Illustrations of Glossary Terms
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Terms Covered in photo

Tarsal Spurs

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Tarsal Spurs (used to determine sex in many species) This is an example of -

Sexual Dimorphism 

illustcloaca.jpg (79936 bytes)

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Hemipenal Bulge  (used to determine sex in many species) This is another example of -

Sexual Dimorphism 

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Interstitial Skin


Lateral Crest

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Rostral Crest

Conical Scales

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Occipital Lobe

Dorsal Crest

Longitudinal Stripe

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Lenticular Scales

Conical Scales

Homogeneous Squamation

Heterogeneous Squamation



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Dorsal Crest    


Parietal Crest

Lenticular Scales

Heterogeneous Squamation

Longitudinal Stripe

Canthus Rostralis






This site can in no way be reproduced or copied without the expressed written permission of David Pickering. I have given credit where the author is known. If I have used any material without your permission or without the proper credit please inform me and it will be corrected.Copyright©2000 David Pickering.