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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.


Superior ability breeds superior ambition. - Spock - Space Seed (TOS)



A little less analysis and a little more action…that's what we need. - McCoy - The Galileo Seven (TOS)

No one can guarantee the actions of another. - Spock - Day of the Dove (TOS)



One of the advantages of being a captain is being able to ask for advice without necessarily having to take it. -Kirk - Dagger of the Mind (TOS)



The [human] species is capable of much affection. - Deela - Wink of an Eye (TOS)



[Growing old has] been happening to men and women for a long time. I've got the feeling it's one of the pleasanter things about being human, as long as you grow old together. - Zefrem Cochrane - Metamorphosis (TOS)



Lots of people drink from the wrong bottle sometimes. - Edith Keeler - The City on the Edge of Forever (TOS)



There are always alternatives. - Spock - The Galileo Seven (TOS)



Superior ability breeds superior ambition. - Spock - Space Seed (TOS)

No wants - no needs? We weren't meant for that. None of us. Man stagnates if he has no ambition, no desire to be more than he is. - Kirk - This Side of Paradise (TOS)



Spare me the analysis. It's enough that it works! - McCoy - Miri (TOS)

A little less analysis and a little more action…that's what we need. - McCoy - The Galileo Seven (TOS)



[Androids are] perfect. Flawless, mentally and physically! No weaknesses! Perfectly disciplined! No vices, no fears, no faults! Just a sense of purpose! - McCoy - I, Mudd (TOS)

Androids don't eat Miss Chapel. - Kirk android - What are Little Girls Made Of? (TOS)



Anger is a relative state. - Spock - Wolf in the Fold (TOS)



It is a human characteristic to love little animals, especially if they're attractive in some way. - McCoy - The Trouble with Tribbles (TOS)



He had a mean look. I had to freeze him. I like happy looks. - Charlie Evans - Charlie X (TOS)

I don't trust men who smile too much. - Kor - Errand of Mercy (TOS)



Being human does have certain advantages - being able to appreciate the beauty of a flower, or a woman. - Kirk - By Any Other Name (TOS)



If you don't join me, don't disapprove of me. Not, at least, until you've tried it. - McCoy - The Conscience of the King (TOS)



Bickering is pointless. - Spock - Miri (TOS)



We believe men should fight their own battles. Only the weak will die. - Proconsul Marcus Claudius - Bread and Circuses (TOS)

Our missions are peaceful - not for conquest. When we do battle, it is only because we have no choice. - Kirk - The Squire of Gothos (TOS)



Being human does have certain advantages - being able to appreciate the beauty of a flower, or a woman. - Kirk - By Any Other Name (TOS)

Most of us are attracted by beauty and repelled by ugliness - one of the last of our prejudices. - Kirk - Is There in Truth No Beauty? (TOS)

Beauty is transitory. Beauty survives. - Spock and Kirk - That Which Survives (TOS)

Extreme feminine beauty is always disturbing. - Spock - The Cloudminders (TOS)

'tis a pity brief blindness did not increase your appreciation of beauty. - McCoy - Operation: Annihilate! (TOS) 



We are living beings, not playthings. - Kirk - The Squire of Gothos (TOS)



Humans do have an amazing capacity for believing what they choose - and excluding that which is painful. - Spock - And the Children Shall Lead (TOS)



This cultural mystique surrounding the biological function - you realize humans are overly preoccupied with the subject. - Kelinda - By Any Other Name (TOS)

Man is not just a biological unit that you can patch together. - McCoy - The Changeling (TOS)



May the great bird of the galaxy bless your planet. - Sulu - Man Trap (TOS)

…blessed be the body and health to all of its parts. - McCoy - Return of the Archons (TOS)



'tis a pity brief blindness did not increase your appreciation of beauty. - McCoy - Operation: Annihilate! (TOS)



Brain and brain, what is brain? - Kara - Spock's Brain (TOS)

While I might trust the doctor to remove a splinter or lance a boil, I cannot trust him to replace a brain. - Spock - Spock's Brain (TOS)

Blast medicine anyway! We've learned to tie into every organ in the human body but one. The brain! The brain is what life is all about. - McCoy - The Menagerie (TOS) 



Men of peace usually are [brave]. - Spock - The Savage Curtain (TOS)



Diplomats and bureaucrats may function differently, but they achieve exactly the same results. - Spock - The Mark of Gideon (TOS)



There's a way out of any cage. - Captain Christopher Pike - The Cage (TOS)

The customs and history of your race show a unique hatred of captivity. Even when it's pleasant and benevolent, you prefer death. - Keeper - The Cage (TOS)



