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Sops List

Here is a list from #POMP@Dalnet SopS

  1. Black`Dragon ([email protected])
  2. anton99 ([email protected])
  3. SonzZ ([email protected])
  4. d3w4 ([email protected])
  5. Nicolas ([email protected])
  6. squall_ace ([email protected])
  7. |y[A]f| ([email protected])
  8. Fantasy2000 ([email protected])
  9. kece_feb ([email protected])
  10. chdono ([email protected])
That's all the #POMP@Dalnet SopS and we don't accept Sop again :)
Pls see our channel rules.

Note : SopS not allowed to adding aops without founder agreement or other sop cause we must qualified their 1st.

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Last Update - JKT March 14'2000 (c)[email protected]