Magh Mor offers Kingdoms residents a Help Desk. If you have any questions regarding making graphics
or how to place them on your page, or anything else about graphics or HTML in general, please feel free to ask them here. We will respond to your email as soon as possible. If we can?t answer your
question (the crystal ball isn?t always answering *smile*), then we?ll find a place where you can find the answer.
Just fill out the form below!
Your Cybertown Name:
Your Email Address:
Your Kingdoms Block:
Consult the Crystal Ball -- {or what is your question}:
What operating system are you using (i.e., Windows 98): Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows NT Other
Don?t Know
What browser do you use? Microsoft Internet Explorer Netscape Navigator Other
Are you using your own graphics program? If so, which one?
Are you using an HTML editor? If so, which one?
Additional Comments: