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My plans are grand but my time is limited. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All quotation contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged. Please send contributions to [email protected].

This page was last updated on 02/20/01.


There's a certain inefficiency in constantly questioning me on things you've already made up your mind about. - Spock - The Corbomite Maneuver (TOS)

Not one hundred percent efficient, of course…but nothing ever is. - Kirk - Metamorphosis (TOS)



Oh, that sound of male ego. You travel halfway across the galaxy and it's still the same song. - Eve McHuron - Mudd's Women (TOS)



We humans are full of unpredictable emotions that logic cannot solve. - Kirk - What are Little Girls Made Of? (TOS)

When there's no emotion, there's no motive for violence. - Spock - Dagger of the Mind (TOS)

You're not going to admit that, for the first time in your life, you made a completely emotional decision based on desperation? - Kirk (to Spock) - The Galileo Seven (TOS)

Emotions are alien to me. I'm a scientist. - Spock - This Side of Paradise (TOS)

Insults are effective only where emotion is present. - Spock - Who Mourns for Adonais? (TOS)

Humans smile with so little provocation. - Spock - Journey to Babel (TOS)

Worry is a human emotion. - Spock - Journey to Babel (TOS)

Offense is a human emotion. - Sarek - Journey to Babel (TOS)

Deriving sustenance from emotion is not unknown in the galaxy. And fear is among the strongest and most violent of the emotions. - Spock - Wolf in the Fold (TOS)

You humans have that emotional need to express gratitude. You're welcome, I believe, is the correct response. However, Doctor, you must remember that I am entirely motivated by logic. - Spock - Bread and Circuses (TOS)

The release of emotion is what keeps us healthy. Emotionally healthy, that is. - McCoy - Plato's Stepchildren (TOS)

I have noted that the healthy release of emotion is frequently unhealthy for those closest to you. - Spock - Plato's Stepchildren (TOS)

What is it in you humans that requires an overwhelming display of emotion in a situation such as this? Two men pursue the only reasonable course of action indicated, and yet you feel that something else is necessary. - Spock - That Which Survives (TOS)

I suggest you avoid emotionalism. - Spock - That Which Survives (TOS)



First study the enemy. Seek weakness. - Romulan Commander - Balance of Terror (TOS)

All right, Mister! You wanted worshippers? You've got enemies! - Kirk - Who Mourns for Adonais? (TOS)



Yes, it is written. Good shall always destroy evil. - Sirah - The Omega Glory (TOS)

Without followers, evil cannot spread. - Spock - And the Children Shall Lead (TOS)

Evil does seek to maintain power by suppressing the truth. Or by misleading the innocent. - Spock and McCoy - And the Children Shall Lead (TOS)

It would seem that evil retreats when forcibly confronted. - Yarnek - The Savage Curtain (TOS)



You'll learn to build houses to keep warm. You'll work…. Humans have survived under worse conditions. It's a matter of evolution. Give it time. - Kirk - Spock's Brain (TOS)

The actual theory is that all life forms evolved from the lower levels to the more advanced stages. - Spock - Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (TOS)



Too much of anything, even love, isn't necessarily a good thing. - Kirk - The Trouble with Tribbles (TOS)

Too much love is dangerous. Cupid's arrow kills Vulcans. - Dionyd and Eraclitus - Plato's Stepchildren (TOS)



Existence…survival must cancel out programming. - Ruk - What are Little Girls Made Of? (TOS)

Possible existence of a parallel universe has been scientifically conceded. - Spock - The Alternative Factor (TOS)

These shells in which we have encased ourselves - they have such heightened senses. To feel, to hear, to smell. How do humans manage to exist in these fragile cases? - Rojan - By Any Other Name (TOS)

Physical laws simply cannot be ignored. Existence cannot be without them. - Spock - Spectre of the Gun (TOS)

We exist in a universe which co-exists with a multitude of others in the same physical space. For certain brief periods of time, an area of their space overlaps an area of ours. - Spock - The Tholian Web (TOS)

Change is the essential process of all existence. - Spock - Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (TOS)

The combination of a number of things to make existence worthwhile. Yes…philosophy of 'nome,' meaning 'All.' - Spock and Abraham Lincoln - The Savage Curtain (TOS)



Hope! I always thought that was a human failing, Mr. Spock. True, Doctor. Constant exposure does result in a certain degree of contamination. - McCoy and Spock - The Gamesters of Triskelion (TOS)



Insufficient facts always invite danger. - Spock - Space Seed (TOS)

