Genus Rhampholeon
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Genus: Rhampholeon (17 species including subspecies)


KINGDOM: Animalia (animals)

   PHYLUM: Cordata (chordates)

      CLASS: Reptilia (reptiles)

          ORDER: Squamata (scaled reptiles)

              FAMILIES: snakes, warm lizards, lizards

                    LIZARD SUBFAMILY: Sauria

                        SAURIA INFRAORDER: 

                         Anguimorpha (angid); Gekkota (gecko); Iguania (iguana); Scincomorpha (skink)

                                 IGUANIA DIVISIONS: 

                                 Agamids; Iguanids; Chameleonids

                                       CHAMAELEONIDAE FAMILY:

                                           Subfamily Brookesiinae (false chameleons)

                                                 Genus: Brookesia (27 species including subspecies)

                                                 Genus: Rhampholeon (17 species including subspecies)

Rhampholeon boulengeri
Rhampholeon brachyurus
Rhampholeon brevicaudatus
Rhampholeon chapmanorum
Rhampholeon kerstenii

   Rhampholeon kerstenii kerstenii

   Rhampholeon kerstenii robecchii

Rhampholeon marshalli

   Rhampholeon marshalli marshalli

    Rhampholeon marshalli gorongosae

Rhampholeon nchisiensis
Rhampholeon platyceps

   Rhampholeon platyceps platyceps

   Rhampholeon platyceps carri

Rhampholeon spectrum
Rhampholeon temporalis
Rhampholeon uluguruensis


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