F4  Documentation

By Free Willy

This document is for educational purposes only.

The Campaign files.

They have one of the following extensions:


They contain files themselve, which can be unpacked and repackaged with the following tool:

------------------------- UNTAC.EXE-------------produces>>>
*.cmp The Main file defining template and theater name +++ much more
*.cmp.x -> ### STRING -> nr of entities in theater (active squadrones)
*.obj  ONLY AVAILABLE IN TEMPLATES -> defines all objectives in the theater
*.obj.x -> ### STRING -> nr of entities in theater
*.uni -> defines unit entities
*.uni.x -> ### STRING -> nr of entities in theater
*.obd -> Objectives that have delta data ( changes to record)
*.obd.x -> ### STRING -> nr of entities in theater
*.dir ->DIRECTORY OF Files
*.pst  PERSISTANT OBJECTS ( Empty in templates EG TE_NEW.TAC & SAVE#.CAM -> Craters and other deformations to the theater)
*.te Tactical Engagement Victory Conditions
*.tea TEAM
*.pol Primary Objectives List
*.ver ->Version#
*.evt Events
*.wth WeatherClass::CampaignLoad();WeatherClass::Save

Alternative Editor: TACEDIT by Julian Onions together with TERRVIEW by Julian Onions. These tools where built to build new theaters for the game.