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Season 2

Stargate SG-1 � Showtime, MGM/UA, Gekko Film Corp and Double Secret Productions.  No infringement intended.

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.

The Serpent's Lair

O'Neill (re: C4 explosives to destroy the ship, Klorel's ship, SG-1 is on): "... I suppose now is the time for me to say something profound -- nothing comes to mind."

O'Neill (re: SG-1 being trapped on the bridge of Klorel's ship): "This is turning out to be a bad day."

[after being rendered unconscious and imprisoned on Klorel's ship]
O'Neill: "Teal'c ... I can't see."
Teal'c: "I am blinded as well.  It will pass."
O'Neill: "What the hell was that?"
Teal'c: "A Gao'uld shock grenade.  They're extremely painful.  It's effects are temporary."
O'Neill: "That's good to hear."

O'Neill (re: Carter biting him on the hand): "It's all right.  I like your attitude."

O'Neill: "We've been in worse situations than this."
Teal'c: "Not to my knowledge."
O'Neill: "Thanks, Teal'c."

O'Neill: "We're just having a bad day."

O'Neill (after Carter and Teal'c claim their sight is returning): "Carter, if someone comes in here, you ... bite them in the hand."

Colonel Samuels (re: the launch of two new prototype weapons intended to be used to destroy Goa'uld ships approaching Earth): "If all goes well, history shall mark this day by two brilliant and unexplained flashes that occur in the night sky.  The world should never know how close we came to Armageddon."

Hammond: "What makes this weapon of yours so special?"
Samuels: "An otherwise ordinary Mark-12A warhead has been enriched by the alien material naqahdah."
Hammond: "The Stargate element."
Samuels: "...  The warhead should now yield in excess of 1,000 megatons each.  We call them our Goa'uld Busters.  ...  ... the naqahdah enriched warheads themselves are made of the same material as our stealth aircraft and should go undetected by their radar."
Hammond: "Assuming the Goa'uld have anything remotely like radar."
[The Stargate element is spelled 'naqahdah' on a computer screen displayed during the show while closed captioning spelled it 'naquadah']

Samuels: "The Goa'uld should be taken completely off guard."
Hammond: "If you are wrong, every country on Earth will be caught off guard."

Teal'c: "I stand by my friends.  I believe this world may be our only hope in one day overcoming the false gods."
Bra'tac: "Yes, pathetic as that may seem at the moment, I agree."

Bra'tac (to SG-1): "I have been ordered by Apophis himself to execute you.  An order I intend to disregard."

Samuels: "... it's impossible to gate to a ship."

Bra'tac: "Here are your weapons.  You will need them."

Bra'tac: "Among the Goa'uld, a pharaoh's power is more often challenged by their sons than by their enemies."

Bra'tac: "Perhaps, when the warships of your world attack --"
Carter: "... did you say the ships of our world?"
Bra'tac: "Surely you have such vessels?"
Jackson: "Well, we have a number of ..."
Jackson and O'Neill: "... shuttles."
Bra'tac: "These ... shuttles, they are a formidable craft?"
O'Neill: "Oh yeah.  Yeah.  Bad day."

Hammond (addressing a group of ladies and gentlemen): "... this nation, the entire world faces a deadly threat.  ...  ... you have all volunteered for a mission intended to preserve humankind.  You've been chosen because you represent the best we have in all fields of expertise.  What you have not yet been told, for reasons of security, is where you're going or how you're going to get there.  [the Stargate opens up behind him]  You're going to step through that.  Once through the Stargate, you will find yourself on the opposite side of this galaxy, a place we call Alpha site.  If we do not prevail, you and those that follow will call it home.  A new colony."

Klorel (angry at SG-1): "Let us burn their world to ashes."

O'Neill: "... what are the odds of taking out a ship like this with four gliders and, maybe, a shuttle?"
Teal'c: "A Goa'uld attack vessel is heavily armed, shielded and capable of launching a legion of gliders against us.  I would say slim."
O'Neill: "...  Call me a pessimist, but I think it's time for a new plan."
Bra'tac: "We offer to lay down our lives for your world, human!  You cannot ask more."
O'Neill: "No, I can't, but I think a better idea is to get the other guy to lay down their lives for their world first."

O'Neill (re: detonation of C4 explosives): With any luck at all, this ship is going to blow within the hour.  It might be a good idea for us to get to the other one." 

[O'Neill and Bra'tac discussing the availability of explosives for destroying Apophis' ship]
Bra'tac (having heard O'Neill use this clich� in a previous episode): "We shall have to cross that bridge when we come to it."
O'Neill: "... that particular clich� doesn't always work."

