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home page winner
On March 13, 2000 Save Our Children received this very special honor. I would like to thank the editors of the Promises of Recovery Newsletter and everybody who has visited and commented on this site for your thoughts and well wishes. They really do mean so very much to me.

This site is dedicated to every victim and every survivor of abuse everywhere; and in loving memory of those who did not survive, they are in a safer better place now.

Child abuse had been proven to be one of the leading causes of childhood deaths in this nation. If you are being abuse, I urge you to get help. End the cycle, regain control of your life. If you do not feel like you can tell somebody e-mail me with your name, your city and state and your situation (you do not have to give a lot of detail if you are not comfortable with that. Just enough so that the authorities will know what kind of help you need.) I will forward your information to the proper authorities where you are so that they can help you. If you know someone that is being abused please take it seriously and report it now. Abuse will not go away on its own, and it continues to go unreported because people do not want to get involved.

Because of career choices, some of us have a legal responsibility to report any suspicions of abuse; each and every one of us has a moral responsibility and unfortunately, not enough of us take it.

Violence should not be a way of life for any child. Sadly enough it becomes one for the children that are being abused. Because it is all that they have known; maybe they are too afraid to say anything because of threats on their lives or the lives of ones they love; sometimes they are convinced by the perpetrator that the abuse is their fault and that nobody will believe a child over an adult. These innocent children grow up thinking and believing that being hurt by people is a normal part of life that it is an acceptable behavior and then the cycle continues. It is a vicious cycle, and it must be ended.

Lets all work together and join in this fight. By increasing awareness about these crimes that are committed on our children we can bring an end to them. Do not idly stand by and allow it to happen, report it! Even if you just have suspicions, report them. Wouldn't you rather see suspicions investigated and ruled out than another child suffer or die because nobody wanted to get involved? Please do not sit and wait until something happens to you or to someone that you know or someone that you love. Join us in this battle NOW...


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Thank you so very much for visiting!

Did you know that in 1997, in the United States
a child was reported missing every 42 seconds -
That is 850,000 children per year.

The Lost Child.

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***Your comments, suggestions and opinions are very welcome. Feel free to e-mail me.***
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Survivor's Section:
Survivor's stories
Survivor's poetry
Listing of eGroups for survivors
Gifts for survivor's site
Survivor's message board
Survivor's webrings
24 stages of growth for incest survivors
What we want you to know
Body memories

Child Abduction / Runaways:
EMERGENCYPictures of missing children
Child abduction / runaways:
Safety tips for parents
Safety tips for kids
Parental abduction
Profile of a parental abductor
What is stranger abduction and how to prevent it
Informative links

Defining abuse
10 alternatives to lashing out at your child
7 steps to end abuse
Reporting abuse and getting help
Child Abuse Prevention Act - Public Law 100-294
Informative links

Sexual Abuse:
Sexual abuse
Descriptions of the types of sexual abuse
Take 10 minutes to teach your child to be safe
What to do if your child discloses abuse
How a sexually abused child might be feeling
Myths and realities about child molesters
Signs and symptoms of sexual abuse
Informative links

Physical Abuse:
Defining physical abuse
Indicators of physical abuse

Emotional Abuse:
Defining emotional abuse:

Child Neglect:
Defining child neglect
Indicators of physical neglect

Child Pornography:
Child pornography
Child pornography on the IRC
Internet safety for parents and kids
Child pornography laws and legislation
Informative links

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Any and all information used from this web site or any web site linked to/from here, are noway in any shape or form a guarantee for the safety of any child. Information found on this site or any site linked to/from this site is to make parents and children of the dangers. You should use your own discretion when it comes to the safety of any child. This site is not meant to replace the proper authorities, professional help or services. It's sole purpose is that to be a informational resource. If you or someone you know has been or is being abused or has been abducted PLEASEcontact the proper authorities and seek professional assistance.

****This page was created on 2/19/1999****
****This page was updated on 6/17/2001****

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