Key words

The original C language as described in; "The C programming language", by Kernighan and Ritchie, provided 27 key words. To those 27 the ANSI standards committee on C have added five more. This confusingly results in two standards for the C language. However, the ANSI standard is the dominant one.

The 32 C key words are;
auto double int struct
breakbreak else long switchswitch
case enum register typedef
char extern return union
const float short unsigned
continuecontinue for signed void
default goto sizeof volatile
do if static while


Some C compilers offer additional key words specific to the hardware environment that they operate on. You should be aware of your own C compilers additional key words. Most notably on the PC these are;

near, far, and huge.



C programs are written in a structured manner. A collection of code blocks are created that call each other to comprise the complete program. As a structured language C provides various looping and testing commands such as;

do-while, for, while, if

and the use of jumps, while provided for, are rarely used.

A C code block is contained within a pair of curly braces "{ }", and may be a complete procedure, in C terminology called a "function", or a subset of code within a function. For example the following is a code block. The statements within the curly braces are only executed upon satisfaction of the condition that "x < 10";

if (x < 10)


a = 1;

b = 0;


while this, is a complete function code block containing a sub code block as a do-while loop;

int GET_X()


int x;



printf ("\nEnter a number between 0 and 10 ");



while(x < 0 || x > 10);



Notice how every statement line is terminated in a semicolon, unless that statement marks the start of a code block, in which case it is followed by a curly brace. C is a case sensitive but free flow language, spaces between commands are ignored, and therefore the semicolon delimiter is required to mark the end of the command line.

Having a freeflow structure the following commands are recognised as the same by the C compiler;

x = 0;

x =0;


The general form of a C program is as follows;

compiler preprocessor statements

global data declarations

return-type main(parameter list)




return-type f1(parameter list)




return-type f2(parameter list)







return-type fn(parameter list)





C allows comments to be included in the program. A comment line is defined by being enclosed within "/*" and "*/". Thus the following is a comment;

/* This is a legitimate C comment line */


 Data Types.



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