Most mythology has its basis in fact. - Kirk - Who Mourns for Adonais? (TOS)

Logic and practical information do not seem to apply here….To deny the facts would be illogical…. - Spock - A Piece of the Action (TOS)

Without facts, the decision cannot be made logically. You must rely on your human intuition. - Spock - Assignment: Earth (TOS)

Most legends have their basis in facts. - Kirk - And the Children Shall Lead (TOS)



Another dream that failed. There's nothing sadder. - Kirk - This Side of Paradise (TOS)



Fascinating is a word I use for the unexpected. - Spock - The Squire of Gothos (TOS)

To coin a phrase...'fascinating'. - McCoy - Who Mourns for Adonais? (TOS)

Please, Spock, do me a favor...don't say it's `fascinating'... No...but it is...interesting.… - McCoy and Spock - The Ultimate Computer (TOS)



A father doesn't destroy his children. - Palamas - Who Mourns for Adonais? (TOS)



The greatest danger facing us is…our irrational fear of the unknown. But there is no such thing as the unknown. There are only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood. - Kirk - The Corbomite Maneuver (TOS)

A princess should not be afraid - not with a brave knight to protect her. - McCoy - Shore Leave (TOS)

Oh, how absolutely typical of [humans]! You don't understand something, so you become fearful. - Trelane - The Squire of Gothos (TOS)

…fear is among the strongest and most violent of the emotions. - Spock - Wolf in the Fold (TOS)

The games have always strengthened us. Death becomes a familiar pattern. We don't fear it as you do. - Proconsul Marcus Claudius - Bread and Circuses (TOS)

Most people are afraid of being alone. - Kirk - The Mark of Gideon (TOS)

In our century, we've learned not to fear words. - Uhura - The Savage Curtain (TOS)



Sometimes a feeling is all we humans have to go on. - Kirk - A Taste of Armageddon (TOS)



The idea of male and female are universal. - Kirk - Metamorphosis (TOS)

I have never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question. - Spock - This Side of Paradise (TOS)



It does often seem that man must fight to live. - Flavius Maximus - Bread and Circuses (TOS)

We fight only when there is no other choice. We prefer the ways of peaceful contact. - Kirk - Spectre of the Gun (TOS)

For the present, only a fool fights in a burning house - Kang - Day of the Dove (TOS)

Those who hate and fight must stop themselves. Otherwise it is not stopped. - Spock - Day of the Dove (TOS)



We're tired of your phony fireworks! - Kirk - Who Mourns for Adonais? (TOS)



For the present, only a fool fights in a burning house - Kang - Day of the Dove (TOS)



A truly advanced planet wouldn't use force. They wouldn't come here in strange alien forms. - Gary Seven - Assignment: Death (TOS)



Forever is just another day. Forever is just another journey. - Uhura - The Conscience of the King (TOS)



Freedom of movement and choice produced the human spirit. - Dr. Brown - What are Little Girls Made Of? (TOS)

Without freedom of choice there is no creativity. Without creativity there is no life. - Kirk - The Return of the Archons (TOS)

…freedom is never a gift. It has to be earned. - Kirk - The Return of the Archons (TOS)

There are certain absolutes, and one of them is the right of humanoids to a free and unchained environment - the right to have conditions which permit growth. Another is their right to choose that system which seems to work best for them. - McCoy and Spock - The Apple (TOS)

Human beings do not survive on bread alone…but on the nourishment of liberty. For what indeed is a man without freedom…naught but a mechanism, trapped in the cogwheels of eternity. - Mudd - I, Mudd (TOS)

It is the nature of our species to be free. - Kirk - Metamorphosis (TOS)

We're free people. We belong to no one. - Kirk - The Gamesters of Triskelion (TOS)

…freedom…is a worship word… It is our worship word too. - Cloud William and Kirk - The Omega Glory (TOS)

Liberty and freedom have to be more than just words. - Kirk - The Omega Glory (TOS)



Stop trying to kill each other, then worry about being friendly. - Kirk - Elaan of Troyius (TOS)



Make the most of an uncertain future. Enjoy yourself today. Tomorrow - may never come at all. - Trelane - The Squire of Gothos (TOS)

Prepare for tomorrow - get ready. - Edith Keeler - The City on the Edge of Forever (TOS)

