Both Of These short stories where written very quickly for school asignments... so please excuse their crappyness.
Never To Be Titled
Part 1
Umm... this is violent and strange... It's based
off a dream I had and in my slightly feverish state I wrote it
down. This is unedited and was written as a spur of the moment
kind of thing. I'm sorry that it sucks.
A strange little thing that I wrote through the eyes of cHIBInEKO back when she still had a shred of sanity left... I dunno if I wanna write any more things from cHIBI's mind... it's creepy in there XP
Yet Another Untitled Short
I only vaguely remember writing this... waaaay too many un-needed characters in here though ^^;;;
Weird Unfinished Junk
Two of my characters from completely different stories doin' something(I wrote this a while back and can't remember what exacly they were trying to accomplish) I'm not sure why I'm posting this either.....
Rants and other Strangeness
This is all the junk I just sorta write that doen't fit in the story catagory.
The Cow Says Mooooo!!! Rafael is a Moonie It's all Rafael's fault >_< School? What's That??Main~ Updates~ Artgallery(main)~Charcters~Library~Poetry~White Board~About Me~My Photos~Phibby Neko~Winamp Skins~Adopted Things~Links~