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Season 1

Stargate SG-1 � Showtime, MGM/UA, Gekko Film Corp and Double Secret Productions.  No infringement intended.

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

Children of the Gods

The Enemy Within


The Broca Divide

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O'Neill: "I pride myself on my deductive reasoning skills."

O'Neill: "We're not gods."

O'Neill: "... art appreciation is not what this mission is all about."

Hammond: "The President ... has asked that we evaluate the scientific and cultural value of each mission from now on."

Carter (after aggressively kissing O'Neill): "I want you.  ..."
O'Neill: "It's about time you saw a doctor."

Dr. Frazier: "All of the victims are acting like animals.  ...  [discussing Carter's affliction]  All the victims are behaving like primitives.  Most female, low-level primates tend to choose their sexual partners according to who would give them the strongest offspring.  The leaders of the pack or a tribe are usually the prime choice.  You should be flattered."
O'Neill: "Oh, yeah.  I'm honored."

Jackson: "What happened to you?"
O'Neill: "Oh, I got into a little wrestling match with Carter.  ...  I had to drag her off to the infirmary.  ...  She ... tried to seduce me."
Jackson: "Oh -- you poor man."
O'Neill: "No, it wasn't like that.  She was like a wild animal.  She was nuts."
Jackson: "Well, is she all right?  I should go see her."
O'Neill: "Why?"
Jackson: "...  Because I care about her.  ...  She's my friend.  ..."
O'Neill: "She's not yours to care about.  ...  I'm talking about Samantha.  You just stay away from her, okay."

Jackson (to Frazier): "You're the doctor, Doctor."

Dr. Frazier: "This appears to be highly contagious."
Hammond: "Are you saying we could have brought a new plague to this planet?"
Dr. Frazier: "Yes, sir, that's exactly what I'm saying."

Hammond: "My recommendation is that anyone attempting to leave the mountain should be shot on site and their body burned."

Teal'c: "It appears she is afflicted."
Jackson: "So they just dump her out here?"
Teal'c: "We dump them in a small room."
Jackson: "To protect them."
Teal'c: "To protect everyone else.  There is little difference."

Dr. Frazier: "Sorry, Colonel O'Neill, but your private room just became semi-private.  We're running out of places to store the victims."

Dr. Frazier: "Enough sedative must knock back the primitive mind."

Teal'c (to Untouched): "It is not a curse.  It is a disease."

O'Neill (after being cured): "Lucy, I'm home."
Teal'c: "I am not Lucy."
O'Neill: "I know that.  It was a reference to an old T--  Never mind.  Open the door."
Teal'c: "I will summons the doctor."
O'Neill: "No, no.  Come on.  I'm fine.  I'm back to being myself.  ..."
Teal'c: "I can not be certain you are back to being yourself.  You referred to me as -- Lucy."

O'Neill (finding Daniel afflicted on the planet sitting with afflict woman): "Daniel, you dog.  Keep this up, you'll have a girl on every planet."

Carter: "About my earlier behavior.  I wasn't myself."
O'Neill: "Oh, Carter, I don't even remember your earlier behavior.  ...  I was infected too, remember." 
Carter: "Good!  I'm glad."
O'Neill: "By the way, how's the wound?  ...  I understand you got stabbed in the stomach."
Carter: "Oh, yeah, nothing.  With any luck, there won't even be a scar."
O'Neill: "Well, good.  I was concerned.  ...  If it doesn't heal properly, you'll never wear that sweet little tank-top number again."

The First Commandment

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Jackson: "... in order for a planet to support human life, there must be some sort of carbon-based vegetation...."
Teal'c: "It is no accident.  Many Stargate worlds were terraformed by the Goa'uld many centuries ago."

Teal'c: "Is there a problem, Dr. Carter?"
Carter (looking up into surrounding trees): "No birds."

O'Neill: "We're off to see the wizard."

Jackson: "This taste's like chicken."
Carter: "What's wrong with it?"
Jackson: "It's macaroni and cheese."

Teal'c: "The perimeter is established."
[Teal'c tosses a rock to the perimeter turning on lights and setting off alarms]
O'Neill: "Perfect.  If any little rocks sneak up on us, we'll have plenty of warning."

Jackson: "... the SG teams are supposedly made up of well-trained professionals."

Jackson: "A number of significant Biblical events took place over the course of seven days."

Jonas Hanson: "Sacrifice.  Their way to salvation."

