Indicators of physical abuse:

Unexplained bruises and welts on the face,
torso, back, buttocks or thighs

Identifiable shape of object used to inflict the injury.
Such as a belt, electrical cord, etc.

Injuries that appear with regularity after absence, weekend or vacation.

Unexplained burns on the soles of feet,
palms, back, buttocks or head

Hot water/immersion burns.
Glove-like, sock-like or doughnut-shaped burn
on buttocks or genitals

Unexplained fractures or dislocations

Behavioral Indicators

Child states he/she "deserves" punishment

Wary of adult contact

Fearful when others cry

Behavioral extremes:
overly aggressive, or very withdrawn

Frightened of parents or caretakers

Afraid to go home

Child reports injury by parent or caretaker

Inappropriate/immature acting out

from the Survivors Foundation