I don't pretend to tell you how to find happiness and love, when every day is a struggle to survive. But I do insist that you do survive, because the days and the years ahead are worth living for! One day soon, man is going to be able to harness incredible energy - maybe even the atom. Energy that could ultimately hurl men to other worlds in some sort of spaceship. And the men that reach out into space will be able to find ways to feed the hungry millions of the world, and to cure their diseases. They'll be able to find a way to give each man hope and a common future. And those are the days worth living for. - Edith Keeler - The City on the Edge of Forever (TOS)



I remind you that humans are only a tiny minority in this galaxy. - Spock - The Apple (TOS)

We cannot allow any race as greedy and corruptible as yours to have free run of the galaxy. - Norman - I, Mudd (TOS)

It's a big galaxy…. - Uhura - Metamorphosis (TOS)

Captain, we can control the Federation as easily as we can control you. The fate of the inferior in any galaxy. - Rojan - By Any Other Name (TOS)



My people pride themselves on being the greatest, most successful gamblers in the universe. We compete for everything…we desire. And it is our nature to win! - Kirk - The Gamesters of Triskelion (TOS)

I'm beginning to understand why you Earthmen enjoy gambling. No matter how carefully one computes the odds of success, there is still a certain exhilaration in the risk. - Spock - Patterns of Force (TOS)



The games have always strengthened us. Death becomes a familiar pattern. We don't fear it as you do. - Proconsul Marcus Claudius - Bread and Circuses (TOS)



Genius doesn't work on an assembly line basis. You can't simply say, 'Today I will be brilliant.' - Kirk - The Ultimate Computer (TOS)



Life and death are seldom logical. But attaining a desired goal always is. - McCoy and Spock - The Galileo Seven (TOS)



Mankind has no need for gods. We find the One quite adequate. - Kirk - Who Mourns for Adonais? (TOS)



Yes, it is written. Good shall always destroy evil. - Sirah - The Omega Glory (TOS)

I suggest that good spirits might make an effective weapon. - Spock - Day of the Dove (TOS)



If I let go of a hammer on a planet having a positive gravity, I need not see it fall to know that it has, in fact, fallen. - Spock - Court Martial (TOS)



You are great. I am great. - Dr. Robert Daystrom - The Ultimate Computer (TOS)



No one can guarantee the actions of another. - Spock - Day of the Dove (TOS)



Monsters come in many forms. And do you know the greatest monster of them all? Guilt. - McCoy - Obsession (TOS)

When a man feels guilty about something, something too terrible to remember, he blots it out of his conscious memory. - McCoy - Wolf in the Fold (TOS)



He had a mean look. I had to freeze him. I like happy looks. - Charlie Evans - Charlie X (TOS)

Unhappiness is that state which occurs in the human when wants and desires are not fulfilled. - Spock - I, Mudd (TOS)

The sooner our happiness together begins, the longer it will last. - Miramanee - The Paradise Syndrome (TOS)

It is like…when you see that the people have no hope for happiness…you feel great despair…your heart is heavy because you know you can do nothing…pain is like that. - Odona - The Mark of Gideon (TOS)

We've each learned to be delighted with what we are. - Kirk - The Savage Curtain (TOS)



To restrict a segment of the population to such hardship is unthinkable in an evolved culture. - Spock - The Cloudminders (TOS)



Good, honest...hatred. Very refreshing. - Kor - Errand of Mercy (TOS)

Those who hate and fight must stop themselves. Otherwise it is not stopped. - Spock - Day of the Dove (TOS)



Creativity is necessary for the health of the body. - Spock - The Return of the Archons (TOS)

Lots of people drink from the wrong bottle sometimes. - Edith Keeler - The City on the Edge of Forever (TOS)

The release of emotion is what keeps us healthy. Emotionally healthy, that is. - McCoy - Plato's Stepchildren (TOS)

I have noted that the healthy release of emotion is frequently unhealthy for those closest to you. - Spock - Plato's Stepchildren (TOS)

…blessed be the body and health to all of its parts. - McCoy - Return of the Archons (TOS)



He heard you. He simply could not believe his ears. - Spock - The Trouble with Tribbles (TOS)



The heart is not a logical organ. - Dr. Janet Wallace - The Deadly Years (TOS)

Until I saw you, there was nothing in my heart. It sustained my life, but nothing more. Now it sings! - Natira - For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (TOS)



'Let me help.' A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over 'I love you.' - Kirk - The City on the Edge of Forever (TOS)

We prefer to help ourselves. We make mistakes, but we're human - and maybe that's the word that best explains us. - Kirk - I, Mudd (TOS)

It's the custom of my people to help one another when we're in trouble. - Kirk - The Gamesters of Triskelion (TOS)

