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Where There is no Vision

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18
vision = revelation =
The act of revealing or disclosing; disclosure.
Something revealed or, as of something not before realized.
God's disclosure of Himself and His will to His creatures.
An instance of God's communication or disclosure.
That which is disclosed.
That which contains disclosure, as the Bible. i.e. the Revelation of St. John the Divine. (Random House College Dictionary).

What is a Vision for Ministry?
It's the ministry direction for your church that's desired by God.
It creates a mental image of your church's ideal state.
It's God's will...not my will (or my church's will).
It's not a "to do" list that is filed.
It's owned by the whole congregation, not just by the leadership.
It needs to be stated. (Your church may have one but just hasn't stated it.)
It may change...it needs to be regularly evaluated.
Vision or Purpose?
A church's purpose explains why it exists.
A church's vision explains how it will accomplish its purpose.
Check list:
Will your vision help your church determine what ministries to do, as well as not do?
Does it identify the group your church's ministries should target?
Does it point your church's ministries in a clear, unique direction--different from other churches?
Will it get people, including new attenders, involved and excited?