Carter (re: Hanson): "He likes control."

Carter (re: relationship with Hanson): "I guess I've always had a soft spot for the lunatic fringe."

Jackson (re: Hanson): "... typical of our government's evaluation of soldiers.  The crazier they are, the more extreme the situation they seem to be put into."

Hanson: "We're building a civilization....  There are going to be sacrifices."

Hanson (to Carter): "You had the gun.  You appeared to have all the power.  Yet I was in control.  That is the strength of a god."

Hanson (re: Bible he pulls from his pocket): "All along, I've been looking for God, and here I am."

Teal'c: "... power alone does not make one a god."

Jackson: "This is not magical power.  It is called a gun and it is a machine."

O'Neill: "Killing a man is no badge of honor."

O'Neill (re: Hanson's Bible): "... I'm no expert in this thing.  I generally remember one commandment.  I think it's the first."
Carter: "'I am the Lord you God, and you shall take no other gods before me?'"
O'Neill: "Okay, it's not the first one.  I'm talking about the no-killing one.  No matter what the reason, every time you break it, you take one step closer to Hanson."

Cold Lazarus

The Nox

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Secretary:  "What exactly am I looking at?"
Captain Samantha Carter: "We think you're looking at the event horizon of an artificially created wormhole through our space-time to a point of tens, even hundreds of light-years away -- sir."

Secretary: "Do you have any idea what's out there?"
Colonel Jack O'Neill: "No sir!  That would be why we're going."

Secretary: "The President and Joint Chiefs were under the impression that the SG teams would be bringing back superior technologies."
Dr. Daniel Jackson: "I'm sorry, I thought we were explorers."
Secretary: "Oh, you are, Dr. Jackson, but even Marco Polo, when he came back from the Far East, brought more than just a few exotic spices."

O'Neill: "It's been my observation that ... cultures with advanced technology tend not to like to share it."

O'Neill: "Nothing like coming back from the dead to build up an appetite."

Jackson: "The Goa'ulds are a parasite race.  They take life and use it for their own purpose."

O'Neill: "Sometimes turning the other cheek just doesn't work."

Ohper: "We get life from the forest, from everything."

Jackson: "Friends share knowledge with each other."

Ohper: "Knowledge takes time.  Over the years, we teach the young to be wise."

Anteaus: "The very young do not always do what they are told."

Teal'c: "It is our way that the strong defend the weak."

Anteaus: "Maybe, one day, you will learn that your way is not the only way."

O'Neill: "The very young do not always do as they're told."

Brief Candle

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Alekos: "We are the chosen."

Teal'c: "They all look as healthy as a Jaffa."

O'Neill: "...  Do things feel a little 'off' here?"
Jackson: "Are you crazy?  It's a paradise."
O'Neill: "Yeah, sure, have an apple.  What could happen?"

Kynthia (to O'Neill): "I am Kynthia.  Welcome to our village."

Alekos: "Unto every man the creator gives 100 blissful days.  It is a sin not to celebrate each and every one."
Jackson: "A hundred-day celebration?  Guess we should pace ourselves."

Carter: "I've seen parties end abruptly, but never like this."
Jackson: "They all just -- collapsed."
Teal'c: "It happened just as the sun set."

O'Neill: "From now on, we stick to rations."

Jackson: "... they all act as if what happened last night was normal.  They party until sundown, then they fall asleep and they wake when the sun rises."

Alekos (re: statue): "He is the creator, Pelops, the giver of days."

Thetys: "What are years?"
Carter: "... I guess it would be different for each planet, but a year is basically the time it takes for the globe to complete one orbit around the sun."
O'Neill: "...  Where we come from , there are 365 days in one year."
Thetys: "... we have no such counting of time on Argos."

Jackson: "I think Pelops brought humans here to be lab rats.  From what we've been able to translate so far, he wanted to know how humans evolve, so he shortened the lifespan to about 1/250th of normal."
Carter: "So, instead of having to wait 100,000 years to see how human physiology evolves, he could do it in 100."
Teal'c: "That is correct.  Pelops wanted to determine what the human host body would become in the future and perhaps accelerate the process."

Jackson: "I think he may have created some kind of virus.  --  And viruses are often spread through bodily contact."
Carter: "Some are, and some are airborne."
Jackson: "But I think that this one isn't."
Teal'c: "What has drawn you to this conclusion?"
Jackson: "Because only one of us passed out last night, and that was Jack."

Jackson: "You do have to give them credit for one thing -- they do enjoy life."
Teal'c: "Perhaps it is because they do not have much life to enjoy."

O'Neill (to Carter - O'Neill showing signs of age): "So what did you find out?  --  Come on now, don't keep the elderly waiting.  It's rude."

Carter: "It isn't a virus."

O'Neill: "I don't need company, I need a cure."

Carter: "They're not multiplying, they're replicating."
Jackson: "What's the difference?"
Carter: "Living organisms multiply.  Machines replicate."
Teal'c: "Machines inside the body.  How is that possible?"
Carter: "They're molecular devices that take atomic particles from their environment and use them to make more of themselves."
Frasier: "Well, you're talking nanotechnology.  ..."
Carter: "When I was at the Pentagon, I worked for a year with a group that studied nanotechnology.  We were looking at it for a lot of different uses.  One of them was medicine -- creating artificial immune systems, repairing individual cells, even manipulating DNA to stop the aging process."
Frasier: "Well, it sounds like Pelops succeeded in what you were experimenting with, only in reverse."

Kynthia: "... you ate the marriage cake, came to my bed."
O'Neill: "Marriage cake.  Kynthia, you thought we were married?"
Kynthia: "By all our customs, yes."
O'Neill: "...  Kynthia, what you were feeling wasn't really love.  That takes time.  You can't get to know someone in one day."

O'Neill (to Kynthia): "Your creator was not a god.  He certainly didn't give you life, he took it away."

O'Neill: "The average human life span is 60 or 70 years.  Some people live to be 100 years!  ...  Pelops was an alien who used your people.  He shortened your lives to satisfy his curiousity."

Kynthia: "It is not good to be always alone."
O'Neill: "Whatever time I have left, let me spend it in my own way.  --"
Kynthia: "But you do not spend it.  You waste it."
O'Neill: "I don't think reflecting on my life or trying to figure out how to get the rest of it back is a waste."

Kynthia: "What can we do but live in the way we always have.  We do not have thousands of days, but we treasure every moment."

Kynthia: "The time of one heartbeat can become eternity."

Carter: "... goodbyes really suck."

O'Neill: "Pelops doesn't give a rat's ass about things like love.  His kind kidnap people like you and take them to other worlds to be used as slaves."

O'Neill: "I look like my grandfather."

Carter: "If our hypothesis is right, the nanocites in your system were only meant to imitate aging.  ...  Without these little buggers in your system to maintain the changes, you should return to normal within a week or two."

O'Neill: "I was kind of looking forward to a little shuffleboard with the fellows."

O'Neill: "I'll treasure everyday of my life because of you."
Kynthia: "For thousands of days."
O'Neill: "I sure hope so."
Kynthia: "That is almost forever."
O'Neill: "Almost."

Thor's Hammer

Torment of Tantalus

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Teal'c: "The Goa'uld are scavengers."

Catherin Langford: "You speak?"
Teal'c: "When it is appropriate."

Carter: "I don't think the heart ever grows old."

Ernest Littlefield: "Thatalus was a king in Greek mythology, banished to Hades, forced to stand in water that receded when he tried to drink."
Langford: "Everlasting, unending temptation."
Littlefield: "He was reaching for something that was -- out of his reach."
Langford: "That sounds familiar.  Some might say that's what makes a man great.   If we all accepted what was within our grasp ..."
Littlefield: "Sometimes what we have is of more value.  It takes a great man to recognize that."

Littlefield: "No prize is worth obtaining if you can never share it.  There would be no point."


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Teal'c: "The Goa'uld within me?"
O'Neill: "They had to put junior back in, Teal'c."
Dr. Frasier: "We almost lost you.  The drug didn't work, Teal'c.  I'm sorry."

Dr. Frasier: "As soon as we removed Teal'c's Goa'uld his major organs began to shut down and he ran a high fever."
Hammond: "So the drug failed."
Dr. Frasier: "Yes, but it proved that the Goa'uld is Teal'c's immune system."

Teal'c: "There are many hundreds of Goa'uld larvae on Chulak.  ...  It's one of the few worlds in all the galaxy with such an abundance."

Teal'c: "I am not concerned about my life.  I am concerned for the life of my son.  ...  His name is Rya'c.  I have not spoken of him, or of my wife."
O'Neill: "You left family back there.  ...  ... you swore to the General you had no ties back there."

