rift - Peter David

#58 Face of Fire - Michael Jan Friedman

#59 The Disinherited - Peter David

#60 Ice Trap - L. A. Graf

#61 Sanctuary - John Vornholt

#62 Death Count - L. A. Graf

#63 Shell Game - Melissa Crandall

#64 The Starship Trap - Mel Gilden

#65 Windows on a Lost World - V. E. Mitchell

#66 From the Depths - Victor Milan

#67 The Great Starship Race - Diane Carey

#68 Firestorm - L. A. Graf

#69 The Patrian Transgression - Simon Hawke

#70 Traitor Winds - L. A. Graf

#71 Crossroad - Barbara Hambly

#72 The Better Man - Howard Weinstein

#73 Recovery - J. M. Dillard

#74 The Fearful Summons - Denny Martin Flynn

#75 First Frontier - Diane Carey & Dr. James I. Kirkland

#76 The Captain's Daughter - Peter David

#77 Twilight's End - Jerry Oltion

#78 The Rings of Tautee - Dean W. Smith & Kristine K. Rusch

#79 Invasion #1: First Strike - Diane Carey

#80 The Joy Machine - James Gunn

#81 Mudd in Your Eye - Jerry Oltion

#82 Mind Meld - John Vornholt

#83 Heart of the Sun - Pamela Sargent & George Zebrowski

#84 Assignment Eternity - Greg Cox

Gary Seven: "Future events can sometimes threaten the past."

McCoy: "I'm a doctor, not a diplomat."

Kirk (thought): "... living within a woman's had been ... educational, to say the least."

Spock: "No matter what level of advancement ... there is always room for improvement.  Especially with regard to humanity's frequently unrestrained emotions."

Roberta Lincoln: "Gee, who would have guessed that miniskirts and go-go boots would still be popular in the twenty-third century?"

Seven: "Peace is a delicate thing.  Sometimes it requires risk to preserve it."

McCoy: "I'm a doctor, not a vet!"

Lincoln: "I haven't eaten since 1969!"

Spock (thought): "Logic and loyalty ... sometimes took precedence above the chain of command ...."

Spock: "Miraculous escapes, by their very definition ... cannot be anticipated or relied upon."

Commander Dellas: "One of the great advantages of time travel is that I can depart on my mission whenever I choose and still arrive at the ideal moment. That being the case, I prefer to know every variable, every possible snag, before I take action ...."

Dellas: "In my experience, espionage is a social disease, no one ever contracts it alone."

Spock: "Sentient beings always have choices .... Some are simply more difficult than others."

Spock (thought): "Time travel had its own prime directives."

Spock: "Just because we lack the knowledge to do something, that does not mean it cannot be done ...."

Seven (to Dellas): You weren't meant to have this technology yet.  You're like a child playing with fireworks.  Kirk (thought): "Does every more advanced civilization have to compare us to children?"

Dellas: "Irrelevant!  Everything is irrelevant to you Vulcan eunuchs. Strength. Passion. The Courage to survive, the will to conquer. -- Your fanatical worship of soulless logic disgusts me." Spock: "Logic is not a shield ... but a means of discovering the truth.  Nor does it necessarily impair one's potential for self-defense. -- Contrary to what you profess to believe, weakness is not synonymous with reason."

Neil Armstrong: "One small step for man ... a giant step for mankind." (misquoted by the author)

Spock (thought): "It seemed odd to conclude that attempted murder and subterfuge could increase the probability of peace, but that appeared to be precisely the case. Fascinating ...."

#85 My Brother's Keeper - Republic - Michael Jan Friedman

#86 My Brother's Keeper - Constitution - Michael Jan Friedman

#87 My Brother's Keeper - Enterprise - Michael Jan Friedman

#88 Across the Universe - Pamela Sargent and George Zebrowski

#89 New Earth - Wagon Train to the Stars - Diane Carey

#90 New Earth - Belle Terre - Dean Wesley Smith and Diane Carey

#91 New Earth - Rough Trails - L. A. Graf

#92 New Earth - The Flaming Arrow - Kathy and Jerry Oltion

#93 New Earth - Thin Air - Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith

#94 New Earth - Challenger - Diane Carey