These are 5 eGroups that I joined a while ago to see if I thought they were helpful and worth suggesting. I have been a member of other e-mail support groups in the past and found them to be pretty useless. There was a lot of arguing and such going on in the group. I wanted to take these for "a test drive", for lack of a better term, before I posted any information about them on my site. I didn't want to suggest anything that wasn't want it appeared to be. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised when I read the posting of these groups. The members are all very supportive, understanding and helpful. Weather you join in the conversations or just read the postings, you find a lot of great suggestions, ideas and warm thoughts. So here are my recommendations for a few eGroups and how to join them. If you have any suggestions of your own, lists that you think should be posted here because they are helpful etc. let me know. I will check them out and post them. You can e-mail me at [email protected]

eGroups and ONElist recently combined their services. If you had an eGroups account, sign in with your eGroups password. If you had a ONElist account, sign in with your ONElist password. If you had accounts on both services using the same e-mail address, sign in with your ONElist password. If you are not a member of either, you can click here to register with e-Groups so that you can join one of their many e-mail support groups:

To see listing of support groups focusing on survivor's of sexual abuse click here:
To see a listing of support groups focusing on survivors of abuse click here:

Able 2 Survive Partners:

Founded on August 11, 1999

This group is for partners and friends of survivors of sexual abuse, rape, incest, etc. It's become increasingly apparent as ABLE2SURVIVE has grown, that spouses or partners of victims need a list of their own to help them deal with problems that arise from their partner's healing journey. I hope that you will be able to find the support you need to continue the difficult walk that you are on as well. It's a very trying time for family members and friends of survivors of abuse. Loved ones may lash out or withdraw from you due to nothing that you have done. Join us here and together we can find that we too are ABLE 2 SURVIVE.

At the time of this posting there are 68 members.

For more information go to:

To ask the list owner questions send an e-mail to: [email protected]
Subscribe to Able 2 Survive Partners
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AMAC (Adult who were molested as children):

Founded on April 22, 1999

This list is open to AMAC's, adults (18 & over ONLY) who were molested as children. Join us to share support and encouragement while working through issues of recovering from childhood & adolescent sexual abuse. If you'd like to feel that you are not alone, there is hope, please request to be subscribed. For safety purposes, this list is moderated. You'll be asked to complete a brief pre-screening and after your subscription is approved you'll be sent a form to introduce yourself to the group. We ask that you participate as much as you are able. That's what makes a support group successful. We'll look forward to talking to you.

At the time of this posting there are 174 members.

For more information go to: or

To ask the list owner questions send an e-mail to: [email protected]

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Butterflys on the web:

Founded on June 2, 1999

For survivors of sexual trauma & those still suffering. Any age or gender welcome, as are all secondary survivors (friends & family of a survivor or victim).

This group is managed by a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I offer no answers or guidance, only an understanding that comes from my own experiences & observations.

I am doing this support group in conjunction with my web site. It is dedicated to those who have suffered as a result of sexual assault, harassment, incest and rape. While the main focus is on sexual abuse it is not exclusive to mental, physical, emotional or verbal abuse as they all tend to be parts of a whole.

At the time of this posting there are 102 members.

For more information go to: or

To ask the list owner questions send an e-mail to: [email protected]

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Incest Survivors:

Founded on August 4, 1998

List intended to regroup long term incest survivors - WE TOO CAN FUNCTION NORMALLY - yearning to help out those who wish to come out of their unhealthy environment. -- Post your length of time abused; your new lifestyle; and how do you cope with the past.

At the time of this posting there are 227 members.

For more information go to:

To ask the list owner questions send an e-mail to: [email protected]

Subscribe to incest-survivors
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Secondary Circle:

Founded on April 5, 2000

This is a private email support group for non-offending Parents, Partners, Loved ones and friends of sexual abuse and rape survivors. NO FLAMING allowed. Please note: In order to provide the highest level of privacy possible, this group does not archive messages and therefor you will not be able to read posts through the web page.

At the time of this posting there are 96 members.

For more information go to: or

To ask the list owner questions send an e-mail to: [email protected]

Subscribe to secondarycircle
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background from Chandra's free graphics

Survivor's Section