Teal'c: "A warrior becomes vulnerable if his family is held hostage to the enemy."

Teal'c: "Within days, my son will come of age.  He will be called to the religious life of my world.  He will undergo the ceremony of implantation, the Prim'ta -- the day when a young boy receives his first Goa'uld symbiote and becomes a true Jaffa just as all other Jaffa before him.  ...  It is the means by which the Goa'uld enslave the Jaffa.  I am not the only one among my people who believes this.  My first teacher, the Jaffa Master Bra-tac, he knew very well the Boa'uld are false gods.  But I cannot -- I will not allow my son to become a slave."

O'Neill: "We'll just have to cross that bridge when we come to it."
Bra-tac: "No, the bridge is too well guarded."
O'Neill: "No, actually, there I was using a clich� ...."

Bra-tac: "Teal'c tells me your world is without gods.  Difficult to imagine."
O'Neill: "Well, it's not without gods.  Lots of people believe there is a god.   Not everyone believes in the same god the same way, but ... let's just say nobody believes in anyone with glowing eyes and a snake in his head."
Bra-tac: "Then you serve no one."
O'Neill: "I serve the SGC under a General Hammond."
Bra-tac: "So this Hammond is ...."
O'Neill: "... just a man.  Very good, very -- bald man from Texas."

Teal'c: "My son will not be a slave....  He will taste freedom, as I have."

Drey-auc: "Your heresy is an abomination....  Even by the outcasts, I am shunned."
Teal'c: "The abomination is my people enslaved by the Goa'uld."
Dray-auc: "How can you call the gods that you served for so long your enemy?"
Teal'c: "Since the Earth people opened my eyes.  The Prim'ta is slavery."

Drey-auc: "You have abandoned and betrayed us."

Teal'c: "I will speak to him."
Drey-auc: "No, he believes you are dead."
Teal'c: "Dead?"
Drey-auc: "It is easier than the truth."
Teal'c: "What have you told him, woman?"
Drey-auc: "What would you have me tell him?  That a father left his son for people he does not know?  Who are not his blood?  You tell him that, husband.   You witness the dishonor in his eyes."

Teal'c: "Rya'c."
Rya'c: "Father.  I knew he was not dead."
Teal'c: "How long has the sickness been in him?"
Drey-auc: "Since we were driven from our home.  Do you understand now?   Without the healing power of the Goa'uld he will die."
Teal'c: "What have I done?"

Bra-tac: "I have another young warrior to teach of new worlds and false gods."

Fire and Water

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O'Neill: "Daniel's dead, sir."

Major General Hammond: "When your lives depend on each other, you form very deep bonds."

Teal'c: "I do not understand this ritual."
Carter: "It's called a wake."
Teal'c: "On Chulak, when someone dies, it is custom to not eat for three days and nights."
Carter: "... a wake is like a big party.  It's supposed to give the departed a jolly sendoff."

Jackson: "I can't tell you what I don't know."

Jackson: "Where are my friends? ..."
Nem: "They are gone."
Jackson: "They would not leave without me."
Nem: "You are no more."
Jackson: "They think that I'm --"
Nem: "This memory I gave them so they will not return."

O'Neill: "I saw him die.  We all did.  I know he's gone.   But I know he's still alive."

Dr. MacKenzie: "I've had a great deal of success with hypnosis."
O'Neill: "Hypnosis.  You know, I'm not a big fan of that bark-like-a-chicken, cluck-like-a-dog stuff."
Dr. Frasier: "...  Hypnosis is a modern, therapeutic practice."

O'Neill: "Someone's been messing with our heads."


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Hathor: "We are Hathor."

Jackson: "Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety and music."
O'Neill: "Sex, drugs and rock and roll?"
Jackson: "In a matter of speaking, yes."

Hathor (referring to General Hammond with his bald head): "You, with the crown of marble."
O'Neill: "She might mean you, sir."

Carter: "With respect, it seems that this woman has all you guys under some sort of spell or something."

Jackson (to Hathor): "Do you know that you are described in history as the most beautiful who ever has or ever will be able to control men with just your beauty?"

Hathor: "We are the queen of the gods.  We are the mother of all gods."
Jackson: "Yes.  What does that mean, exactly?"
Hathor: "From us, all others come."

Jackson (to Hathor): "You're like a queen bee.  You create the Goa'ulds."

