Name: Sam
Current Address: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
D.O.B. : January 19, 1982
Hobbies: Programming everything from AOL addons to Virus Scans, and soon to be world wide web programs. Yes very interesting subject, I will explain in the Coming Soon section of this site. I also like to participate in ice hockey games and all types of various of-ice hockey. I enjoy swimming and catching my tan more than the swim.
AOL Handle: Sin�
Programs I Have Made Include: TOS����, Jokerz Ice, Jokerz Ice�, Tradgey, Decimal, Decimal Final, Greedy� (reason why you may never had heard of them is for the fact that I do not distribute them.)
What I Want As My Future: Well this is a very delicate matter, things sway off and on, I do want to become active in the navy as an MP (militay patrol for all those that don't know) and from there I can land any Governmental Law Enforcement job. I am looking into the F.B.I. or C.I.A. though. If I decide not to do that then well I guess I'm stuck with programming or webpage designing (yes I know this isn't that great but give me time I threw it together in 3 days)
Inspired Most By: My 10th grade English teacher. He was so cool. Besides the coolness behind him was a easy going guy that you could explain anything to him and he would understand. He didn't just teach he put his heart into the job. He honestly loved to wake up every morning and goto school. One thing he said that I will never forget was, and I can say truthfully that does touch me is "All I ever wanted to do was smile and always be happy, If I can't make you the same then I can damn well try." - Mr. Owens
One thing that I have realized is that to be happy there must be a sad. Even though the sad hurts it is a part of your life and try to make the best of it. And anther thing, I do have a Doctors Degree in Psycology (according to my friends who I have helped through thier problems many of times.)
I would like to give a personal shout outz to my boyz and girlz from my hometown they are as follows: Jimmy, Aj, Brandon, Joe, Lisa, Sonny, Shawna, Samantha, Stephanie, and yea even Justin, even though he can be a dickhead and brag about all the girls he has on his nuts (which he don't) I can't throw 12 years of friendship with him away. - aka All the membaz of the R.P.T. and one more thing FUCK YOU Officer MecNellis. Keep slandering my name as if I cuase all the trouble and I'll actually start to cuz some.
Here's the Quote For The Month:
"If you're not going to give it your all then why the hell do it at all?" - me
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