Technician: "... the warheads struck some kind of energy field just prior to impact.  No damage.  ...  The Goa'uld ships are still up there."

Samuels: "... since I'm no longer wanted or needed here, I respectfully request permission to join one of the teams headed for the Alpha site...."
Hammond: "Permission denied.  The idea is to send the best and brightest, Colonel.  When the time comes, you will stand alongside the men and women of this command in defense of this facility."

Bra'tac: "... you are not a god.  You are a parasite within a child an I despise you."
Klorel: "... I am your god!  And you will feel my wrath."

[Bra'tac, Carter, O'Neill and Teal'c transport to Apophis' ship with Klorel as a hostage.  Jackson was injured and remained behind on Klorel's ship.]
Apophis: "Bra'tac, how dare you betray me!"
Bra'tac: "I have spent 133 years worshipping false gods.  No more!"

Teal'c (re: the destruction of Klorel's and Apophis' ships simultaneously): "Two birds with but one stone."

[After using grenades to destroy the shield generator on Apophis' ship]
Carter: "So that's it?  ..."
O'Neill: "I think what the Captain is asking is, 'what now'?"
Bra'tac: "Now we die."
O'Neill: "Well, that's a bad plan."

[Bra'tac, O'Neill, Teal'c and Carter board gliders to escape Apophis' ship before it explodes]
Bra'tac: "Human, put this on."
O'Neill: "Will you please stop calling me 'human'?"

O'Neill (after both Goa'uld ships are destroyed): "... this wasn't such a bad day after all."

Bra'tac (after escape gliders were damaged by explosions and death in Earth's atmosphere expected): "We die well, Teal'c."
Teal'c: "More than that, old friend.  We die free."

O'Neill (to Jackson after Jackson recovered from wounds and somehow found his way back to Earth): "Space monkey!"

In the Line of Duty

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Hammond: "It's not normal for the Goa'ulds to suddenly just show up and wipe out a peaceful people for no apparent reason."
Jackson: "In the past there was usually some reason.  Most often, they seem to attack civilization that are advancing to a point where their technology could be a threat...."

Jackson: "... we still understand very little about their society."
Teal'c: "I have seen the Goa'uld wipe out entire civilizations with no reason, simply because it gave them pleasure.  ..."
Jolinar/Carter: "Maybe their reasons just weren't made apparent to you, Teal'c.  I mean, you are just a Jaffa.  --  All I meant was that Apophis wouldn't necessarily have explained everything to Teal'c, even if he was First Prime.  ..."
Jackson: "I think we have to assume that the Goa'uld are more complex as a society than we're giving them credit for."
Jolinar/Carter: "The better you understand the enemy, the better prepared you are in conflict."

O'Neill: "Sam loves you.  She'd never do anything to hurt you."
Cassandra: "She would now.  --"
O'Neill: "Why?  --"
Cassandra: "She's a Goa'uld."

Frasier: "Cassandra still has traces of naqahdah in her blood.  I think there may be some connection.  A reaction that made her sense the Goa'uld."

Frasier: "The parasite's goal is to attach itself to the brain stem.  The soft tissue at the back of the throat is as good a place as any to start."

Frasier: "If a Goa'uld can infest a human with no detectable physical signs, then we're going to have to start giving all personnel who go through the gate an ultrasound or an MRI."

[Teal'c and O'Neill discuss O'Neill's intent to interrogate the Goa'uld determined to be within Carter]
Teal'c: "Assault the Goa'uld's ego.  Make him appear foolish.  He may then reveal the things you wish to learn simply to make himself appear more powerful."
O'Neill: "...  They're smarter than that."
Teal'c: "I have seen many Goa'uld strategies revealed and certain victories lost because of Goa'uld arrogance.  It is the Goa'uld's greatest weakness."

Jolinar/Carter: "The Tauri have become very powerful in the time since the Goa'uld reigned here."

Jolinar/Carter: "Not all Goa'uld are the same.  There are a few that oppose the System Lords and their ways.  You must have heard of the Tok'Ra.  --"
Teal'c: "Every Goa'uld seeks power for his own reason, would betray his own brother to achieve it."
Jolinar/Carter: "Some seek power for a greater purpose.  Not every Goa'uld is an enemy to the people of this planet.  The Tok'Ra are real, no matter what Apophis has told you."
Teal'c: "I have yet to meet one."
Jolinar/Carter: "You have now.  I am Jolinar of Malk'shur."