Carter: "According to the stories, this woman had magical powers over men.  She was supposed to be able to seduce them into doing anything for her.   In almost every case, it describes them as drunk with her presence."



Cor AI

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Jackson: "I wonder if everyone is coming from some religious event?"
O'Neill: "Why does it always have to be a religious thing with you?  Maybe they're coming from a swap meet."

O'Neill: "It's important that we respect our elders."

Hanno (re: Teal'c): "He is guilty.  He must pay for what he has done."

O'Neill: "The judge has to be impartial."
Hanno: "What does that mean?"
Jackson: "Impartiality would require someone who hasn't already formed an opinion of Teal'c's guilt or innocence."
Hanno: "How can there be such a person?  Anyone who has a mind has an opinion."

Elder: "Only the person who has suffered understands the pain which has been inflicted.  Who else can fairly say what the punishment must be?"

O'Neill: "There are a lot of things that we do that we wish we could change and we sure as hell can't forget.  But the whole concept of chain of command undermines the idea of free will.  So, as soldiers, we have to do some pretty awful stuff.  But we're following orders like we were trained to.  It doesn't make it easier.  It certainly doesn't make it right.  But it does put some of the responsibility on the guy giving those orders."

Hanno: "You would save those who wish to kill you?"
Teal'c: "I would save those who deserve to live."


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O'Neill: "You wouldn't think jagged bone digging into raw nerves would hurt, but it does."

O'Neill: "... my butt's freezing to the ground."

Carter: "I think too much."

Carter: "I didn't know you could cook."
O'Neill: "I can't, but by melted ice is to die for."

Carter (re: Stargate): "We don't totally understand how it works, but the theory we have so far is, that the gate creates an artificial wormhole that somehow transfers and energized matter stream in one direction along an extra-dimensional conduit."

Teal'c: "Was it not Captain Carter who deduced the possible combinations of Stargate symbols numbered in the millions?"

Carter: "I guess it's now or never."
O'Neill: "I've always preferred now to never."

Carter: "Just thought we had to combine body heat or we wouldn't make it through the night."
O'Neill: "... It's just very hard to sleep with broken ribs when someone's lying on you."

Carter: "Oh ... Colonel."
O'Neill: "It's my sidearm, I swear."

Carter: "If we don't make it, I won't have any regrets.  Will you?"
O'Neill: "I'll regret -- dying."

Jackson: "We ruled out a world we shouldn't have."

Carter: "It's an ice planet.  It's all there is as far as the eye can see."



Jackson: "'Beware the destroyers.'  That's what the message said."

Carter: "Daniel, when you were in this alternate reality, were there differences?"  
Jackson: "Yes, Teal'c was leading the attack on Earth.  I wasn't even part of the program.  You and Jack were engaged to be married."  
O'Neill: "Excuse me?"
Carter: "What?  --  Okay, uh, even if you did actually experience this alternate reality, doesn't the very fact that there were differences mean that we won't face the same fate?"
Jackson: "Yes, but the defining event, the death of Ra, took place in both worlds."
Teal'c: "An attack of retribution."
Jackson: "Yes.  And the same thing is going to happen here unless we stop it."
O'Neill: "All right, wait a minute, let me - let me get something straight.  Engaged?"  

Carter: "Major Samuels."
Samuels: "That's Lieutenant Colonel Samuels now, Captain."
Carter: "I beg your pardon, sir.  Congratulations."
Samuels: "Thank you."
O'Neill: "You'll always be Sparky to me."

O'Neill: "General, politics isn't my strong suit but doesn't President outrank Senator." 
Hammond: "Senator Kinsey is Chairman of the Appropriations Committee.  He's demanded to know what's behind the line item the Pentagon refers to as Area 52."
O'Neill: "That would be the Stargate."
Hammond: "An unofficial project that just happens to cost $7.4 billion a year to operate."

Hammond: "After reading your mission reports and being fully briefed by Colonel Samuels, the Senator decided the SGC will receive no further funding from the Treasury."
O'Neill: "That effectively shuts us down, Sir."
Hammond: "Very effectively.  Costs nearly a billion dollars just to turn the lights on around here."
O'Neill: "How about a bake sale?  Yard sale?  Garage?"
Hammond: "This is what I look like when I'm not laughing, Colonel."
O'Neill: "Car wash?"

