Sexual Abuse / Pedophilia

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No Pedophilia on the Net logo

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The Children's Protection and Advocacy Coalition
Children's Protection and Advocacy Coalition

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Safe Guard Our Children logo

Test your knowledge - a quiz about abuse

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IL Registered Child Sex Offenders

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Protection From Sexual Predators Act logo
The Protection From Sexual Predators Act of 1997

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SAIP logo

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Pandora's Box logo
Pandora's Box

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Help in the Fight Against Pedophilia

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A story of sexual abuse - Daddy no.

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Child Abuse is Killing Our Children
Includes the story of Dolores Markee, who is in prison
because she killed her ex-husband who was allegedly molesting their daughter.

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Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN)

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Essential Information on Abuse, Assault, Rape & Domestic Violence.

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Sexual Abuse