Welcome to the Save Our Children Webring. This web ring was created to help increase the awareness about all of the horrible things that happen to our children; sexual, physical, mental, and emotional abuse; child abduction - both stranger and parental; child pornography; and child neglect, etc. This ring is for anyone who wants to help increase awareness and Save Our Children!

If you meet the requirements listed below, and have any problems when submitting this form please e-mail me with all of the information required by the form and I will add you to the queue and e-mail you with the correct code for your site. Thank you for your patience. And thank you for joining in the fight!

Requirements that your page must meet:

1.) No pornographic or "X" material of any type. Any site found with this type of content will not be allowed or removed from the ring immediately.

2.) Have sufficient depth of content, not just a site full of links. Your site does not have to be 100% about crimes committed against children. You just have to want to help in some way, the more sites that there have some information the better chance there is that a child's life will be saved.

If you meet all of the requirements listed above, you may join the ring by filling out the form on the bottom of this page. Once you have submited your information to the ring, will be added to the queue automatically and will be sent an e-mail with the HTML code that you will need to add to your page. You will need to cut and paste this code into your page. You will also need to save the graphic to your server. There are 2 choices, if you would like the butterfly graphic you can copy it fromthis page. If you would like the teddy bear graphic click on the "find HTML code here" page the link is at the bottom of this page. (Please read all of the information on the "find HTML code here" page if you want the other graphic0, Once the HTML code and graphics have been added to your page, e-mail me and I will review your site. If your site is approved I will move you from the queue to the active ring. (I will try to activate your site within a week from when you submit it.) If you have any problems, e-mail me at [email protected] me and I will do my best to assist you.

How is the ring integrity ensured?
As Ring Master, I periodically check all member's pages to make sure that they are still up and contain the required ring HTML code. If any page is found lacking the proper HTML code, it will be moved to the queue pending repair. I will notify the webmaster, by e-mail, that they have 96 hours to correct the problem or the page will be removed from the ring. Once a page has been removed, it will have to be re-submitted in order to be put back into the ring. I don't mean to sound harsh, but this is a necessary evil to ensure that the entgerity of the ring.

Click here to visit the ringmaster's homepage

This is how the correct Webring HTML code should look.


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This RingSurf Net Ring is owned by Save Our Children

Get the HTML code and graphics here.

Submit a site to Save Our Children Net Ring

Site Title:

Site URL:

This must be the URL to the page the netring code is on.

Site Owner:

EMail Address:

Year of Birth: (ie: 1999)

By law, we cannot collect personal information on anyone under the age of 13. Because of this we do not allow anyone 13 or under to Join a RingSurf Net Ring, or become a Ringmaster, and thus we are forced to ask you to specify your birthdate. If you are under the age of 14, you may not become a member of RingSurf. You may use the Ring Directory and use any existing ring, you just may not start a new ring, or add your website to an existing ring. See our privacy statement if you have any questions on how we handle your personal data.



Site Description:

If are unable to submit the form by clicking on the "Add Your Site" button
please e-mail me with all of the information at [email protected]
I will add you to the queue and you will receive the HTML code by e-mail.
(You will still need to copy the graphic from this site.)