O'Neill: "It's just -- I don't get it.  How does one man get that much power?"
Hammond: "The constitution of these United States."

Teal'c: "You seem more apprehensive of this hearing than you are of battle."
O'Neill: "I prefer battle, actually."

Kinsey: "Ah, this is the infamous SG-1."
O'Neill: "Infamous?  Yes, Sir."  

Kinsey: "Though illness robbed me of the chance to serve in this country's military, I have the greatest respect for those who do, especially those who have made service of country their life's work, as I have in my own way.  There is no more honorable vocation."  

Kinsey: "... I want to make one thing abundantly clear.  I am by nature suspicious of all things secretive, be they in the government or inside the military service.  I believe that which grows in shadow but withers in the light of day does not belong on the vine."  

Kinsey: "Dr. Jackson, I'm sure, as a scholar of ancient mythology, you are familiar with the story of Pandora."
Jackson: "From Greek mythology, of course.  The first woman ever created by Zeus who, according to legend, gave her a box and warned her never to open it."
Kinsey: "But she did, out of curiosity, despite the warning of her god, who was also her father,  she did.  And from it sprung all the plagues, pestilence and evil that exists now in this world."
Jackson: "Keeping in mind that we're talking about a myth, she closed it in time to keep hope inside."
Kinsey: "Then should we not close your Gate for the same reason?  To keep hope inside?"
O'Neill: "Senator, if I may jump in here -- I'm not as slick as you guys talking in metaphors here.  I'm a military man.  I prefer facts.  And the fact is the Gate, I.E. the box, is already open.  Now what's done is done.  We made ourselves an enemy  by killing Ra.  But the threat the goa'ulds now represent --"
Kinsey: "Threat?"
O'Neill: "Yes, sir, as in threatening."
Kinsey: "The word 'threat', Colonel O'Neill, has been used far too often by this country's military as a justification for expenditures that we can no longer afford."  

O'Neill: "If you want  to talk about maintaining the first line of defense against, what I believe, is the greatest enemy humanity  has ever faced --"
Kinsey: "Hyperbole."  

Kinsey: "I have spent a career listening to doomsayers in uniform.  'Let us build our billion-dollar machine, and we will save America from the Barbarians at the gate.'  Let me remind you that the cold war is over."
O'Neill: "And let me tell you something.  This time there really are Barbarians.  They're called goa'ulds.  And they really are at the gate!  That one!"
Kinsey: "Then I suggest we close it."
Jackson: "Senator, we have reason to believe that the goa'uld are about to launch an attack in force in ships."
Kinsey: "Then I think they'll regret taking on the United States military.  ...  Oh, you're right.  We'll just upload a computer virus into the mother ship."  [It worked on Independence Day

Kinsey: "When I've made up my mind, you will know it."

Kinsey: "Admittedly, these goa'uld are a dangerous race."
Teal'c: "More dangerous than you could possibly know."
Kinsey: "Well, if they're so strong, why did you switch sides in the first place?"
Teal'c: "Because what is right cannot be measured by strength.  Your world values freedom.  I wish that very same freedom for my people."
Kinsey: "I don't want to appear callous, sir, but that's your problem, not ours."
Teal'c: "It will soon be yours as well, Senator Kinsey.  For the goa'uld are as powerful as they are evil.  The goa'uld have enslaved a galaxy of worlds."
Kinsey: "I don't care about other worlds.  I must place the citizens of this country first."
Teal'c: "Then you would be wise to heed our warning, Senator Kinsey.  For when the goa'uld finally do come in force, and they will, your citizens, as the stronges, most powerful country of this world, will be the first to die."  

Kinsey: "You have no fear of it, do you, Colonel?  It's like a game to you."
O'Neill: "No, sir.  Anything as powerful as the Stargate deserves respect.  We know how dangerous it is to do what we do.  We also know how important it is."
Kinsey: "Colonel O'Neill, you're like reckless children, and you're playing with fire."
O'Neill: "If you shut down this program  now when it's needed most --"
Kinsey: "For what?"
Carter: "To gather technology, weapons."
Kinsey: "Not at this price or this level of competence."
Hammond: "My people are the best out there, Senator."
Kinsey: "I'm sorry, General, but your best is not good enough.  I do not approve of nor support this endeavor.  And I have heard nothing here today that would change my mind.  I intend to shut the Stargate down."   

Kinsey: "Dr. Jackson, I do not suffer fools gladly."
Jackson: "Nor do I, Senator."