Teal'c (to O'Neill): "There's an old legend among the Jaffa forbidden to speak of concerning a group of Goa'uld who oppose the ways of the System Lords.  This group is called the Tok'Ra.  This Goa'uld, Jolinar of Malk-shur, claims to be part of that group."

[O'Neill asking the Tok'Ra about a badly burned Nasyan that managed to walk away from the hospital.]
Jolinar/Carter: "Must be the Ashrak."
Teal'c: "It means hunter."
O'Neill: "A Goa'uld?"
Jolinar/Carter: "Yes, an assassin of the highest rank who carries out the orders of the System Lords."
O'Neill: "Who's he here to kill?"
Jolinar/Carter: "Me."

Teal'c (to Hammond): "The missing Nasyan is an Ashrak, a Goa'uld assassin sent by the System Lords to eliminate Jolinar.  ...  Jolinar once tried to overthrow one of the System Lords but was defeated when Apophis joined the battle.  He escaped during the slaughter of his armies.  ...  He claims to be part of the Tok'Ra.  ...  The Tok'Ra is a small alliance of Goa'uld who oppose the System Lords.  It was my teacher, Bra-tac, who first spoke to me of them."

Jackson: "... he told me about this resistance.  Now, they have a totally different way of life from the Goa'uld we know.  They don't believe in taking hosts against thir will.  ...  They take humans who are about to die, who choose to continue to live and coexist with the Goa'uld.  Now, according to Jolinar, this can be a rewarding relationship."

O'Neill: "I will never trust a Goa'uld."

Carter: "The Goa'uld gave its life for me.  It save me."



male Taldor voice: "For the crimes of trespassing on ancient grounds ..."
female Taldor voice: "of aiding a murderer ..."
male Taldor voice: "of carrying weapons upon ancient grounds ..."
female Taldor voice: "you will be sent through the Stargate ..."
male Taldor voice: "to the Prison Hadante ..."
female Taldor voice: "for the remainder of your lives."

Jackson: "Justice!  Taldor means justice."

O'Neill: "Well ... this sucks."

Carter: "I can take care of myself."

O'Neill: "Teal'c, look scary and take point."

O'Neill: "Signs of weakness are not a good thing in prison."

Linea: "Many, here, believe that when a prisoner comes through the Stargate, they can be caught in the circle's great wave and return to the other side."
O'Neill: "Actually, they die."
Carter: "... what you just referred to as the great wave is actually an unstable vortex generated when the gate first opens.  Anything inside the radius is completely disintegrated."

Linea: "There are two ways and two ways only to control a society -- through fear or through hope.  In this world, fear is a constant.  The belief in escape, whether founded or not, allows hope."
O'Neill: "So, out of hope, these people are killing themselves?"
Linea: "If they believe it is escape, who am I to say it is not?"

O'Neill: "Any place like this has its own set of rules.  They don't have to make sense."

Linea: "The rules are the rules."

O'Neill: "This is the former blind man...."
Simian: "The first thing I see ... Destroyer of Worlds.  She created a sickness, the one you call Linea."

The Gamekeeper


Thor's Chariot

Message in a Bottle




The Tok'Ra (Part 1)


Teal'c: "O'Neill, when a Goa'uld infests its host, their minds intermingle.  They become as one.  It is possible that portions of Jolinar ... remain in Captain Carter's mind."

Teal'c: "According th Jaffa legend, the Tok'Ra are the Goa'uld resistance.  Their stated goal is the destruction of the System lords and a change in the ways of the Empire.  They are hunted and despised by the Goa'uld."
O'Neill: "... my kind of guys."

Carter: "... I don't think I'm replaceable in this one.  The memories Jolinar left in my mind could be invaluable on this mission and no one else has them."

O'Neill: "... where's that yellow brick road when you need it, eh Dorothy?"  

Jackson: "No one's tread here in a while."
Teal'c: "The Tok'Ra are known for their ability to mask their trails.  They are, as you say, stealthy in their actions."

Teal'c: "I am no longer in the service of Apophis.  ...  I am allied with these, the Tauri, in the battle against Apophis."
Jackson: "And all other Goa'uld."
Carter: "Be careful, Daniel."
Jackson: "Why?"
Carter: "Because they are Goa'uld."
Tok'Ra officer: "Do not call us that.  We are not Goa'uld."

