I would like to give a very special thanks to the following web sites / organizations. I was not only inspired by a lot of them, I was able to gather a lot of information from them which enabled me to build my page. Please check them out - but don't forget to come back and visit again. Thank you!

I would like to start off by thanking my sweetie! Without him I would not have been able to create this site. It was his love and support that enabled me to do this. He created the wonderful banner that you see on both the SOC main and webring pages, and all of the awards and gifts that I offer.
Thank you so very much baby! I LOVE YOU!
You can check out his home page here!
Nasty Boyz Home Page banner

bullett American Humane Association

bullett Anonymous Sexual Abuse Recovery Inc (Canada)

bullett Can Teach

bullett CAPS

bullett Children Are Worth Saving (CAWS Corp.)

bullett Children's Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto

bullett Family Violence Facts and Statistics

bullett Florida Department of Law Enforcement

bullett KlassKids - Making the World Safer for our Children

bullett Missing Children HELP Center

bullett Mothers Against Sexual Abuse

National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse

bullett Parental Abductions Resource Website

bullett San Carlo PD

bullett Sexual Assualt Crisis Center

bullett SCAR

bullett The Baby and Child Place

bullett Voices of the Children, Inc.

bullett Body Memories