Jackson: "It would take time to build an army."

Jackson: "I am not crazy."
Kinsey: "Nor am I, Dr. Jackson.  Neither am I unused to 11th hour pleas, though never have I heard one so desperate as this."  

O'Neill: "Where do you get this bureaucratic bull?  You're talking suicide!"
Kinsey: "Colonel O'Neill, you underestimate this great nation."
Teal'c: "It is you who underestimates the enemy!  We have challenged Apophis.  He will not rest until the people of this world worship him as their god."
Kinsey: "There is only one God, sir!  And I do not believe, for one moment, that he would allow what you're trying to tell me to come to pass!  We are, after all, one nation under God!"
O'Neill: "And you think God is going to save us?"
Teal'c: "The goa'uld believe they are gods.  And your beliefs will not dissuade them."  

Jackson:"With all due respect, the Senator is an ass."
Hammond: "He's an elected official of the government we are sworn to serve.  Whether we agree or disagree, he's decided."  

Tin Man


Harlan: "Com-traya!"

O'Neill Duplicate: "Kumbaya!"
Harlan: "Com-traya!"
O'Neill: "Whatever!"

Harlan: "I am the last survivor of Altair."

Harlan: "Everything is better, even your minds.  You are all much, much better.  ...  Do you not feel it?  Are you not stronger?  Smarter?  ...  I have given you a great gift.  I have made you all better."

Carter Duplicate (re: Harlan): "Probably afraid we'd damage him."
O'Neill Duplicate: "Perceptive little runt."

Carter Duplicate: "Harlan must have transferred our consciousness into these bodies."

O'Neill Duplicate: "We're machines...."

Teal'c Duplicate: "To condemn Harlan would be to condemn ourselves."

Teal'c Duplicate: "What is done, is done."

O'Neill Duplicate: "Has it occurred to anyone that all we are now is robots?"

Jackson Duplicate: "... if you think about it, the human body is just a machine.  It's is just a vessel for our consciousness.  I mean, it's just an organic one -- I mean, it performs work, requires fuel.  ... we're still us, we're still unique."

Carter Duplicate: "We're copies."
Harlan: "Yes!  As good as the original.  Even better."

O'Neill: "Harlan, where have you been?"
Harlan: "Extremely busy."
O'Neill: "I can see that.  Doing what?"
Harlan: "Oh, creating your synthetic others, saving the planet.  Busy!  Busy!"

Carter: "This is impossible."
Carter Duplicate: "It's true.  At first we didn't even know we'd been changed."
Carter: "Recreating the neural structure on a --"
Carter Duplicate: "I know, I know.  It defies the uncertainty principle.  But we are identical, right down to the mole on our --"
Carter: "Hey, hey!  Shut up!"

O'Neill Duplicate: "People are not supposed to live forever."

There But For the Grace of God

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Jackson (upon getting back to the Stargate and finding no one else there): "... I really hate it when this happens."

Alternate Colonel Hammond (to Jackson after exiting the Stargate): "Who the hell are you?"

Alternate General O'Neill: "Doctor, report?"
Alternate Dr. Samantha Carter: "We've lost Washington and Philadelphia, Sir."

Jackson: "Is it possible that the Stargate malfunctioned, or went haywire, and I came into a totally screwed-up, different version of Earth?"
Alt. Carter: "No, I doubt that.  The Stargate uses space-time to create a wormhole that allows us to travel across great distances, but it doesn't take you to an alternate reality."
Jackson: "Alternate reality?"
Alt. Carter: "Basically, scientists have theorized that there are an infinite number of dimensions, each containing a different possible version of reality."
Jackson: "It sounds like I theoretically, possibly, actually found one."
Alternate Dr. Catherine Langford: "One what?"
Jackson: "What Sam said -- an alternate reality, a parallel plane.  Wouldn't that explain why everything here is the same -- but different?"
Alt. Carter: "Okay, the theory is that there are an infinite number of alternate realities.  Some of them are very different and some of them are almost identical."
Jackson: "That has to be what this is."

Alt. Langford (seeing Jackson's video tape from the alternate reality): "My God."
Alt. O'Neill: "What the hell's that?"
Jackson: "My reality."
Alt. Carter: "We are actually looking at ourselves in a parallel universe, another version of our lives that actually exist.  --  It's incredible."
Alt. O'Neill: "It's supposed to be theoretical."
Alt. Carter: "Not anymore.  What first began with Einstein's theories about relativity ...."