Jackson: "... we're here, to seek out the Tok'Ra."
O'Neill: "Assuming, of course, you are the Tok'Ra."
Tok'Ra officer: "And if we're not?"
O'Neill: "Well, I guess we all start shooting, there's blood, death, hard feelings -- it'd suck."
Martouf: "And if we are this thing you call Tok'Ra?"
Teal'c: "If you are indeed the Tok'Ra of Jaffa legend, we should form an alliance."
Carter: "I learned a lot from Jolinar.  Enough to know that we could be good friends.  And frankly, enough to know that you are the Tok'Ra."

Teal'c: "It is said throughout the legend of the Tok'Ra, when they arrive on a planet they go deep underground.  It is said they possess the technology to actually grow tunnels."
Carter: "This looks like some sort of crystal material, so theoretically, it could be grown."
Teal'c: "...  It is believed that when the Tok'Ra move on, the tunnels are destroyed."

[SG-1 is introduced to Grand Counsel Garshaw of Belote]
Teal'c: "You are Garshaw of Belote?"
Garshaw: "I am.  ---"
Teal'c (to O'Neill): "She is the most hunted Goa'uld of all time."
Garshaw: "We prefer you do not refer to us as Goa'uld."
O'Neill: "...  What should we call you?"
Garshaw: "I assume you are from the first world, the Tauri.  Is that correct?"
O'Neill: "Yeah."
Garshaw: "Were you among those who rid the galaxy of Supreme System Lord, Ra?"
O'Neill: "Yep.  That's us.  ...  We're those."
Garshaw: "Then, in a sense, you are Tok'Ra."
Jackson: "Of course.  Tok'Ra.  Tok'Ra -- against Ra.  ..."
O'Neill: "We still don't know what to call her."
Garshaw: "We, too, are Tok'Ra."

O'Neill: "...  We've done nothing but get interrogated here.  Now, are we prisoners and are you Goa'uld?"
Garshaw: "You are not and I have told you, we are not Goa'uld."
O'Neill: "...  Why do you talk like that?  And what's with the glowing eyes, huh?  Might it have something to do with a little reptilian activity in your heads."
Garshaw: "We have symbiotic creatures within us, yes."
O'Neill: "Well, then?"
Jackson: "Well, then, you can see how we might think you'd be a danger to humans.  You take humans as hosts."
Garshaw: "Goa'uld take hosts.  Tok'Ra do not.  Ours wish to be so."
Martouf: "We have a truly symbiotic relationship."
Jackson: "No offense, but why would any human volunteer to be host for a Goa'uld?"
[Garshaw lowers her head and changes personalities]
Yosuuf: "Perhaps I can ... help you.  I am Yosuuf.  I am Garshaw's host.  I speak freely, without restraint or censure.  All of us that serve as hosts volunteer to do so freely....  Well, with the blending, I gain all of Garshaw's knowledge, her wisdom.  More than any human could ever attain.  And my lifetime is twice what it would be without the blending.  And for all this, all I have to do is share my physical body."
O'Neill: "So, you've kind of got a little Faustian deal going here.  Selling your soul for immortality."
Yossuf: "Waht you understand as soul remains intact."
Jackson: "So this symbiotic relationship is what makes the Tok'Ra different from the Goa'uld.  ...  "
Teal'c: "It is also this that has thwarted the Tok'Ra's efforts against the Goa'uld."

Jackson: "... I was under the impression that Goa'uld lived much longer than 200 years."
Yosuuf: "The Goa'uld do.  The Tok'Ra don't."
Carter: "That's because you don't use a sarcophagus, right?"
Martouf: "...  We believe to do so would drain the good from our hearts."

Martouf: "Be assured that we have never forced a human to become a host.  It goes against all that we believe in." 

O'Neill: "...  Are we prisoners here?"
Yosuuf: "Well, until we decide what level of information to entrust to you we cannot allow you to room this facility freely."

Martouf: "The symbiote does not have a gender.  However, Jolinar has always been in female hosts."
Carter: "Actually, the host I found him in -- her in -- was a male."
Martouf: "Really?  Must have been another method of hiding from the Ashrak."

[SG-1 being escorted through the Tok'Ra tunnel system]
Teal'c: "Is it true these facilities are grown?"
Garshaw: "It is.  When we arrive at a new base we plant certain crystals and they grow into all that you see."

Tok'Ra officer: "The Tok'Ra hold no secrets from each other.  There is no need for doors or partitions."

Jackson: "How fast can you grow a facility like this?"
Tok'Ra: "Quite rapidly.  We build only as we need.  That is why we are only now adding the corridor and the council chambers.  ...  This chamber is newly grown.  Until now, we had no reason to convene the Council of Tok'Ra."
Carter: "So, this is some sort of accelerated crystal growth."
Garshaw: "That is correct.  We have learned to patter the natural tendencies of the crystals."
Carter: "Like a geode."