You'll learn to care for yourselves, with our help. That's what we call freedom. - Kirk - The Apple (TOS)

You'll learn something about men and women - the way they're supposed to be. Caring for each other, being happy with each other, being good to each other. That's what we call love. - Kirk - The Apple (TOS)



I owe him my life a dozen times over. Isn't that worth a career? - Kirk - Amok Time (TOS)



The cat is the most ruthless, most terrifying of animals. As far back as the saber tooth tiger…. - Spock - Catspaw (TOS)



If change is - inevitable - predictable - beneficial - doesn't logic demand that you be a part of it? One man cannot summon the future. But one man can change the present! - Kirk and Alternate Spock - Mirror, Mirror (TOS)

Change is the essential process of all existence. - Spock - Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (TOS)



Without water, we're all just three or four pounds of chemicals. - McCoy - The Omega Glory (TOS)



I think children have an instinctive need for adults; they want to be told right and wrong. - Kirk - Miri (TOS)

A father doesn't destroy his children. - Palamas - Who Mourns for Adonais? (TOS)

When a child is taught…it's programmed with simple instructions-and at some point, if its mind develops properly, it exceeds the sum of what it was taught, thinks independently. - Dr. Robert Daystrom - The Ultimate Computer (TOS)

If a man had a child who'd gone anti-social, killed perhaps, he'd still tend to protect that child. - McCoy - The Ultimate Computer (TOS)

Of course...a child could do it! - McCoy - Spock's Brain (TOS)

The child is yours. - Eleen - Friday's Child (TOS)



I've chosen you. Well, I'm sure that's very flattering, but I must get on with my work. - Apollo and Palamas - Who Mourns for Adonais? (TOS)



We do not colonize. We conquer. We rule. There is no other way for us. - Rojan - By Any Other Name (TOS)



They're offering you a chance for combat. They consider it more pleasurable than love. - McCoy - Friday's Child (TOS)



Sometimes a man'll tell his bartender things he'll never tell his doctor. - Dr. Phillip Boyce - The Cage (TOS)

Well, what do you know? I finally got the last word. - McCoy - Journey to Babel (TOS)



A woman should have compassion. - Kirk - Catspaw (TOS)

Compassion, that's the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it's the one thing that keeps men ahead of them. - McCoy - The Ultimate Computer (TOS)

Love and compassion are dead in you. You're nothing but intellect. - Kirk - The Empath (TOS)



My people pride themselves on being the greatest, most successful gamblers in the universe. We compete for everything…. Everything we desire. And it is our nature to win! - Kirk - The Gamesters of Triskelion (TOS)



Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them. - Spock - The Ultimate Computer (TOS)



It would be illogical to assume that all conditions remain stable. - Spock - The Enterprise Incident (TOS)



Conquest is easy. Control is not. - Kirk - Mirror, Mirror (TOS)

We do not colonize. We conquer. We rule. There is no other way for us. - Rojan - By Any Other Name (TOS)



Hope! I always thought that was a human failing, Mr. Spock. True, Doctor. Constant exposure does result in a certain degree of contamination. - McCoy and Spock - The Gamesters of Triskelion (TOS)



Conquest is easy. Control is not. - Kirk - Mirror, Mirror (TOS)

Captain, we can control the Federation as easily as we can control you. The fate of the inferior in any galaxy. - Rojan - By Any Other Name (TOS)



The most cooperative man in this world is a dead man. - Bela Oxmyx - A Piece of the Action (TOS)



You speak of courage. Obviously you do not know the difference between courage and foolhardiness. Always it is the brave ones who die, the soldiers. - Kor - Errand of Mercy (TOS)



Without freedom of choice there is no creativity. Without creativity there is no life. - Kirk - The Return of the Archons (TOS)

Creativity is necessary for the health of the body. - Spock - The Return of the Archons (TOS)

The Glory of creation is in its infinite diversity. And in the way our differences combine to create meaning and beauty. - Dr. Miranda Jones and Spock - Is There in Truth No Beauty? (TOS)

There are many who are uncomfortable with what we have created. It is almost a biological rebellion. A profound revulsion against the planned communities, the programming, the sterilized, artfully balanced atmospheres. The hunger for an Eden, where spring comes. We all do. The cave is deep in our memories. - Spock and Kirk- The Way to Eden (TOS)



There comes to all races an ultimate crisis which you have yet to face…. One day our minds became so powerful we dared think of ourselves as gods. - Sargon - Return to Tomorrow (TOS)



