Here is a list of the programs we have available to download:
MacHack Software Player:
MacHack Software Player 1.0 (Download MacBinary File / Info)
MacHack Software Player files (made with HyperCard):
House 1.0 (Download BinHex File /
Phone Number Dialer 1.2 (Download BinHex
File / Info)
WWW AdMaker 1.1 (Download BinHex File /
Convert to Hex 1.0 (Download BinHex
File / Info)
Ircle Script*:
KewlScripts 1.0 (Download BinHex File / Info)
BinHex is another way of translating files for the internet. BinHex files tend to be larger than MacBinary files. BinHex files end with .hqx.
All files are stuffed, then translated with either MacBinary or BinHex. Downloading StuffIt Expander will decode all the files with no problem.
* More Ircle Scripts available on Doug's website (