Alt. Langford (to Jackson re: Carter and O'Neill saying good-bye and hugging): "I take it they're not engaged in your reality."

Within The Serpent's Grasp


Hammond (to O'Neill): "I never anticipated how much paperwork was involved in shutting down a facility.  Not exactly the last brave act I wanted to do before retiring."

Hammond: "It was a pretty wild ride."
O'Neill: "Personally, I don't think we should be getting off that ride just yet."

Hammond (to O'Neill): "It's over....  No extensions, no reversals, no new hearings.  The Stargate will be buried literally and figuratively."

O'Neill (to the rest of SG-1): "Hammond's given up.  They're going to bury the gate day after tomorrow."

Teal'c: "If the coordinates are for a Goa'uld world which is not on the Abydos cartouche, the Goa'uld will most likely not expect us.  I believe a medical attack could be successful."
O'Neill: "Surgical attack, Teal'c.  It's called a surgical attack...."

Teal'c: "May Goa'uld facilities disguise doorways within their structure."

O'Neill (re: contents of transport containers): "...  What are these things?"
Teal'c: "This is a Goa'uld zat'n'ktel, a weapon using a different form of energy, less powerful than that of a staff weapon.  Less destructive, but still quite deadly."
O'Neill: "Sweet!  Pass them out.  --  What did you call it?"
Teal'c: "Zat'n'ktel."
O'Neill: "Right ... let's call it a zat gun, huh?  --  How do you fire it?"
Teal'c: "One need only squeeze it ... to fire.  --  The Goa'uld take great pleasure discharging the weapon only once on a subject, causing him great pain, disabling him but not killing him.  A second shot will kill most subjects."

O'Neill (re: Goa'uld soldiers in snake helmets): "I always get a happy tingly feeling when I see those guys."

O'Neill (re: sarcophagus): "Oh, great.  More snakeheads."

Carter (looking out a portal): "We're not on a planet, are we?"
Teal'c: "... It appears we are aboard a Goa'uld transport vessel."

O'Neill (in response to Teal'c's disintegration of a Goa'uld individual with a zat'n'ktel): "One shot hurts him.  Two shots kill him.  The third shot --?"
Teal'c: "-- disintegrates him."
O'Neill: "Oh, great, you didn't feel this was worthy of mention I take it."

Teal'c (when questioned on flight abilities): "I am qualified only to fly the Goa'uld death gliders."

Teal'c: "Royal sarcophagi are rarely left unattended for long."

Jackson (after seeing a launch bay full of Goa'uld death gliders): "It's happening.  --  We're on an attack ship headed to Earth."
O'Neill: "...  Well, we've got some problems then."

Teal'c: "The Goa'uld Ha'tak vessels can travel at then times the speed of light."  [Warp 2 in Star Trek terms]

Jackson (explaining why Apophis refers to Klorel/Skaara as son): "The Goa'uld inside of Skaara is probably the son of the one inside Apophis."

O'Neill: "... start planting C-4 all over this ship."

Klorel: "...  You will die a painful death."
O'Neill: "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Carter (re: Goa'uld death gliders): "Those things have to be fueled by something and fuel is usually combustible, so ..."
Jackson: "... so if we blow up one, it'll probably start a chain reaction."

Carter (placing C-4 on Stargate): "The naqahdah in the gate will magnify the explosion.  [Closed Captioning spelled the element 'naquadah' but computer screens within another episode spell it 'naqahdah']

O'Neill (addressing Apophis after presentation by Klorel): "Hey, Pops!"

Apophis (advising Klorel how to execute Teal'c): "Teal'c must suffer the most painful death a Jaffa can know.  Removal of his Prim'ta!"

Jackson: "When are we going to blow the ship?"
Carter: "We'll detonate only as a last resort.  ...  ... I'm setting a timer.  If we don't deactivate it in twenty-four hours, it'll go automatically."

Klorel (to O'Neill): "You will get to see your home one last time before you and everyone on your planet are destroyed.  And your kind will disturb the Goa'uld no more."

Technician (back at SGC): "... I think we have another situation.  We just spoke with CAIRN deep space radar, they picked up two large blips passing Saturn.  They're heading towards Earth."

Carter: "Earth.  ...  I guess this ship can go way faster than ten times the speed of light."