Welcome to MacHack Software's new home page! We have moved, we are now at http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/hamilton/672/index.html, which is the page you are reading now. We decided it was time for a move because we just didn't get enough disk space with our old page. This new page gives us 20MB of disk space, plenty for more stuff we will add later.
We are an organization - which is Doug Brown and Jared Muilenburg - creating HyperCard games and Ircle scripts. Before we begin, let us explain HyperCard and Ircle.
HyperCard is a program by Apple Computer that lets you create "stacks" for organizing information, mostly. But with it's scripting language, HyperTalk, you can make almost anything with it, such as games, phone dialers, etc. We have made quite a few HyperCard stacks, many not on this page. With our version of creating HyperCard stacks, we have made a customized player for our stacks.
Ircle is an IRC client (chat) that lets you log onto IRC servers such as chat.talkcity.com and us.undernet.org. It is by MacResponse. It can use "scripts" that do special features like play a game, automatically say hi to everyone who gets in the room you are in, and have a pager when you are away from the computer. We have made one, and Doug has made many more. Plus, our new address means MORE PROGRAMS! We have now uploaded a few more programs, like Phone Number Dialer 1.2 and WWW AdMaker 1.1!