Female Council member: "We are an illegal resistance group within the Goa'uld.  We are the most hunted, most hated enemies of the System lords."
O'Neill: "Hey!  We haven't made too many friends along the way either."
Teal'c: "The secrets of the Tok'Ra would never be revealed.  It is not the way of the Tauri."

The Tok'Ra (Part 2)


O'Neill: "You're looking like goa'uld to me."  

Garshaw: "None of you have volunteered to be hosts to one of us who is dying.  If you're so disgusted by the thought of blending.  How can we be associated with one another?  It is obvious that you have distaste for our very being.  ...  There will be no alliance."  

Carter: "... we figure the Stargate system was built specifically to transport humans, or something close to humans in physiology.  So it seems to go mostly to places where the environment supports human life."  

Jacob Carter: "My only other choice is death, and that's not acceptable."  

Selmak: "If I am to spend the next hundred or more years with you as my host, do you not think I have the right to decide if I even like you?"

Jackson (to Garshaw): "The one thing you need most, we can provide, hosts."  

Garshaw: "I believe I shall be proud to call you friend."




Carter (re: Madrona): "The inhabitants of this planet can proactively affect their own climate."
O'Neill: "...  They can call it up...."
Jackson: "You got a crop that needs water, order some rain.  You have a crop that needs sun, it's literally a matter of dialing it up.  ..."
Teal'c: "Even the Goa'uld do not possess such technology."

Jackson: "The Madronans call it the Touchstone.  ..."
Carter: "The high priest turns a series of calibrated rings which seem to determine meteorological conditions over the entire planet's surface."

O'Neill: "Carter wants to get a closer look with some of her specialized do-hickeys."
Hammond: "Do-hickeys?"
O'Neill: "I believe that's the technical term...."
Carter: "My instruments will measure the Touchstone's emissions and hopefully give us a better idea of how it works."

O'Neill (back on Madrona): "... we came here in peace.  We expect to go in one -- piece."

O'Neill (to Roham): "... let me give you a little life lesson about thieves.  They're not really in touch with their feminine side.  Caring would be on a low priority."

Carter: "--- these readings suggest that someone might have been using the second gate a split second after SG-2 used ours, to try to hide the energy spike in ours."
O'Neill: "Kind of like shooting off a gun when a train's going by.  --  To hide the sound."

O'Neill: "Apparently the second gate is being used."
Hammond: "What?  I was given top-level assurances that gate was to be sealed."
O'Neill: "A case of the left hand not knowing what the right foot is doing...?"

Hammond: "Back when the SG program began there was a philosophical skirmish about its mandate.  Some people wanted to make sure that any and all discoveries were brought back regardless of consideration like interplanetary diplomacy."

O'Neill: "The second gate ended up in Nevada, didn't it, sir?  Nellis?"
Hammond: "Yes."

Jackson: "Nellis, that's the base we send the technology we bring back through the gate, right?"
Hammond: "Yes, the Groom Lake facility."
O'Neill: "Area 51."

O'Neill: "Is this where you're keeping the little green men."
Major Reynolds: "There are no alien life forms at Area 51."
O'Neill (re: Teal'c): "Present company excluded, of course."

Colonel Maybourne: "Teal'c, it's good to see you well.  --"
Teal'c: "In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you.  --"
Maybourne: "Well, that's interesting."

[After SG-1 determines that the Stargate stored at Area 51 was actually a plastic copy]
O'Neill: "We have the highest clearance!"
Maybourne: "Within the military, you do.  --"
O'Neill: "Are you telling me this is a civilian operation?"

Carter: "... if we can't track the Touchstone, there may still be a way that we can track the second gate on Earth."
O'Neill: "Oh, sure.  Let's just put out an A.P.B. for a huge, honking, two-story metal ring with 39 little pictures all nicely engraved on it."

Hammond: "Here we are transporting out people across the galaxy to find something we lost in our own backyard."

Hammond: "This time I was able to ensure that our Stargate will be the only one in use."
Carter: "... the second Stargate is being retired."
Hammond: "Yes, only this time there will be a permanent iris welded over it and it will be placed under round-the-clock guard under the command of the SGC - my command."

O'Neill: "Does this put you out of a job, Maybourne?"
Maybourne: "Oh, you'd be surprised.  Strange things happen in high places, Colonel."
O'Neill: "Don't I know it."
Maybourne: "People get reassigned.  So does property.  Artifacts get misplaced.  Orders change.  Every day's a new day."

A Matter of Time

The Fifth Race


Teal'c: "What is the reason for these padded gloves, O'Neill?"  
O'Neill: "So we don't hurt each other.  I'll be honest with you, Teal'c, it's so you don't hurt me."  
Teal'c: "If our purpose is to not cause each other harm, why then are we doing battle?"  
O'Neill: "What can I tell you?  It's boxing.  It's fun, come on.  Come on, Teal'c, you've got to move around a little bit.  You've got to dance."  
Teal'c: "I do not understand, O'Neill.  Are we preparing to dance or to do battle?"  
O'Neill: "Teal'c, if you don't move around you're a sitting duck, you're a target."  

O'Neill: "All right, what the hell is going on with me?  ...  Well, apparently I've lost the fallatus to speak properly."  

Dr. Fraiser: "A normal human brain operates at about 5-10% of its functional capacity at any given time."  

Carter: "Colonel.  What are you doing?"  
O'Neill: "I need this."  
Carter: "What for?"  
O'Neill: "I have no idea."   

Jackson: "Well, my translation's a little bit vague.  Um, I think the circle means 'the place of our legacy.'  Um, it could be 'a piece of our leg' but the first seems to make more sense."  

Hammond: "What are you doing?"  
O'Neill: "I don't know, sir.  You know me and computers."  

Carter: "You can only stare at a computer screen for so long."  

Jackson: "Well, what's the worst case scenario?"  
Dr. Frasier: "Well, your computer analogy is pretty good.  Colonel, your hard drive has been filled with information that is written in a language your computer doesn't understand.  If it continues to progress the way it has thus far you may eventually lose the ability to write or even comprehend us.  Or worse, the computer could shut down altogether."  

Hammond: "I thought stargate addresses were six points in space with the seventh being the point of origin."  
Carter: "The extra chevron must add a new distance calculation to the existing points.  Kind of like dialing a different area code."  

Hammond: "Colonel!  I'm just supposed to let you go?"  
Jackson: "He's already gone, General.  I don't think we have much of a choice."  

Asgard 2: "We speak many languages."  
O'Neill: "You're the Asgard, Thor's race, right?"  
Asgard 1: "You have heard of us."  
O'Neill: "Nothing but good things."  
Asgard 2: "You looked into the archive that stores the Ancients' knowledge."  
O'Neill: "Apparently."  
Asgard 2: "It was not meant for you."  
O'Neill: "What?  This was all an accident?"  
Asgard 1: "Human physiology has not advanced to the point where your brain could handle that technology."  
O'Neill: "Uh, so, where am I?"  
Asgard 1: "This is the Asgard planet Othala in the galaxy of Ida."  
O'Neill: "Why did I come here?"  
Asgard 2: "The Ancients moved on from our region of space long ago.  But your subconscious mind used their knowledge, to find us here, where you could get help."  
Asgard 1: "Very impressive."  
O'Neill: "Well, you know."  
Asgard 1: "We did not think your brains had advanced even that far."  
O'Neill: "How is it you know so much about our brains?"  
Asgard 1: "We have studied your race closely."  
O'Neill: "Ah.  What did you learn?"  
Asgard 2: "That your species has great potential."  
O'Neill: "Great potential.  That's good."  
Asgard 1: "Understand this:  There was once an alliance of four great races in the galaxy.  The Asgard.  The Nox."  
O'Neill: "Met them."  
Asgard 1: "The Furlings."  
O'Neill: "Don't know them."
Asgard 1: "And the Ancients, the builders of the stargates."  
O'Neill: "That's a pretty heady group."  
Asgard 1: "The alliance was built over many millennia.  Your race has much to prove before we may interact on that level."  
O'Neill: "Uh, look, you all seem to be quite wonderful people.  And I don't want to sound ungrateful, because I really, really appreciate you getting all that stuff out of my head.  But you folks should understand that we're out there now.  And we might not be ready for a lot of this stuff.  But we're doing the best we can.  We are a very curious race."  
Asgard 2: "You have already taken the first steps towards becoming the fifth race."  

O'Neill: "I'm back."  
Jackson: "What happened?"  
Teal'c: "Do you still possess the knowledge of the Ancients?"  
O'Neill: "Nope, don't remember a thing.  But you know that meaning-of-life stuff?  I think we're going to be all right."                                      

Serpent's Song


One False Step

Show and Tell


Out of Mind