

This is part 2 of 2

How to add the frame to a pic

Click here for: Part 1


1. Open up a pic..........try to size it where the main part of the pic will fit into the frame.

Then, using the "Selection" tool , cut out a oval part of the pic.


2. Click on "Edit"........"Paste As New Image"


3. Why I made a green frame and used a wolf I have no idea, lol, but I thought a green wolf would look better inside the frame. To change the color of the wolf, click on the "Retouch" tool , and using the same shade of green, color the wolf using your mouse.


4. Next, open up a "New Image" .......size 300 x 300. Copy and Paste the pic to the center of the "New Image"


5. Now, copy and paste the frame on the New Image with the pic.


6. Click on "Selections" ........ "Select None"


7. If there are parts of the pic "hanging" around the outside of the frame, use the "Magic Wand" tool to select the area and click on "Edit"......."Cut" to clean it up.


Here is the finished tag.


Copyright � 2000 by JJWa1, all rights reserved

I, JJWa1, Give my permission to  Ldy Archrr aka Artists for PSP to place any and all tutorials that I have made on her site.. this 18th day of October 2000. These tutorials were made solely by me and permission is mine to give.

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