*About 95% of victims know their perpetrators....

*70% of men who batter women also batter their children....

*Over 3 children died each day in 1995 as a result of parental maltreatment....

*Children who grow up in a family where there is domestic violence are 8 times more likely to be sexually molested within that family....

*There were 2 1/2 million reports of sexual and physical abuse of children in 1993....

*90-95% of all abuse cases go unreported to the police....

*50% of infants in the United States are in someone else's care....

*41 states require no training for child care providers....

*Child abuse is 15 times more likely to occur in families where domestic violence is present...

*Men who have witnessed their parents' domestic violence are three times
more likely to abuse their own wives than children of non violent parents.
**The sons of the most violent parents being 1000 times more likely to become wife beaters...

*Children who witness violence at home display emotional
and behavioral disturbances as diverse as:
**aggression against peers, family members and property
**low self-esteem

*A comparison of delinquent and non-delinquent youth
found that a history of family violence or abuse
is the most significant difference between the two groups...

*Over 3 million children are at risk of exposure to parental violence each year...


*In 1998 approximately 47 out of every 1,000 children were reported as victims of maltreatment.


*In 1997, 3,195,000 children were reported for child abuse and neglect to CPS agencies in the U.S.
**This represents a 1.7% increase over the number of children reported in 1996.
**Child abuse reporting levels have increased by 41% between 1988 and 1997.

*CPS confirmed 1,054,000 of those children as victims of maltreatment.
**That is approximately 15 out of every 1,000 U.S. children.

*Of the confirmed cases:
**54% were neglect
**22% were physical abuse
**12% were maltreatment
**8% were sexual abuse
**4% were emotional maltreatment

*This represents a change from 1996 when:
**55% from neglect
**26% were from physical abuse
**16% from sexual abuse
**8% from emotional maltreatment

*Approximately 84,320 new cases of child sexual abuse were accepted for service,
this account for 8% of all confirmed victims.

*Based on information from 18 states,
reports of abuse in day care, foster care, or other institutional care settings
only represents about 3% of all the confirmed cases in 1997.
**This percentage has remained consistent over the past eleven years.

*88% of respondents named substance as one of the top two problems
presented by families reported for maltreatment.
This percentage is higher than in previous years.
*This suggests that after several years of improvement,
substance abuse is again surfacing as a primary contributor to maltreatment.


*In 1996 1,185 abuse and neglect related fatalities were confirmed by CPS agencies.
*This means that more than 3 children die unnecessarily each day as a result of abuse or neglect.
*The rate of abuse related fatalities has increased by 34% since 1985.

*Between 1995 and 1997:
**78% of the fatalities were under the age of 5
**38% were under the age of 1

*The cause of these deaths:
**44% from neglect
**51% from physical abuse
**5% from a combination of the two
*Approximately 41% of these deaths were children
known to CPS agencies as current or prior clients.


*In 1994, 1271 abuse and neglect related fatalities were reported,
that would be 3.5 deaths per day.
**88% of those were children under the age of 5.
**46% were under the age of 1.

*The causes of death were broken down as follows:
**42% were from neglect
**54% from physical abuse
**4% from a combination of the two.
*Approximately 45% of the children were already known to the
child protection service (CPS) agencies as current or former clients.

*3,140,000 children were reported for child abuse
and neglect to the CPS in the U.S.
**This represents a 4.5% increase from 1993.
**1,036,000 children were substantiated as victims of maltreatment,
that is approximately 16 out of 1,000 children.
