... psyops...
...the truth...
...or is it...
...maybe not...
...maybe not...

Payout Schedule for Raymond James

GROSS PRODUCTION                  5,000"   10,000"  "20,000"      "30,000"        "40,000"

80% Listed / 75% OTC                      3875     "7,750"   15,500"      "23,250"        "31,000"

ticket charges = about 8% of gross        400          800      1600            2400               3200
errors & omissions insurance                 150          150        150              150                 150
"""Desk Fee"""                                      500          500        500               500                500
phone bill                                                 0               0             0                  0                    0

TOTAL EXPENSES                          1050        1450       2250            3050               3850

NET PAY TO THE BROKER           2825       "6,300"  "13,250"           "20,200"    "27,150"
GROSS PERCENTAGE PAYOUT      42              63       66.25     67.33333333     67.875

* if you are doing $20-40K per month than your average ticket size is greater ( more commissions)
therefore your percentage ticket charges would be less.  The result would be a higher percentage
gross payout.

[... psyops...] [...the truth...] [...or is it...] [...maybe...] [...maybe not...]