Nobody helps nobody but himself! - Bela Oxmyx - A Piece of the Action (TOS)

I know this world needs help. That's why some of my generation are kind of crazy and rebels. We wonder if we're going to be alive when we're thirty. - Roberta Lincoln - Assignment: Earth (TOS)

There's another way to survive: Mutual trust and help. - Kirk - Day of the Dove (TOS)



…hesitation…is an hereditary trait of your species, and suddenly faced by the unknown, or imminent danger, a human will invariably experience a split second of indecision. He hesitates. - Spock - Obsession (TOS)



Even historians fail to learn from history - they repeat the same mistakes. - John Gill - Patterns of Force (TOS)

Earthmen like Ramses, Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Lee Kuan. Your whole Earth history is made up of men seeking absolute power. - Spock - Patterns of Force (TOS)

History tends to exaggerate. - Colonel Green - The Savage Curtain (TOS)



If I can have honesty, it's easier to overlook mistakes. - Kirk - Space Seed (TOS)

A lie is a very poor way to say hello. - Edith Keeler - The City on the Edge of Forever (TOS)

You say you are lying. But if everything you say is a lie, then you are telling the truth. You cannot tell the truth, because everything you say is a lie. You lie, you tell the truth…but you cannot, for you lie. - Norman - I, Mudd (TOS)

Honesty is usually wise. - McCoy - For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (TOS)



Hope! I always thought that was a human failing, Mr. Spock. True, Doctor. Constant exposure does result in a certain degree of contamination. - McCoy and Spock - The Gamesters of Triskelion (TOS)

It is like…when you see that the people have no hope for happiness…you feel great despair…your heart is heavy because you know you can do nothing…pain is like that. - Odona - The Mark of Gideon (TOS)


Human, Humanity:

 We all have our darker side. We need it; it's half of what we are. It's not really ugly, it's human. - McCoy - The Enemy Within (TOS)

…humanity…striving of man to achieve greatness through his own resources. - Anton Karidian - The Conscience of the King (TOS)

[Humans] are still half-savage - but there is hope. - Metron - Arena (TOS)

Improve a mechanical device and you may double productivity. But improve man, you gain a thousand fold. - Khan - Space Seed (TOS)

We humans have a streak of barbarism in us - appalling, but there nevertheless. - Kirk - Space Seed (TOS)

Curious how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want. - Spock - Errand of Mercy (TOS)

You striving, bickering, foolishly brave humans. - Apollo - Who Mourns for Adonais? (TOS)

We've come a long way in five thousand years. But you're still of the same nature. - Kirk and Apollo - Who Mourns for Adonais? (TOS)

We're the same. We share the same history, the same heritage, the same lives. We're tied together beyond and any untying. Man or woman, it makes no difference. We're human. We couldn't escape from each other even if we wanted to - that's how you do it Lieutenant! By remembering who and what you are! A bit of flesh and blood afloat in a universe without end. And the only thing that's truly yours is the rest of humanity. That's where our duty lies! - Kirk - Who Mourns for Adonais? (TOS)

…primitive structure. Insufficient safeguards built in. Breakdown can occur from many causes. Self-maintenance systems of low reliability. - Nomad - The Changeling (TOS)

I remind you that humans are only a tiny minority in this galaxy. - Spock - The Apple (TOS)

[Humanity] is self-destructive. - Norman - I, Mudd (TOS)

We cannot allow any race as greedy and corruptible as yours to have free run of the galaxy. - Norman - I, Mudd (TOS)

What is man but that lofty spirit - that sense of enterprise. - Kirk - I, Mudd (TOS)

[Humans] are, after all, essentially irrational. - Spock - Metamorphosis (TOS)

Humans smile with so little provocation. - Spock - Journey to Babel (TOS)

Humans are very peculiar. I often find them unfathomable, but an interesting psychological study. - Spock - By Any Other Name (TOS)

All men are brothers. - Kirk - Bread and Circuses (TOS)

Humans do have an amazing capacity for believing what they choose - and excluding that which is painful. - Spock - And the Children Shall Lead (TOS)

In critical moments men sometimes see exactly what they wish to see. - Spock - The Tholian Web (TOS) 

Those pressures are everywhere - in everyone, urging him to what you call 'savagery.' The private hells - the inner needs and mysteries - the beast of instinct. As human beings, that is the way it is. To be human is to be complex. You can't avoid a little ugliness - from within - and from without. - Kirk - Requiem for Methuselah (TOS)