Article 1: The Purpose of the World Hackers Association
1.) To maintain peace within our association members, and to courier
that which is provided to create a fairer more open world, and to
that end; to take effective collective measures for the prevention of threats
to the peace, the supression of acts of aggression by external forces.
Intent on peaceful adjustment or settlement of ALL disputes which may lead to a breach
of the peace or prevent us from our objectives( couriering )
2.) To develop friendly relations among non-associate groups based on
repect for the principles of equal rights and self-determination.
3.) To achieve World Cooperation in our associations primary function SECURITY.
By showing the world how lax software security is we are doing it a favor.
To promote rights of the individual; and for the fundamental freedoms and privacy for all
without distinction as to culture, sex, or religion.
4.) To be a center for concilence of the actions of all couriers in the attainment of these common ends.
Article 2: World Hackers Association, its members, in pursuit of the purposes, stated, shall act in
accordance with the following principles
1.) The World Hackers Association is based on the sovereign equality of ALL its members
2.) In order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting from membership, all members shall fullfill
in good faith the obligations assumed by them as per joining the association and as per skill
in accordance with these articles.
3.) All members shall settle disputes by peaceful means, that the association peace is maintained.
4.) In all relations, all members shall refrain from threat, or use, of force against territorial
integrity or political independance of any political System except whereby that interferes with these articles
or the political system in question puts the association at risk.
5.) All members shall give the World Hackers association every assistance in any action taken in accordance with these articles of association and shall refrain from assisting any organization
in the listZ (SEE SEPARATE Article) against which the
World Hackers Association is taking preventative or enforcement Action(s).
6.) Nothing written in these articles shall authorize the World Hackers Association to interfere in its member groups matters of internal
affairs, which are essentially domestic in nature OR if asked the group may ask for mediation by application of mediation by non bias'd peers.
Chapter II
Main Index
this shit is copyrighted for the phreakin world copy and your a lamer so there pissheads.
These Articles Were Created By the TiTanZ Association
©2000 CHRoNoSS MeDia