

Welcome to  pietro home

This site, completely and recently renewed,
wants to be besides my introduction,
also a guide through the Internet's aspects
I am living together since some months.

The site can be reached from this url:

Have you ever been here? Read the News of this site.

I have translated
the personal section and the folder.


This section is divided in two parts, one about Java and one about Javascript. You can find numerous examples to create a better and more original web page! Moreover, in five online minutes you can build your scrolling text in Java. Click here for the Java & Javascript examples.


Hints for the newbie who wants to create his own homepage and for expert people. Starts explaining the way to find web space and finish analysing the structure of pages. Wide space is dedicated to the free web pages.

Grafica Web

A good web page had to contain witty and original graphics above all . But if you aren't expert? No fear if you use an excellent program like PaintShopPro and a little of imagination! In this section, examples on web graphic, use of PaintShopPro, animated Gif building and other stuff.


Interesting Links divided by topic. Useful when you don't know where to go, downloadable as Netscape's bookmarks. &

Pietro Giuliano

The "personal" section of the site: who I am and why I like so much Internet.
Find out my passion for the kick and why I am crazy! After that, jump to sign my guestbook.


My web creations. I like working with the Html and programming some languages.

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... and remember to sign the guestbook!

Site designed by Pietro Giuliano
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