HTML ( Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard
language for creating documents for the World Wide Web (WWW). It is a basically
a text file which contains instructions for you web browser. Within these
instructions are commands to display text, multimedia objects and hyperlinks.
Using HTML, an author can format a document for display and add hyperlinks
which are "shortcuts" to other documents or files. HTML is the language
web browsers read and basically is a set of "tags" with text. The tags
are the commands which tell the web browser what to do and are the heart
of HTML. Tags are encased in angled brackets which look like the following
: "<" and ">". Tags begin with "<" and are closed by ">".
HTML is an ever evolving language and
different web browsers may interpret the commands differently. HTML has
been standardized by the WWW consortium and is always evolving to allow
more flexibility in it's capabilities. For example , in addition to the
text, multimedia, and hyperlink features of the previous versions of HTML,
HTML 4.0 supports more multimedia options, scripting languages, style sheets,
better printing facilities, and documents that are more accessible to users
with disabilities. HTML 4.0 also takes great strides towards the internationalization
of documents, with the goal of making the Web truly World Wide. |