The DrawableOvercast Class



Other Subclasses: DrawableBSP, DrawableTrail, Drawable2D, DrawableBridge ,   DrawablePlatform ,   DrawablePoint,

Implementation: <inline>

Drawable Overcast

DrawableOvercast( DWORD CloudTileCode, int row, int col );
        virtual ~DrawableOvercast();

        static void SetGreenMode( BOOL greenMode );

        void UpdateForDrift( int row, int col );

        virtual void Draw( class RenderOTW *renderer, int LOD );

        float GetLocalOpacity( Tpoint *point );
        void  GetLocalColor( Tpoint *point, Tcolor *color );
        float GetLocalFuzzDepth( Tpoint *point );

        float   GetTextureAlpha( float x, float y );
        DWORD   GetTileCode(void)       { return tileCode; };
        float   GetBase(void)           { return base; };
        float   GetTops(void)           { return top; };

        float   GetNWtop(void)  { return NWtop; };
        float   GetNEtop(void)  { return NEtop; };
        float   GetSWtop(void)  { return SWtop; };
        float   GetSEtop(void)  { return SEtop; };

        float   GetNWbottom(void)       { return NWbottom; };
        float   GetNEbottom(void)       { return NEbottom; };
        float   GetSWbottom(void)       { return SWbottom; };
        float   GetSEbottom(void)       { return SEbottom; };

        static void SetupTexturesOnDevice( DWORD rc );
        static void ReleaseTexturesOnDevice( DWORD rc );

        DWORD   tileCode;       // Identifies which of the texture tiles to use
        float   base;           // The altitude of the cloud bases
        float   top;            // The altitude of the cloud tops

        float   northEdge;                      // World space edge locations for this cell
        float   southEdge;
        float   eastEdge;
        float   westEdge;

        float   NWtop, NWbottom;        // Height of cloud layer on top and bottom
        float   NEtop, NEbottom;
        float   SWtop, SWbottom;
        float   SEtop, SEbottom;

        static Tcolor   litCloudTopColor;               // Basic cloud color on top (shared by all instances)
        static Tcolor   litCloudBottomColor;    // Basic cloud color from below (shared by all instances)

        static  void     BuildFuzzDepthTable( void );

        // Handle time of day notifications
        static  void TimeUpdateCallback( void *unused );

      // Overload new/delete to use a SmartHeap fixed size pool
      void *operator new(size_t size) { ShiAssert( size == sizeof(DrawableOvercast) ); return MemAllocFS(pool); };
      void operator delete(void *mem) { if (mem) MemFreeFS(mem); };
      static void InitializeStorage()   { pool = MemPoolInitFS( sizeof(DrawableOvercast), 10, 0 ); };
      static void ReleaseStorage()      { MemPoolFree( pool ); };
      static MEM_POOL   pool;