This is not a primitive society making progress toward mechanization. They are totally stagnant. There is no evidence of any progress…. For tens of thousands of years, there's been absolutely no advancement, no significant change in their physical environments. This is a laboratory specimen of an arrested culture. - Spock - Errand of Mercy (TOS)



There is an old custom among my people. When a woman saves a man's life, he is grateful. - Nona - A Private Little War (TOS)

It's the custom of my people to help one another when we're in trouble. - Kirk - The Gamesters of Triskelion (TOS)



The greatest danger facing us is…our irrational fear of the unknown. But there is no such thing as the unknown. There are only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood. - Kirk - The Corbomite Maneuver (TOS)

Power is danger. - Centurion - Balance of Terror (TOS)

Insufficient facts always invite danger. - Spock - Space Seed (TOS)

You keep insisting that there's no danger, I keep assuring you that there is. Would you mind telling me? It is our way of life…. That's the first thing that will be lost! - Kirk and Ayleborne - Errand of Mercy (TOS)



Life and death are seldom logical. But attaining a desired goal always is. - McCoy and Spock - The Galileo Seven (TOS)

There are some things worth dying for. - Kirk - Errand of Mercy (TOS)

The sight of death frightens [Earthmen]. - Kras - Friday's Child (TOS)

In the strict scientific sense we all feed on death - even vegetarians. - Spock - Wolf in the Fold (TOS)

[Humans] find it easier to understand the death of one than the death of a million. - Spock - The Immunity Syndrome (TOS)

The games have always strengthened us. Death becomes a familiar pattern. We don't fear it as you do. - Proconsul Marcus Claudius - Bread and Circuses (TOS)

In the heart, in the head, I won't stay dead. - Kirk - Day of the Dove (TOS)

What a terrible way to die. There are no good ways. - Sulu and Kirk - That Which Survives (TOS)

Death, when unnecessary, is a tragic thing. - Flint - Requiem for Methuselah (TOS)

Pray you die easily. - Gary - Where No Man Has Gone Before (TOS)



Without facts, the decision cannot be made logically. You must rely on your human intuition. - Spock - Assignment: Earth (TOS)



If some day we are defeated, well, war has it fortunes, good and bad. - Kirk - Day of the Dove (TOS)



We have no defenses…nor are any needed. - Ayleborne - Errand of Mercy (TOS)

The best defense is a strong offense. And I intend to start offending right now! - Kirk - The Empath (TOS)



You're not going to admit that, for the first time in your life, you made a completely emotional decision based on desperation? - Kirk (to Spock) - The Galileo Seven (TOS)

Desperation is a highly emotional state of mind. - Kirk - The Galileo Seven (TOS)



We have found all life forms in the galaxy are capable of superior development. - Kirk - The Gamesters of Triskelion (TOS)

We've seen development at different rates on different planets. - Uhura - A Private Little War (TOS)



The Glory of creation is in its infinite diversity. And in the way our differences combine to create meaning and beauty. - Dr. Miranda Jones and Spock - Is There in Truth No Beauty? (TOS)

Where I come from, size, shape or color makes no difference. - Kirk - Plato's Stepchildren (TOS)

I am pleased to see that we have differences. May we together become greater than the sum of both of us. - Surak - The Savage Curtain (TOS)



Diplomacy should be a job left to diplomats. - Ambassador Fox - A Taste of Armageddon (TOS)

I'm a soldier, not a diplomat. I can only tell the truth. - Kirk - Errand of Mercy (TOS)

The only tool diplomacy has is language. - Hodin - The Mark of Gideon (TOS)

Diplomats and bureaucrats may function differently, but they achieve exactly the same results. - Spock - The Mark of Gideon (TOS)

We must acknowledge once and for all that the purpose of diplomacy is to prolong a crisis. - Spock - The Mark of Gideon (TOS)



I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without constructive purpose. - Spock - The Squire of Gothos (TOS)



The Glory of creation is in its infinite diversity. And in the way our differences combine to create meaning and beauty. - Dr. Miranda Jones and Spock - Is There in Truth No Beauty? (TOS)



When dreams become more important than reality, you give up travel, building, creating; you even forget how to repair the machines left behind by your ancestors. You just sit living and reliving other lives left behind in the thought records. - Vina - The Cage (TOS)

A person's strongest dreams are about what he can't do. - Vina - The Cage (TOS)

Another dream that failed. There's nothing sadder. - Kirk - This Side of Paradise (TOS)

...a dream that became a reality and spread throughout the stars. - Kirk - Whom Gods Destroy (TOS)