Assyrians, ok since i dont have that fold out with me i cant type out there +s and stuff but i can tell you what their ment for. Ok mainly use this race for a regular game and land. because there archers fire faster, its also rather scary watching ..maybe 8 archers take out a base with ease, and try to hit the enemy as soon as possible if assyrian, because not much of a long run race
ok, Yamato dominates in a regular game, because there cheap. im braggin about this race usually. If you reach iron age and your playin bad siege craft races like there eygptians and stuff you can fill up on horse archers, because there cheap and amusing hehehe, but allways have calvary ready, this is another good rushing race
Not sure if i spelled it right but who cares this race, with double Farm production is a life saver, just hope that you make it to iron, because in bronze there only armed with the chariot and hops, nothin to speacial.o yea with the farm production you save wood, so try and not to build to many wood archers, so you can stack up on cats later on